Sex, sluts and relationships

I hear women often ask the question

Am I a slut?

Well let's get something straight, this is a topic I've wanted to write about for a while due to the overuse and misuse of the term.

To answer that question we must first answer the main question.

What is a slut?

According to Oxford dictionary a slut is

A woman who has many casual sexual partners.

Sex, sluts and relationships

Now if being a slut is an act than how could someone dress sluty?

From what the media tells us it is to dress provocatively.

Sex, sluts and relationships

This looks fine to me and so does this.

Sex, sluts and relationships

The clothes you wear do not make you promiscuous, it is the actions you take that do. So calling clothes "slutty" makes no sense.

Lastly I will talk about slut shaming and relationships.

Why do women hate sluts?

Simple, because they aren't getting any and are jealous.

Sex, sluts and relationships

They may claim to have the moral high ground and what not but at the end of the day they are just jealous because they can't get a guy.

Sex, sluts and relationships

If you want sex than do something that will make you look better than the other girl or at the very least be more outgoing and confident than you currently are. Guys always want an attractive and confident girl.

Sex is not only with the person you love but something you do for fun

Now for those of you that claim that you're waiting for Mr. Right to take your virginity and that is why you look down on sluts. I've got news for you. Sex is no longer about love and respect and whatever else you think it is about. It is about having fun and enjoying yourself. It is very unlikely that you will find someone in this day and age that wants a loving relationship with very little sex. Those who claim they do, most likely say that because they can't get it anywhere else so they have to wait for you to give it to them.

Sex, sluts and relationships

Sex should not be seen as something sacred because it isn't. It is a physical act between two consenting indivuduals. If you keep claiming that it is you will never find a guy that will want to be with you since all relationships require it. Some require more than others based on the sexual needs of each individual.

So go out there and try to meet someone. Whether it be just for sex or for a relationship.

Life's too short to be constantly judging people who are happy. Instead go find your own happiness.

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41 39
  • The problem with this is that when these sluts will realize how they destroyed their chance to be happy in the long run, it will be too late.

    When beauty will start fading away, they won't find a valuable man to settle with, because no valuable man is foolish or desperate enough to get a walking cumbucket as a life partner.

    But once again... it will be too late to change anything when they will be capable of realizing this on their own.
    Kind of like when heavy smokers suddenly discover they have cancer and they're gonna die... It's too late.

    • I doubt you'd know what a "valuable man" was if it hit you on the head...

    • A girl can lie about her sexual history, easily. What then?

    • "A girl can lie about her sexual history, easily. What then? " Then it makes her not only a slut but also a worthless lying piece of crap, and I blame the poor man who will get fooled by such whore. But if this is your solution.. you must be a great person lol. On a side note, nothing tells you he won't find out eventually.

  • Wow, Sex is just for fun? Sorry, but that's not true. SO you're telling me that humans no longer do sex for love? Just fun? Sorry, but everyone in this world will be so unhappy if that shit ever became true.

    • That is one reason so many people are, that attitude is surprisingly popular.

    • I know, it's sad, when I lose my virginity it won't be just for "fun". What a twat this guy is for making this myTake.

  • "If you call someone a slut you're just jealous"... -.- what's there to be jealous of, I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years and get sex all the time. And I still call girls sluts sometimes. Are you saying a girl that cheats isn't a slut? Opening their legs to every male. Stupid skanks. Are we jealous because we want all those diseases or something? Hahah you must be a slut if you're sticking up for them..

    • If you cheat on someone then you're not a slut anymore but a cheater... I see what he wanted to say by the sentence "if you call someone a slut then you're jealous" it's because people in general try to look for the negatives of others to make them selves look better this goes to everything discrimination, racism all sorts but that's just human nature... People rather look for the bad stuff on others rather than admitting to someone that they're actions would take courage or giving compliments if you're calling people you don't know sluts then that means you have a reason in your mind against them and you calling them makes you feel better but this is how people always kick off with each other and have fights/arguments

    • Agreed 👍

    • no, but then not everybody gives a fuck aobut your morals.

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  • Spoken like a true sociopath that doesn't care abput using sex and love to try and manipulate and hurt people. You are no better than the women who do this. You know the aluts you glorify.

  • Peopel are free to do whatever they want, but I do believe in marriage before sex, not the other way around.

  • The thing about being a "slut" is that humanity lost its concept of pudor. But that doesn't just goes for women, men are slutty too. People not only have many sexual partners, which is technically not the problem, they brag about it and yell it to the world like it was a game, like it was nothing. So sex itself has lost its value, even when's just for pleasure and fun. No value, no respect. As we still live in a sexist society and sex has quite lost its value, a girl who gives in too fast and too much easily becomes: A slut. Something with less value. And even though men doesn't get that title officially, I've never seen a promiscuous men easily get a nice and respectful girl. Beauty goes away and most people someday will wish for I don't know a marriage or something a little bit more steady, and doesn't matter its gender, it'll probably have some trouble with that.

  • Sex is serious. It should be taken seriously.

    Condoms aren't 100 percent effective.
    You could end up pregnant with somebody you don't even love. Meaning the relationship won't last and that kid will end up in another fucked up family.

    You're a moron

    • Abortions and adoptions are always an option

    • Condoms with birth control pills minimize the chances significantly. Everything you do in life has a risk, even crossing the street but you don't lock yourself inside and ask to be taken to your destination in an armoured vehicle.

