Sexuality "Seen Through My Eyes"

Eyes wide open
Eyes wide open

Sexuality and sex are two different things. Sex is the actual act of intercourse, whereas sexuality is the sexual feeling and sexual attitude you possess.

Let your sexuality shine
Let your sexuality shine

Sexuality is something you should embrace, never something to hide or be ashamed of. We are all sexual beings, some just let it show, while others feel it's something to hide.

Never let society kill your sexuality
Never let society kill your sexuality

Live, love for yourself and be who you are, not who or what society dictates you should be. Sex without sexuality is just sex. But when you express, explore your sexuality is when passionate, explosive Sex happens.

Be the sexual you you desire to be
Be the sexual you you desire to be

The right partner will not only love, accept your sexuality; they will also be someone with who you can explore and discover your full sexuality. Nothing done sexually between two legal, consenting adults is wrong if they are both willing and both getting pleasure. Never let other people's views enter your bedroom or sex life.

Dont deny yourself
Don't deny yourself

Your sexuality is part of who you are. Never deny an important part of yourself. The people who don't get that part of you, aren't the right person for you. If someone loves you, they love the whole you, and sexuality is a big part of that. Be with someone who not only makes you feel comfortable in your sexuality, but cherishes that part of you.

Sex isn't/should not be the most important aspect of your relationship, but it is important to have a healthy sexual relationship to retain a happy, healthy relationship overall.

And always remember your sexuality is never something to be ashamed of, but something to own.

Be proud, be you
Be proud, be you

As always thanks for reading♥️


4 17

Most Helpful Guys

  • Very good take - I don't know how numerous we are but there is definitely a group of people who view life the way you do , any relationship is not a single faceted thing "Platonic", "Familial", "Social" , "Sexual", "Romantic" etc etc unfortunately some negative words can go on that list if you stay in a narrow range but relationships/interactions are multi faceted in fact one of the many joys in life is find that unique mix you have with other people, I think you mentioned it yesterday "Compatibility".
    Like yourself and a lot of Gaggers, I succumb to human nature and my head wants to analyse the why and what is happen in my relationships/interactions while the heart says "Step back, when in a car, you don't ask why is this happen or what processes keep this machine moving, it just goes, care for the car and it will keep going".
    As I said enjoyable take, I read and turned it over in my mind obviously because I am writing this answer but am somewhat wary of a deep dive afraid of rabbit holes or becoming too narrow in focus. What I mean is I try to keep myself a blank page, there is probably a lot of stuff behind the scenes but I try to keep myself instinctive ( I concede probably with loads of subconscious processing but that is the aforementioned human nature)
    I must admit I liked the definite separation of "Sex" and "Sexuality" , it is something I actively encourage because it makes the whole discussion more inclusive. The majority of Relationships/Interactions should not be consumed by the physical act which while important is not the be all and end all, who is to say an asexual couple can't be happy and a player who dates five women a week lives the life.

    • Very, very well said ❣️❣️

  • Another outstanding My Take, Toots! Very thought provoking and filled with nice, welcoming thoughts which is how one's sexuality should be. In many places around the world, society has evolved to be more welcoming - but not everywhere and not enough. Someday hopefully it will be something as accepted as just different shades of hair color.

    My sexuality journey is still evolving as for a long time I didn't quite realize or let myself accept that I am heteroromantic bisexual. I'm well past accepting it but am still not fully out as only a few people in the real world know... while they have been accepting, I am still hesitant as I think there is a stigma still associated in many aspects of my personal and professional life. Maybe someday I'll make it more known... until then, I continue to enjoy how the internet and places like GaG can allow me to be more myself :)

    • Well, you kinda came out, at least to GaGers, and anyone who really cares or respects you that shouldn't change anything. Sexuality is a way we define our sexual being, not how people should judge you as a person, business man or man. You're still the same mmmwk to me 🙂🙃

    • Thank you Toots - well said - and appreciated :) And yes it shouldn't change how people think of me or anyone but... just consider my views of transgendered women - which is one of admiration and attraction - same as I feel about all women. I do not think as a society or within the Fortune 500 world that those views would be accepted - and possibly scorned - so in that regard I am a coward even though I have gone out publicly countless times with transgender women in all sorts of cities and settings. I know it's odd that I've been OK with all that but not going "out" all the way... The irony is... I do believe there are many more guys like me all around me - who likely would be the 1st to react negatively as some defensive way to keep their own desires hidden... Ok... will get off my soapbox lol... thanks again for a great My Take :)

    • You're good. Let it out. And again, thanks. Still want my mugs, tho 🙃🙂

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Most Helpful Girls

  • As always thanks for teaching! and sharing! cuz you say words that some of us really need to hear! and i got the big antennae on my head - i was a comms researcher in the military! and a broadcast journalist! but most people only remember me as frou-frou - cheereader. dance instructor. gymnast. but no i served to the very best of my ability. and i love learning through your eyes. because in your eyes, peter gabriel, in your eyes i am complete and i just started! so lead the way! i promise to make as many mistakes as i can so that i can grow! but baby shark? you wrapped me in a big giant rainbow covenant. and just say thank you , gilbert. just say thank you! (what's eating gilbert grape? a whole pile of actors and acresses at their very best!)

    • thank you soooo much for Most Helpful Girls! Kylie Mingue is singing "i believe in you" and she's dancing like an angel in the video! and she looks and sounds just like you! so thank you! thank you so very much!

  • Great suggestions.

    My ex will be happy to know that some woman will share his dirty sexual fantasy log with him.
    As you said, the right partner will accept that.

    Great job on this take!

    • Thank you

    • Sharing sexual desires, no matter of being "dirty" or clean is something way to personal and intimate. A grown man has taken his life because his ex shared it live on public TV.

