Should I tell my family that I have sexual relations with an object?

Ever since I was about 11 I've always had a fascination with objects. I would ask my mom for money so I could go to garage sales to buy more items for my collections, I had a collection of lamps, pillows, vases, cups etc.. (my favorite has always been lamps) by time I hit 14, all my friends were getting in relationships and I just didn't get how. I just dont understand, I can't imagine dating a person or catching feelings, I've tried going on date, hookups anything but I feel nothing towards people. But, I do have feelings for this one lamp. It's gold, with silver flower designs at the base and I can feel the lamp has feelings for me too. I know it might sounds weird but i can just sense an energy, like it has a soul. I've been telling all my friends and family that I just haven't found the "right one" yet, but it feels wrong lying to them. What should I do? Should I tell them?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Generally, when people ask if they should share something personal with family members, it's usually a cry for help. If they didn't want someone to help them stop, they would keep it to themselves. It's not about complicating your family's life by involving them; it's about seeking professional help if you're not comfortable with the choices you have been making. Don't be quick to judge yourself. You probably found at an early age that this is something you can do to reduce anxiety and stress. Sometimes people will attach feelings to the activity to legitimize it, but I doubt it started with an emotional connection. The key is not to be critical of yourself and tell yourself to stop doing it but learn to understand it. Identify what needs are being met by this activity and then explore other alternatives that might work as well or better. When you're uncomfortable with a habit, it's not about stopping, but replacing with an effective alternative.

  • Incidentally, that is called "Objectum Sexuality" and it is a legitimate condition/disorder.

    It's not harmful, as far as I can tell, but as it has been linked with autism, then it may be worth mentioning to your family, or at least getting yourself checked out. I don't mean because of your attraction to objects, necessarily, but just to make sure there are not bigger, more serious underlying issues that you should be aware of.

    • Interesting

Most Helpful Girls

  • Look, is it any different to having sex with a dildo/pocket rocket (or flesh-light for guys)? Maybe not? But I don’t think that anyone actually LOVES their dildo, or believes their dildo loves them back! I know that we are not supposed to “judge” anyone or anything, but when I read this, I honestly believe that this girl needs professional help! It’s not judging, it’s just genuine concern for a fellow human being. This is a VERY atypical paraphilia, and I really hope she gets the help and care she needs.

  • Make sure you unplug it first.

    • Maybe a shocking experience will cause her desires to become more acceptable.

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9 17
  • Let me get this straight... You are a legal adult asking if you should tell your family that you masturbate? Why?

  • Doesn’t sound weird to me! I think you have a mutual connection with a friendly ghost. Some spirits attach themselves to objects. I sage the air in all rooms to purify them especially if I buy something used.

  • Don’t tell them that, for your sake. I doubt anyone would understand and if you were my family we’d all clown you for it.

  • Congratulations on winning a Troll of the day award.

  • Some things are better left unsaid... and this is one of them.