Sex, sluts and relationships

I hear women often ask the question

Am I a slut?

Well let's get something straight, this is a topic I've wanted to write about for a while due to the overuse and misuse of the term.

To answer that question we must first answer the main question.

What is a slut?

According to Oxford dictionary a slut is

A woman who has many casual sexual partners.

Sex, sluts and relationships

Now if being a slut is an act than how could someone dress sluty?

From what the media tells us it is to dress provocatively.

Sex, sluts and relationships

This looks fine to me and so does this.

Sex, sluts and relationships

The clothes you wear do not make you promiscuous, it is the actions you take that do. So calling clothes "slutty" makes no sense.

Lastly I will talk about slut shaming and relationships.

Why do women hate sluts?

Simple, because they aren't getting any and are jealous.

Sex, sluts and relationships

They may claim to have the moral high ground and what not but at the end of the day they are just jealous because they can't get a guy.

Sex, sluts and relationships

If you want sex than do something that will make you look better than the other girl or at the very least be more outgoing and confident than you currently are. Guys always want an attractive and confident girl.

Sex is not only with the person you love but something you do for fun

Now for those of you that claim that you're waiting for Mr. Right to take your virginity and that is why you look down on sluts. I've got news for you. Sex is no longer about love and respect and whatever else you think it is about. It is about having fun and enjoying yourself. It is very unlikely that you will find someone in this day and age that wants a loving relationship with very little sex. Those who claim they do, most likely say that because they can't get it anywhere else so they have to wait for you to give it to them.

Sex, sluts and relationships

Sex should not be seen as something sacred because it isn't. It is a physical act between two consenting indivuduals. If you keep claiming that it is you will never find a guy that will want to be with you since all relationships require it. Some require more than others based on the sexual needs of each individual.

So go out there and try to meet someone. Whether it be just for sex or for a relationship.

Life's too short to be constantly judging people who are happy. Instead go find your own happiness.

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  • Good take though I'd have to disagree with you. People should not through out their morals because of what you say or what the "majority" of societies say, if a man or women is waiting for "mr (s) right" Then that is there decision. Just like you said people should not "slut shame" don't look down on other for their beliefs.

    Now I agree sex is a big part of this society as a whole, but it is not a big part of each individuals life.

  • * Sarcasm *
    Yeah we can't get guys bc what guy want a unused girl? I mean guys hate girls that don't sleep with everyone! I know guys hate virgins bc they haven't took slept with a lot of people. We are just so jealous! We wish we could just have sex with everyone!

    * No more sarcasm*
    You are wrong about us be jealous bc I'm a Virgin and I'm waiting for marriage to have sex. I'm not jealous at all. I know some girls like to have sex a lot but I'm not that type of girl. I honestly want to stay with one guy my whole life ( not everyone's thing ).

    * Herds of sluts / man sluts come running to this question to ether get offended, say I'm missing out or still say I'm lying about being jealous. *

    • no one takes you seriously anyway

    • @the_champ ahh the first man whore to arrive. Welcome. Which are you now? Press one for OFFENDED Press two for SAYING IM MISSING OUT Press three for SAYING IM JEALOUS Press four for OTHER

    • or Press five if you don't care wether people get laid or not because the amount of people you sleep with, doesn't determine your value in any shape or form

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  • Sluts - makes bad decisions and goes crazy after that.

  • I actually agree with this. I personally think all of these slut shaming is caused by male insecurities. "She is mine! She will act as I dictated her to. She will dress as I demand. No more looking at the other guy, you slut!"

    • I think it's more about jealous females than insecure males but it has leaked into the vernacular of insecure males as well.

  • Who are you to decide that sex isn't about love anymore? For plenty of people that's the case.
    And I'm no way jealous of girls who choose to sleep around with lots of guys. They are sluts, period. If they choose the lifestyle fine, but at least they should own it proudly.
    Such a stupid take.

    • The more I read your opinions on GaG, the more I'm interested in what you have to say. Well said.