    • take owner- abortions should never be used as a form of contraception. It should be a last resort, if you don't want to get pregnant, use protection. Simple. You're being so black and white about things; abortions and the whole adoption process can be very traumatic. Why go through all of that when you could have avoided it in the first place?

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  • This Mytake sounds really crabby. People who are sluts and peaple who are uptight should be allowed to do what feels comfortable to them. If they like having lots of frivolous sex, cool. If not cool. If they're waiting for their true love, why shame them? If they like being slutty why put them down? Why should anyone but them care? Ugh.

    • Stupid fucking world.

    • You make some good points.

  • I agree with everything except the part of "all relationships require [sex]". People also look for companionship sometimes, and it is often much more important than sex.


  • Just to make it clear I don't slut shame. I think that a girl embracing her own body and sexuality and seeking pleasure is a pretty damn cool thing. BUT for you to say girls who call other girls sluts do so "because they aren't getting any and are jealous" makes you seem quite simpleminded in my opinion

    • What other reason would someone have to shame a happy person?

    • @OP Their own moral beliefs.

    • Everyone has their own moral values. Very few are universal

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  • Wow shots fired at people who choose to wait until marriage you hypocrite.
    Plenty of people both MEN and women slut shame and it doesn't necessarily mean they don't have a sex life either.
    Just stop your vapid generalizations.
    And to think I liked where this take was going.

    • Only those who think they are better because they are waiting until marriage

  • Well, this is food for thought, interesting take. Some of my thoughts are that sluts were everywhere in saloons in the old wild west. I waited until marriage to have sex only to find out he was not able to perform.. ever.. wow! no wonder he wanted to wait and seal the deal first!! Fast forward.. getting a divorce.

    Had sex once on the 3rd date and it was mindblowing.. it wasn't that great later but fell in love with the fella. Does that make me a slut.. maybe not. I do think there are some jealous women that would slut shame you because they are insecure, no matter how you dressed, acted, etc

    As far as dressing slutty.. I do think there is a line of being appropriate or not.. there is a difference between sexy and slutty dress.. I think.

  • Totally agree fucking and having sex with people you hook up, why not? were people !!

  • Generally, yeah I agree.

    Saying women call out sluts because they're jealous is putting it really simply but I agree. I'm surprised there aren't more women trying to belittle you for this statement, and that there aren't more self-righteous girls defending the sanctity of sex but also saying the 'don't judge people for having sex.'

    • Thank you :) I'm surprised too I thought there would be a lot of hate.

    • Because times are changing and girls are realizing it is okay to have sexual urges. Society has deemed it unacceptable for women to feel this way for so long (regardless of the constant sexualization of women in the media), but now it is becoming more and more acceptable. I don't necessarily agree with the jealousy statement. If a woman truly wanted to have casual sexual relationships with people, she would. There are plenty of men out there willing, even for unattractive girls. I think women call out sluts because they don't necessarily agree with their lifestyle and you know how some people can be (they attack things they dont understand or views they deem morally acceptable). It's that way with a lot of things. Kind of like how some Christians will talk badly and attack athiest (and vice versa). They dont understand it and think that their views are right and the other person is wrong for thinking this way

    • What I mean by "putting it really simply" is that even if women aren't interested in casual sexual relationships I think they can still perceive "sluts" as stealing/distracting/corrupting potential mates. "Society has deemed it unacceptable for women to feel this way" has it really? I feel like people have been generally accepting of it as they are now for decades, but girls have just been the last ones to realise it's ok. Like they were looking around at everyone for a while thinking "wait are they serious, it's ok?" then eventually after that had to keep asking "are you sure it's ok?" over and over until they were finally convinced it's acceptable.

  • i love sluts...

  • Great take. I agree. A slut is a girl who has sex casually. It doesn't make her better or worst unless you want to talk religion and most people on here and in the general media public don't want to equate it to such things so with that part aside there's no other reason to slut shame other than like you said they are jealous.

    There's two type of women who slut shame:

    1. Those who are jealous because they can't get a guy. These are the ones who might be virgins and/or they are single all the time. They believe it's "wrong" to have sex casually and yet within part of their nature they may feel jealous because while they struggle to even date a man the slut is fucking guy after guy and getting all the attention. She's out competing her. They may feel she's more attractive or more seductive because of all the attention she gets.

    2. Those who want what they believe they can't have. These do have a guy. They are in a relationship. A monogamous one. They believe that they are impure or immoral if they are with more than one guy despite part of them wanting attention from a bunch of men themselves. They will deny it. They'll say they are happy with their man and he's all they need in their life. They'll try to degrade slutty women to make themselves feel better. Some women even cheat.

    As far as the confident girl vs the unconfident. Some of the slutty girls are shy and geeky dorks. I think confident girls for sure can be slutty but there are plenty who are strictly monogamous.

    I agree that you shouldn't sell yourself short. Again if you don't have any religious background I just don't see how it should matter to save sex. So many women out there will get in a relationship early on (in my age range) and through their 20s just from one monogamous "right way" relationship to another. Then they get 30 and hit that sexual peak and that's when they realize that they haven't discovered themselves. All this time they've been trying to appeal to someone else be it their SO or their kids (if they have them) or what society has created. The image society has created. They worship that image and try to be like it. Discover yourself while you're young. Get it out now. That's what I do.

    • Slut shaming is only possible if the person is ashamed of what they did. I say have sex as often as you can with who you want. Make sure you get something out of it