Guys, Should I try?

Just looking for guys perspective here. I’m 3 months dating a guy who seems crazy about me. He talks of long term, feels we’re really compatible and that I’m the woman for him.
He’s great in many ways but I’m having difficulty in the sexual department. it takes him a long time to cum even with lots of stimulating and he often has to “finish himself”.
The other day we were looking at photos he had taken of a trip we were on and there were a couple of photos of a woman in lingerie which he claimed were for ideas for a present for me 🤔.
Then last night he put his hand on my boob while we were cuddling on the sofa and started rubbing my nipple. I was starting to get aroused then he started talking about how he needed to get his shower fixed 🙈.
it hasn’t been all bad and we do get on well but I can’t figure out how a guy who seems so into me doesn’t seem connected sexually.
Any ideas or do I just cut him loose?
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Superb Opinion

  • Seems like your relationship is all about sex and you aren't even married yet... You are just using him for sex it seems since when the sex isn't that great... you're just cuttting him loose. Not that there is anything else important like talks long term and just enjoying yourselves on a date.

    Well... this is what happens when it's all about sex. Maybe you should do both of yourselves a favor and just cut him loose so you both can find something better.

    • Eh no! I’m 44 myself not just about sex but a healthy sex life is an important part of any relationship. If it were only about sex I wouldn't even bother posting here trying to understand

    • After you're married... But again that is all you care about. There are lots of other things that you could be doing to help build a bond together... And don't ask a question you don't want the answer to

    • All you care about is sex. That is obvious.

Most Helpful Guy

  • A wild guess is he might need some kinks as well like the lingerie. So for me i find naked women not that arousing to be honest, but in lingerie or certain clothing i do, i was chatting to a guy on here who had same thing once and we both worked out it was probably because during our teen years we spent waaay too much time browsing the lingerie sections of clothes catalogues! so i guess during our sexual awakening we were turned on by women in clothes which is why we find it such a turn on

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What Guys Said

  • Sounds like he's using porn so he could last longer thinking you would enjoy it. But as a consequence he has only conditioned his body to respond to whatever he sees in porn and the pressure of his hand.

  • Some men have trouble like this. That said, I have never heard of a man stoping sex to finish himself. That is strange.

    how old is he? Age plays a role, as well as general health. Perhaps you can warm him up before sex so he is ready to go when you start

  • „I used to caddy for lawyers and their wives on summer weekends. I looked at those long tan legs and just knew I had to be a lawyer.“
    - Avery Tolar, The Firm

  • At 44, our clock is ticking. You do not have time for this.

  • Maybe he likes you as a person very much but he's not 100% physically attracted to you.

    I think you should ask him about it. And tell him to be completely honest.

    Be ready to accept the answer, though.

    But also, in my opinion, it may not be the end of the world. You don't necessarily have to break up over this. Think about all of the pros and cons together. At the end of the day, though, it's your decision. So follow your heart.