  • Are there just as many people who go around telling girls "You're such a virgin!" or "You dress so virginally!"? I don't think so. Live and let live. Don't like their behaviors? Then don't imitate them. Don't want to be with them? Then don't ask them out.
    I don't get why people love to use that word slut so much. There are party girls here who great each other with "Hey slut!" kisses to the cheeks.. like WTF?

    • You're right

  • Someone's gonna say slut for something or someone... guys can be sluts too.

    • Can we? Now you tell me I've been missing out all these years :-(

  • I luuuurve men + sex and will NEVER make any apologies for it... the end :)

    Upfront-serial-dater right here :)

    • I was beginning to think girls like you don't exist on this site anymore. : )

    • @TwistedLogic (smiling) mI glad I could revive your faith. Peace xo

    • @TwistedLogic *Im

  • I completely agrees with you. for me it's always physical first before emotions and connection. my ex was a one night stand and I was with him for 3 years. if I find a guy attractive, we ll go on dates and I ll sleep with him maybe on 1st date maybe on the 2nd or 3rd or sometimes I just dun bother going on dates you'll get my body before u ll get my heart.
    P. S: My housemate just slut shamed me yesterday cuz I took a guy home and she asked is he my new boyfriend and I said no and she was like oh you slept with him and he's not ur bf? I was like "yup" and she gave me that look lol

    • Finally a woman that gets me :) The mind and body are separate but the mind is definitely worth more. Your housemate is probably ugly and just jealous of you.

    • Wanna go on a date haha

  • agree but disagree.

    sex means little when you give it no meaning. meaningless sex is not really all that fulfilling and a personal connection makes the sex way better. without exception.

    Not everyone who dislikes promiscuity is JEALOUS. Sex is not some amazing great super duper thing that is the sole purpose of our lives. Sex does not define who wins and who loses. Sex literally is just sex, stop giving it disproportionate amount of importance in life.

    I love sex as much as the next dude, but I can't bring myself to say that neither I nor any person should be pedestalized or worshipped just cuz we did the deed. Also quality over quantity, if a girl is sleeping around because she is single and all that's great but if she's routinely gravitating towards trashy men with trashy morals no matter her own appearance, it says a lot about her.

    THe same way that if I go around sleeping with prostitutes and 'easy' girls or women with absolutely no values it says a lot about me. It says that I cannot control my own desires and that my desires are stronger than my values. Anything I say I believe in is moot because I will throw away all those values and morals when the actual test comes. To me that proves that I am (and I truly was) a pathetic, weak person.

    What you'll see is that the people who deserve each other end up together. Almost always.

    • Totally agree. There have also been times where I've had dry spells and the only women interested in me were ones I had no interest in. Now I could have hooked up with them and gotten laid, but I'm not desperate. Some guys will say you should just fuck her for the experience and that's just desperation. Same with dating a girl I'm not into just to prove I can get a girlfriend and so I'm not alone. Very shitty thing to do and a waste of time. You're better off waiting until you find someone you like which is easier said than done but still.

  • (Why do women hate sluts? Simple, because they aren't getting any and are jealous.)

    nope, sorry not buying it

    Most girls who are average looking or better can get sex pretty easily , comittment is what girls struggle to find.

    If a girl slut shames another girl it isn't because she's jealous that the other girl is getting sex. She could easily get sex too if she really wanted to. She does it because she wants to find a guy who will wait for sex and when the "slutty" girls are out there offering free sex they are making it harder for the her to find guys willing to wait. So rather than lower her demands she decides to damage the reputation of the competition.

    • I agree

  • "Sex is no longer about love and respect" -- I'll just cut off my penis now, I don't need it anymore.

