Should unusual fetishes, kinks and public nudity be banned on pride parades?

On one side it's festival about love and you should respect other people kinks and stuff like that. Everyone should be able to express themselves.

But I see more and more people online, or even my gay friends saying that this harms the whole idea of LGBT+ movement.
Even though naked/barely clothed people aren't that common, they shine bad light on whole event and are easy target for homophobes. It's something most gay people don't associate with (at least from gays I know).

That's why I'm asking here... What are your opinions on this?
Should unusual fetishes, kinks and public nudity be banned on pride parades?
There should be allowed everything.. everyone deserves right to express themselves
Vote A
It should be regulated by regulated by organiser a bit
Vote B
It should be regulated by city/government by law and treated like any other public nudity
Vote C
Other (explain in comments please)
Vote D
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Girl Guy
+1 y
I realized I made some typos.. sorry I was writing it on mobile :\Anyway thanks everyone for their comments and opinions on this controversial topic
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I went B, however this is purely related to having some level of control and respect.

    BDSM is however firmly embedded within the ideals and goals of Pride.

    It is often targeted by people aiming to stop Pride, the belief if that first to fall will be BDSM aspect, then it will be, you can’t dress like that, you can’t hold hands, or have public shows of affection… etc.

    There is a move to have BDSM legalised and official framework put in place. There are far to many watching porn etc and killing or maiming a sub, then saying it was consent due to BDSM, when everyone knows it was a Psycho using it as an excuse.

    the following is a good article and explains why it should remain. If your friend is an American I am very surprised that he commented that way, as I know the charity scene within BDSM clubs etc in the US (bit about in article).

    People look at those enjoying their kink and get judgmental, then the next weekend they see these people helping at soup kitchens, helping those less well off etc, guess what, same people who were being judged against, been there got the T Shirt.

    • @raton21 thank you most appreciated

  • In some US cities public nudity is permitted. And it's no big deal. Anyone who doesn't like it should find something else to do.

Most Helpful Girl

  • The point of the parade might be to show the equality and a reminder that no one should be ashamed of who they are. But, personally I don't agree with the display of fetishes like how it is shown in the picture above. We must always remember that there are children watching. I wouldn't want my child to see public nudity and fetishes. While I do have some kinks, I never want my kids to get into them. I don't think the parade needs to be overly sexual.

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What Girls & Guys Said

0 5
  • Absolutely NOT. The point of pride celebrations is to remind people to NEVER feel shame or embarrassment for being who you are. Be proud of the things that make you unique.

  • I can't stand parades of any kind.
    As I'm not even close to such an event: I can't be bothered about what's going on there.

  • Unless there is no children in that spot, then no you shouldn't ban it. If you don't like it don't watch.

  • When you're committing sex acts in front of children? Yeah I have a huge problem with that.

  • We need to stop banning things and allow people to have more freedom