Should there be resistance when entering a vagina? or is it common to be able to easily slide in without resistance?

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Superb Opinion

  • As it so often does, IT DEPENDS - on the girl, and on the circumstances.

    So, occasionally I would surprise a girlfriend wasn't expecting me, or a girl I was living with who wasn't necessarily thinking about sex or love or romance - maybe she was thinking about taxes or laundry or what to wear. Slipping a single finger in her could often be difficult.

    But take the same girl, who'd been cuddling on the couch with me watching a romantic movie, or that I'd been making out with, and two fingers could slide easily into her. How can this be? It's because vaginas - much like penises - don't have just one state of being. In the most simplified of terms (and in real life, it's more complex), there are two states: aroused and not aroused. When a girl is not aroused, her vagina may be very slightly wet, but usually not enough for proper lubrication, and it isn't engorged with blood, and it's generally going to be pretty closed and tight. When she's aroused, blood rushes to her vulva and she lubricates and her vaginal muscles relax a bit to prepare for penetration.

    So it's very difficult to make specific judgements - unlike, say, a penis, which can be measured with a ruler/cloth ruler fairly easily (when aroused/erect, anyway).

Most Helpful Guy

  • yes! though the level of resistence depends on the girl and the size of one's penis.
    vaginas can be compared to rubber bands - it expands easily and shrinks back to it's original size with no damage.
    during penetrative sex, the vaginal canel opens (and accomodates) the penis, resulting in a tight snuggly fit.
    if you were to compare the vaginal hole to the size of the average penis, you'd understand that if it weren't "elastic", there's no way the penis could enter without damaging/tearing the vaginal tissues.
    with anything that stretches (to accomodate another), there will always be resistance. think: fitting your foot into a smaller shoe.
    all girls (and vaginas) are unique - though they have the same parts, some girls have tighter vaginas than others. likewise with the guy, some are blessed with a bigger package, and others, a smaller one.
    for purpose of discussion, let's assume we're talking about an average sized penis.
    if the penis were to penetrate a tighter vagina, there would be much more resistance than when entering a looser one.
    for me, when I penetrate my girlfriend, I do feel some sort of resistance, or a barrier of sorts.
    pushing through that "barrier" for the first time during sex can feel exceptionally pleasurable for both the guy and girl.

Most Helpful Girl

  • That of course definitely on how turned on you are, and how big that guy is. That should be obvious though.

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0 17
  • Even if the women had kids and is wet aroused, I feel some resistance initially and then some squeeze at her introitus, and then when I reach her cervix, I feel a resistance again there as it moves up out of the way (sometimes it pops—nice feeling) and then I feel her cervix bump pushing down. Non-kid women, more resistance and more squeeze at the introitus while the cervix resistance is less prominent typically—had exceptions.

  • Haven't you ever explored yours? Fingers, and discovering feelings?

  • If she isn’t nice and juicy, then there’s gonna be resistance.

    • So that’s not a sign of looseness?

    • Not at all!! Sex is meant to be enjoyed. Only bad sex hurts.

    • Thank god I read a guy talking about a girl saying she was super lose because of no resistance entering

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  • There is resistance when there wasn't enough foreplay. But when the vagina is wet and aroused it also opens up, and sliding in and out is without resistance.

  • If both are aroused and she's pre-menopause, it is.