Society has taught people to be too quick to judge someone's true intentions when a rather sensitive matter is mentioned.

Society has taught people to be too quick to judge someones true intentions when a rather sensitive matter is mentioned.

I think society has taught people to be too quick to judge someone else's true intentions when someone talks about a rather sensitive matter.

For example, if a boy asks a girl what size her boobs are then that girl is too quick to name and shame that boy as a pervert or as a sexual predator and is too quick to tell all her friends that he's a pervert or a sexual predator. Where as if that girl actually stopped and thought about what the boy's true intentions were for asking that question before crying wolf, then she'd realise that there could be countless reasons why he asked that question that wasn't intended to be sexual. He could of asked her that question because he's planning on buying her an item of clothing and needed to know what size she was. He could of been doing research for his university thesis on human biology. Or he could simply be asking out of curiosity and not having any plans of taking it any further.

And it's not just girls judging guys to be perverts without thinking. Guys do it too. Here's another example.

An attractive girl who posts rather sexualised pictures on her Instagram is too quick to be titled a whore or a hoe by guys who see those pictures. If those guys stop and think why might she be posting sexualised pictures on her Instagram then they'll instantly regret calling her a whore or a hoe. That girl's life could be miserable, she could be suffering from depression and is using her Instagram as a chance to live another life. One where she's happy and has everything she wants, a life away from misery and depression. It could be that the girl is a sex slave and owned by a pimp who's advertising the girl on her Instagram for clients to rape her for the pimps profit. Or it could be something as simple as the girl works as a model and those are the outfits that she was told to put on for the photoshoot. A girl posting sexualised pictures on her Instagram doesn't always mean she's a whore or a hoe and it doesn't means that guys can title her that either.

We are all guilty of this, jumping to conclusions before knowing all the facts, crying wolf without knowing the full story. And it's the way society is today in this day and age. The next time we're asked a question about a sensitive subject or found yourself in a sensitive situation, don't jump to conclusions and instantly judge people, stop, take a breath and think logically and ask yourself, could there be a complete valid and ethical reason why that person has just asked me that question or for putting me in this situation.

If the boy asked that question purely because was a pervert then he deserves what punishment he gets, but just remember giving people titles like a pervert or a whore or a hoe sticks with them wherever they go and if they're completely innocent with a title like that then their life is completely ruined. They could lose out on job opportunities, they could become a hot target on the police's radar, they could become the victim of false prosecution and get sent to jail for something which they never did. And it's not just lost opportunities, it could effect any future relationships and if they had children then their children could be bullied because of the title their parents been given. Or even worse, if that person has been given a title which they are not and are completely innocent then with the way today's society works, that person might not have any other way out than to take their own life and end it all.

Please, stop, breath, think, don't jump to conclusions, don't judge people so quickly.

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Most Helpful Guys

  • We have to have judgments we can’t just walk around On eggshells Thinking oh it might not be this we gotta have a belief to go on without belief we lack knowing And that would result in doubt doubting our one belief saying oh she isn’t this or he isn’t that big deal she likes dressing up but trying to Sympathize with every person would Give a lot of people a headache not everybody wakes up wanting to care about every stranger some people want to go to bed Not caring if someone dies next door because it helps them sleep not caring about people is it so bad to not care about someone promoting better sleep less stress not everyone wants to walk around filled with anxiety some people care enough about themselves that they’d rather not lose any sleep over someone who was held at gun point Raped and Killed.
    It’s a Dark world we live in but worrying about everyone is not healthy better to be care free than turn to drugs because you care so deeply about what people think so worried about some stranger you never knew Existed till you met em

    Best of luck to you good to be open minded but not too opened minded where you can’t make good judgment

    • Being Too open minded leads one to be easily manipulated those that are blind Are too emotional 😭 and can’t Face reality because they care too damn much people who care too damn much are the ones that experience the most pain in life Should we all just spend our entire lives worried 😦 about and crying everytime something bad happens should I turn to drugs because My mom is dead 💀 Or should I Not worry about her being dead and focus on myself I don’t worry about my mom because she’s dead and I’ve accepted that I know I can’t bring her back she’s gone never coming back and crying 😭 about it isn’t going to do anything but Cause my health to decline So tell me should I Become a drug addict as a way to show people I am a human being that cares so much that I shouldn’t form judgments because forming judgments is evil in the eyes of good people

  • Listening to and learning from Society can be very damaging it is why I personally feel people who reject certain aspects and choose not to conform to all societal standards can often be much higher up on the scale of morals. I definitely do agree with you on this although the first scenario would be a bit creepy for anyone to say to a girl even if he had a non sexual reason for asking, but I see where you were going with it.

Most Helpful Girls

  • The girl should not assume he is a pervert but the boy should not be speaking to her in a inappropriate manner that is disrespectful and not first asking if he can ask her a personal question.

    We need to also be accountable for how we speak to others and try to both create a more healthier environment of communication.

    We must ask for the intention and offer the benefit of the doubt or simply inform the person in that you do not feel it is an appropriate question to ask her personally and will not be responding to the question.

    I think what your saying is good, just needs a little more approach and how we can talk and react to others.

  • Agreed, my dude.

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  • like it or not, judging is a natural response ingrained into us for millions of years, this serves as a safety mechanism to help us identify what is safe and what is dangerous i. e. a spider vs a puppy.

    when a man comes across an inferior-looking man in whatever arena may it be sports, dating etc. he won't see him as a threat and gain confidence. when that man comes a superior-looking man, he would subconsciously see him as a threat and his confidence wavers.

    likewise, a woman might be friendly to a little boy because she doesn't see him as a threat but if a much older man approached her, she'd have her guard up. she doesn't know exactly what this older man wants but the possibility of him having sexual intentions is subconsciously there and if she doesn't find him attractive, there's only one action she hopes he takes and that is to leave her alone.

    the phrase "don't judge a book by its cover" is pure bullshit because people do it anyway even subconsciously. job interviews, meeting strangers etc. everybody is judging everyone and making speculations about their intentions.

  • TL;DR

  • Most people are too quick to assume things in general.

    it's a side effect of being religious minded rather than scientifically minded.

  • “Remember, it is not enough to be hit or insulted to be harmed, you must believe that you are being harmed. If someone succeeds in provoking you, realize that your mind is complicit in the provocation. Which is why it is essential that we not respond impulsively to impressions; take a moment before reacting, and you will find it easier to maintain control.”

    - Epictetus