  • I am definitely not jealous over a broke b*tch that f*cks around everyday I mean if I'd be jealous I'd just do the same as her? Sex is not just for fun, it should be something u only do with someone you truly love you can't just give your everything to a nobody and that second pic of those little girls is the worst!!! This is provocative and dangerous! They're so young no one should view them as sexual objects

    • And here come the hateful comments I've been waiting for. I was starting to think everyone agreed with me. At least now myTake is on the front page woohoo. I will respond point by point any swearing that you use is ignored. "you can't just give your everything" - your body is the vessel that holds your mind, in order for you to give a man everything you would have to give him an emotional connection as well and be dumped afterwards. In other words you have to be tricked into a one night stand with a guy you thought you had a connection with. What I'm saying is purely consensual and both parties know what the end result is, the release of sexual urges. Much like masturbation except instead of a dildo you have a real man's penis. "that second pic of those little girls is the worst!!! This is provocative and dangerous!" How is it dangerous? What they wear is their choice and does not mean that they want to get raped. Yes there will be men that will lust over them...

    • //got cut off here's the continuation
      but lust has always existed and does not give the the right to rape them. If rape occurs it is the fault of the rapist not the girl for using her freedom of expression.

      "They're so young no one should view them as sexual objects" Every male and female of legal consenting age that is willing to participate in sexual intercourse knows that they will only have sex if the other person finds them physically attractive. A man will not have sex with a woman if she is not physically attractive no matter how great of a person she is. Would you have sex with this man even if you had an emotional connection?

      Check out this myTake on Objectification

    • You're babbling about facts and sh*t and that only means that you got no morals, I'm sorry but I'd never not in a million years would let my 13 years old daughter go out with that kind of outfit, it's okay to show a bit cleavage with 16 or older but this is way too much, sooooo many guys take advantage of such girls and honestly everyone knows that sluts live as sad and lonely humans unless they find a guy like you or change but most men don't like such woman, a woman has to have standards and morals.

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  • Yes, FINALLY. SOMEONE gets it. I was going to write a myTake on this but I got too lazy. Man, I've been trying to say this exact thing for months. Please - STANDING OVATION.

    This man deserves a round of applause.

    • Yes, it's all petty insecurity and unnecessary judgments.

    • Thank you :)

  • I endorse this take. I'd follow you had you not posted anonymously.

    • I sent you a message feel free to follow me

    • Me too pls :)

  • I agree with the clothes and freely having sex when you want doesn't make you slutty but the rest is total bullshit.

  • Good Take.

    I don't think it's just girls calling girls sluts, though.

    Anyway, I'd rather hang out with a slut than someone who is constantly judging others.

  • So you may very well have sex with a slut, and what about being in a relationship with her? Would people who think like you ever be in a lasting relationship? Well, I dont think so, and even if you do continue for a while with a slut (who might also be cheating or even do it freely in front of you by taking your opinion "sex is an enjoyment"), or make the mistake of getting married and having children you will end up creating a broken home.
    And if every person on earth thinks like you, well you can imagine what this world would be like, no difference between humans and animals.

    • I'm actually going to cover that in a different myTake about polyamory/open relationships and how love for the body and love for the mind is separate. I can date a girl, not expect sex from her and get it elsewhere if I need it but still remain faithful. I will elaborate in detail at a later date it's just I'm getting sleepy right now since it's 1:30 am. All humans are is a type of animal. Some would say that we are far worse since only we invented a means that could destroy us all in an instant.

    • Well, true to some extent of what your saying, but nothing wrong with having a little fun

    • @ Take owner , " I can date a girl, not expect sex from her and get it elsewhere if I need it but still remain faithful." Wouldn't that just be like a having a normal friend , how is that a relationship? and how does that make you faithful?

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  • A slut is a girl you don't like and who has the same sexual morals as a guy.
    A slut is a girl who has more sex than you.
    A slut is a girl who turned you down and dates another guy.
    etc, etc.

  • You shouldn't dictate what sex is, it's different to everybody. To me it is sacred, that's just how I personally feel about it, I'm not saying other people should see it as that.
    If I keep claiming it is sacred I'll never find a guy who wants to be with me? Wtf is that nonsense lol? One, with all of the guys I've been on dates with, I've made it clear my views on sex and how I'd only have sex in a committed relationship. It didn't deter them from pursuing me, in fact, some actually respected me more for it. Also that statement doesn't make sense because sex can still be sacred in a relationship.
    The premise of your take is to live without other people judging you but you're judging people who don't want to just have sex willy nilly. It's sort of hypocritical.

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