Sex: The Truth about Double Standards

Now this is going to be a short mytake but I would like to address the double standards when it comes to casual sex, hooking up, one night stands, etc.

Sex: The Truth about Double Standards

Now I do not know how it is for gay men relationships but I will do my best to address both.

Sex: The Truth about Double Standards

However for this part I would like to address the only type of relationships that I am familiar with, heterosexual relationships. So without further ado, here we go.

Sex: The Truth about Double Standards


If a women has casual sex, it has no benefit to her whatsoever other than lack of self esteem and a possible baby out of wedlock. If a woman who has had casual sex gets married or in a relationship and the guy knows she had it, it will bother him even if he is a guy who has hooked up a lot as well. No matter how many times she may have proven she is not the same person, she will be constantly reminded of her past no matter what. Especially if the guy has an excuse to bring it up. She may always be seen as a ho, slut, pick a name, etc.

Sex: The Truth about Double Standards


A men can sleep with a lot of women and still be seen as a gentleman no matter what if he decides to settle down with one woman. It's almost as if his past has disappeared, see the difference? A man will not be constantly reminded of his past by his girlfriend/wife. Even if a girl he has hooked up with who he remembers in the past, it still will not be looked down upon because in society men are expected to "just be boys" and release their primal urges.

Sex: The Truth about Double Standards

Of course even lots of hookups in sex are looked down upon in the gay male community. A man will be seen as having issues if he gets around a lot, and similar to women (not just like women) men will look past them for relationship potential.

Sex: The Truth about Double Standards
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  • good point

  • I think women who don't sleep around are a bigger reason than men who see them as "easy". Most men (especially ones not wanting a relationship) will be more interested in women who are sexually active.

    That makes it incredibly difficult for these other women to compete, especially the ones who save themselves for marriage. Hence you get slut shaming.

  • The myTake that could have been a question... and has been a question many many times.
    "Why is it ok for a guy to sleep around but not a girl?"

    The truth is it ISN'T. The only people who think it's ok for guys to be womanizers are other womanizers. Just like the only females who whine about how unfair it is that men can do it are women who actually do it and don't want to have the stigma.

    Regardless of the sex, a person who swaps body fluid with a large number of other people is gross. It's why we have a multitude of STD's floating around.

    • I think you are right

    • You're not using your logic. Being logical is much more important than being polically correct. However the importance of the two have recently flipped. The truth is men are very different from women. Biologically Speaking, the role of a man is to procreate and spread his genes as much as possible where as the role of a woman is to be selective. That's the reality. So when a person negates all of those things, that person is either illogical of not very intelligent.

    • @Mysterioustruth and yeah get STDs and HIV.

  • this might have been true 20, even 10 years ago but honestly women today are NOT getting treated this harshly by society anymore, especially in the western world.

    I can count the times on one hand I've heard the word "slut" or even "whore" in the last 10 years. Feminism has done it's best to allow the women to do whatever she feels wants (either right or wrong).

    Also I've slept with over 35 girls. When I was younger this was probably bragging rights, but now that I'm in my 30s not as much. I'm reluctant to admit this to classy women (although I've met very few lately). My second to last ex was one of the very few decent women I knew. She prodded me on several occasions about "what my number" was. I refused to tell her. I felt like it might have hurt our relationship if she knew I was a quasi man whore.

    Nowadays I think women shame other women MORE than men shame women for sexual promiscuity. There are of course risks of having sex (unwanted pregnancies, stds) but other than it it supposed to be a MUTUALLY enjoyable experience for both genders. Yet I still see women trying to use it as a bargaining chip.

    Also bringing up gay relationships really complicated the point you are trying to make in this post. You should have made that issue into a different take. Quit trying to be overly politically correct because it only muddled your argument.

    • I don't know. I few years ago, I was called a slut for living with a man. I still think that this thinking is very relevant today, and in western society.

    • @Poppykate how long ago was this? And who called you a slut? Sounds like you were called this only once. I really like how women complain about being called a slut, whore etc. However men are still open season for every name in he book (creep, douche bag, mother fucker, etc)

    • "Nowadays I think women shame other women MORE than men shame women for sexual promiscuity." This does seem to be the truth, at least in my experience. I have even mentioned this before in another posting similar to this one, where women were accusing men of being the only people to ever do the "slut-shaming." I can't count how many times I have attended a party to hear a group of girls pointing out how much of a slut another girl was because they saw her flirting with a guy, or because she had slept with another guy the previous night, etc. It is not often I hear any men shaming a woman for her sexual promiscuity, unless it's just done in anger and an immature reaction to rejection, or something. Women are much more genuine with the shaming and will often be the ones to actually spread the rumor. I only know who the 'sluts' are at a party because of the women who have pointed that out.

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  • so right

  • hmmmm... someone has something to be ashamed about. Admit it, you have had a lot of sex and you feel guilty for it. That's why your writing this take.

    Men's biological mindset is to 'spread his genes,' that's why men get respect for it.

  • why do women whine so much?

    • Why do men whine so much?

    • @anastasiasgun we generally dont, women whine far more than men do.

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  • It's mostly women thta slut shame.

    • Well it really goes both ways, but it is worse when women do it to each other in my opinion.

  • Its like a wise man once said
    "If a key can open many doors then it is a master key. If a door can be opened by many keys then it is useless"

    • If a sharpener sharpens many pencils, it's amazing. But, a pencil that gets sharpened by many sharpeners ends up being useless. I can only shove my foot up one sexist man's ass at a time, but with effort, multiple foots can be shoved up the same sexist ass. Hope my analogies help you realize how stupid you sound. Don't judge others for their past if you don't want to be judged by yours. I really hope that you don't say stuff like that in front of women you sleep with. Poor girls :(

    • @KaseyRouqe Lol thats not even a comparrison, if a pencil can be sharpened by many sharpeners that makes it good... did you even read what you wrote hun? And sexist? You know how nature works, a man must work hard for a partner, men activly seek out women. So no shit its easier for women to get banged then the opposite way around. If sexism is realism then let it be, so sorry the world dosnt fit your feminist agenda

    • My point isn't that my analogy is any good, it's that the use of these types of analogies are useless. Trust me sweetie you don't need to explain. I get that men are jealous that they don't get sex as easily as women can but I don't think you see that maybe it's that way to make up for other hardships that we have and men don't. For instance being physically weaker by nature. I'm not much for random hookups but if I were, I'd rather not get judged for it. Indeed sexism is realism and, even though not to the same degree, being a man has its hardships. But it doesn't mean that I have to seat down and not voice my concerns.

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  • I see nothing new here. It's just another anti-slut shaming take.

    • How so? Seems like you see what you want to see

    • Yeah I read the title and clicked on it only to figure that it doesn't have anything new in it.

    • Ok so if it does not have anything new, then why are you still hanging around on it?

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  • Women just want to try and be like men

  • I don't think casual sex in gay communities is looked down upon. In fact it's promoted, which explains high rate of HIV infections and other stds among them.

    • I never said it was looked down upon

    • "Of course even lots of hookups in sex are looked down upon in the gay male community." Your words in this myTake

  • Maybe we should have triple standards. I mean 3 bases is better than 2.