    • Um... this journal contained hundreds of women's names and was so creepy, that anyone who found it would likely feel the need to research it and make sure these women named there weren't missing or something. Some sexual desires need to be put into question, especially when they contain real women.

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 28
  • This otherwise good myTake makes me cringe nevertheless.

    What disturbs me enormously is one of the visuals that you used to illustrate one of your positions. This visual is the one about the color paint chart.

    The very last sentence of this visual is totally in opposition with what my beliefs are. It states "... whatever you decide, it's okay".

    Let's take the example of a person whose sexuality includes a number of unacceptable or even illegal things which I will refrain from naming because they upset me to such an extend.

    Those deviances, even though they are part of a person's sexuality, are NOT okay, whichever way one looks at them.

    • I have decided to be heterosexual, I don't suck penis but lick pussy.

  • Kudos for the excellent MyTake, bbb. Differentiating between sex and sexuality was a good way to convey what you intended. I agree with your point of view.

    I also liked the color chart analogy and how we can move around the chart from day to day or year to year. Ice cream flavors could also be an analogy. Does one only like vanilla? Do they get tired of it eventually and switch to something else? Do they want something different every time. Do they experiment with different flavors from chocolate fudge brownie to lemon to mango to garlic or bacon?

    Or how 'bout this? Sex is a sensual smorgasbord. Sexuality is not only what we choose to select and what we truly savor, but also the entire dining experience from the way we eat to the ambiance to the company we prefer.

    • Ha very well said once again sexual smorgasbord love it lol

  • Although I kind of understood what these words meant, but until reading this, I had never deeply thought about it before.
    Thank you.

    • Thank you ❣️🙂

  • If it feels right and both are comfortable, definitely not worry about others opinion on it

  • WOW!! I totally agree with everything you posted.

    • Thank you very much 🤗

  • Nice take! 😊

    • Thanks

  • This was refreshing! Thank you! :)

    • Thank you 🤗

  • I agree with all of this.

    • Thank you ♥️🤗

    • Same (:

    • @milkygguk Thank you 🙂

  • Hmmmm well through my eyes sex is as you said the actual act or the biological traits you’re born with ( no gender is a social construct which includes dress code, makeup and beauty rituals and social norms which do depend on you’re gender) however sexuality which is feel you didn’t really touch on you just talked about how you shouldn’t be ashamed off it which I agree with.

    However sexuality too me means attraction which is retired too the brain as attractions is just chemicals in you’re brain mashing together, sexuality can also be the act off sexualising the person you feel attracted too and can always end up with the feeling off love towards the person. Things like preferring blond’s or girls with bigger bums or men with buff muscles or with a lot off body hair etc are not sexuality that is sexual preference what you prefer in a sexual situation rather than being you’re own sexuality. Pan sexual is someone attracted too personality, Demi sexual is a person with no sex drive and don’t like too have sex at all and prefer just the company off others.

    Sexuality can be confusing and most people confuse a lot off things with it like preference, identity, lust etc.

  • Interesting thoughts from a lovely woman

    • Thanks 🙂🤗

  • I'm heterosexual for 1000%. I lick pussies, not suck penis.

  • "Sex is the actual act of intercourse,..."

    Thanks for that! I've always said that blowjobs don't count.

    • That's oral sex 🙂

    • blowjobs are better FIGHT ME

    • @DonCachondo Lol 😂

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  • So we do agree that fellatio and cunnilingus are important. I think that they get the juices flowing, even though lots of people still don't partake.

  • Vary good totally agree.

  • Good but, let's not forget that STDS is still around so... be careful with sex and be protected all time. y'all dont wanna a sickness that'll heavily impact your life

    • Sexuality isn't about multiple partners. Not for me. I'm very sexual with Just one person.

    • I understand that, but with some people they want many more partners for that pleasure. So, just bringing this up so people aren't reckless with their health

    • Oh I know. This hookup culture scares me. They're not just casual about sex they're too casual bout protected sex

  • I'm a virgin because I am comfortable with my sexuality. Good take.

    • Thank you 🙂

    • The longer you wait the better it is

    • I wish I would have waited a lot longer

  • I think sex is male or female not coitus and sexuality is appearance reactions not attitudes

  • Thankyou, i have only briefly looked over this but think is great timing, well for me anyway. You i would wager would be aware of the changes our immune systems make when in close contact with anyone but especially the one that fluids are exchanged with, it is a reason why taking indescriminate partners is so commonly resulting in std's. We all will recognise a small part of this as that feeling about a week agter separated from partner you start to feel pretty crap and then start yearning for that person because are going through process, this goes a long way to explain how in this period a phone call to someone who both swore to never see the other again often goes like this,... Ring ring (yes phones used to make that noise) ring ring,... Ri--who the fk is this calling at 2am? Oh... Hi... Well ye... (phone goes dead) knock knock... Bow chiccy bow wow...

    • @howlinsilently Were you drinking, or smoking something, posting, as it made no sense, at all!

    • What is it jack that you find difficult to understand please? Am talking about the sympathetic changes that immune system makes, and ended with pointing out the most notable part in these changes as well, ok if you do not understand, you are the one that maybe needs to ask yourself if you are high or just limited in mental capacity. Because you could just ask, but insult another because you do not understand. That is pretty dumb

  • What is your sexuality

    • I'm a sexual person who enjoys sex and willing to express my sexuality with the person I'm intimate with. That doesn't mean many sex partners. There's a difference. Sexual don't mean slut.

    • Nah but sluts like to have lots of sex too lol

    • Yeah but this take isn't about quantity of sex partners. That isn't sexuality

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  • Weird take

    • How is it weird? To discuss sexuality admit to it is not weird. But thanks for your opinion

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