Sexy Survey just try?
1. Age?
2. Body type (Height, weight, body tyoe (women: bra size/men: dick size))?
3. Number of partners?
4. Favorite positions?
5. Favorite sex acts and why?
6. Favorite place to have cum (fav place to cum for guys) and why?
7. 3 things you do good during sex?
8. 3 things you do good during oral?
9. 3 places you'd like have sex?
10. 3 places you have had sex?
11. Condoms or raw?
12. Creampie or naw?
13. Spit or swallow?
14. Shaved, trim, or natural pubes on you?
15. Shaved, trimmed, or natural on your partner?
16. Women: Drip, gush, or squirt/men: Ooze, spurt, or shoot?
17. What makes you sexy, in your opinion?
18. What makes you horny
19. 3 dirty things you say during sex?
20. 3 dirty things you want your partner to say during sex?
Bonus: What makes good or great sex for you?
Superb Opinion