Stop Shaming Prostitutes And Their Clients!

I really can't stand how prostitutes and their clients, are being treated in this site . Those damn hookers, are dirty, they carry millions of STDs, etc. As for clients, they are desperate and losers.

But well, it seems like that in America (since most users are Americans here) they suffer from prostitution phobia. No wonder it's illegal there (Apart from Nevada. Why other States don't?). But isn't it hypocritical? Americans watch porn by a ton. Most porn-stars are Americans. Still, prostitution shaming, is a big thing there.

Anyway, as a proud client of those ladies for 8 years, since I was 17, I want to stand my ground, and explain to those people why prostitutes aren't dirty, and why clients are not losers.

For prostitutes:

(In alphabetical order)

1) It's not a shameful job

Stop Shaming Prostitutes And Their Clients!

Many consider it a shameful job, but it's not. Those women get paid in order to give pleasure to men. What's so bad about it? If there's one shameful job, is those guys in blue uniforms who are willing to make your life difficult, if they don't like your skin color or the clothes you wear.

2) It's their only option sometimes

Stop Shaming Prostitutes And Their Clients!

Either because someone's abusing them, or they have no other options apart from converting into prostitution. Others might enjoy what they're doing indeed. By the way it's really rude to ask a prostitute if she enjoys her job, if in case you're willing to go with one.

But anyway, should she be looked down, because she had no other option? I don't get this logic. For any reason they converted into prostitution, must be respected.

3) They always use condoms

Stop Shaming Prostitutes And Their Clients!

There's NO prostitute in the world who's going to allow sex without a condom. And chances for the condom to break, are like 1 out of 10000. It's more possible to get hit by a car than having a condom broken. Should people stop using cars then? It makes no sense.

4) They get checked regularly

Stop Shaming Prostitutes And Their Clients!

If not all, most of them at least do it. At least in countries where prostitution is legal, like here where I live. Many men are into this sport and no cases of infection have been surfaced. Maybe only a few among millions. It's just your fear, and perhaps bad sexual education in school. Also they always shower before and after each session, or if you visit their place they tell you to shower before you begin.

5) They know how to be generous

Stop Shaming Prostitutes And Their Clients!

No, if you think they view each client as a bunch of Euros/Pounds/Dollars or whatever currency you use, then you are wrong. Well it's something I cannot explain, this one. You must be one of us to understand this. But I'll only tell you they value the money they get, and they value you even more, if you happen to be a loyal client.

For clients:

(In alphabetical order)

1) A good option for married men

Stop Shaming Prostitutes And Their Clients!

I believe getting a prostitute is a good option for a guy who is married. And the truth is, many among their clients are married men with kids. If you are married with the same woman for years, you would like something different after some point. So, instead of finding a side chick, it's better to get a prostitute as an alternative option. It's not cheating in my opinion.

2) If they didn't exist many guys would be lead to rape.

Stop Shaming Prostitutes And Their Clients!

Why do you think rape percentages are high in America? Because prostitution there is illegal. And perhaps because guys who've been with prostitutes -illegal- are shamed as well. Why do you think rape percentages are lower in countries were prostitution is legal? Think about it.

3) It's a good and sure option if you don't want to commit.

Stop Shaming Prostitutes And Their Clients!

Casual sex exist indeed. But some people might find it awkward to ask a woman out of the blue for casual sex. So getting a professional is a more sure option in these cases.

4) Many guys lost their virginity to them.

Stop Shaming Prostitutes And Their Clients!

There are many guys I know, who went into brothels when they were teens, escorted by their fathers (or uncles, or an adult in general), or with a Call-Girl if they come from a richer family. Many fathers consider, their son becomes a man by losing his virginity. And if they don't have a girlfriend, what's so bad about visiting a professional?

And I believe, it's a good way for a guy to lose his virginity. He'll be satisfied more, in my opinion.

5) Sometimes your girlfriend/wife cannot provide you a certain fantasy/fetish.

Stop Shaming Prostitutes And Their Clients!

Everyone has a fantasy/fetish more or less, right? You might be ashamed to express it to your girlfriend/wife, or she just might be unable to provide it to you. So why not do it with a professional?

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19 22
  • It may be their only option and we shouldn't shame prostittutes but we abosolutely help them and we SHOULD SHAME THE CLIENTS, this is utter and complete bullshit and YES IT IS CHEATING YOU ARE FUCKING SOME WHO IS NOT YOUR WIFE OR girlfriend WHILE IN A RELATIONSHIP

    • they dont need help, they need money. You enter full service sex work because it has the potential to pay more than the horrible minimum wage jobs usually available to working class women. As far as 'shaming the clients', if you really want to help sex workers, stigmatizing their profession - via them or their clients - isn't the way to do it...

    • @Laura_Marx
      Here as its not legal the fact is that most of them give 90 percent of their cut to the pimp, the pimps get their girls by human trafficking or preying on those with zero options then get them hooked on drugs.
      i want to help them in the way of GIVING them more options,
      I like FDR in this respect (Actually I LOVE FDR)
      i see people men and women, black and white and yellow and red being exploited,
      It NEEDS to end

    • @Laura_Marx I'm actually in favor of just shooting every damn human trafficker and pimp and meth manufacturer in the world and just calling it justice because it really would be

    • Show All
  • Hehehehe this joke should be promoted.

  • Loser ass whore and loser ass scum men.

    They too weird or shy or awkward to talk to a girl and get sex with a person

    We. are humans not fuckkng dogs we don't just have sex with anybody. there's fucking morals.

    Where are ur fucking balls at? You can't conquer getting a girl in bed or relationship? That's one of the major parts of being a man.

    And those woman make regular girls look bad everybody has a chance go work a 9-5 go be a model but selling ur body on the streets and having a pimp take majority of it is stuiped hoes.

    Go do porn at least. At least they have self respect and make good money and its safer than street walker.

    Your literally a bag of fucking meat

    • Make good money eh? Better sleeping with prostitutes than having money as your God. You Americans, kill for money.

    • This coming from the anonymous guy who use hookers because he's broke financially And mentally. dont know where u are from but im pretty sure that your country suck ass and we American probably saved ur ass once or twice

    • On the contrary. You think you are savers, but you destroyed almost every country around the world. And as usual, you shame people who are broke because money is your fucking god. ] Typical American. Yes with small "A". You don't deserve a capital one. Your country is new, and whether you like it or not, the world was existing before you came. Blocked.

  • No
    No no
    No no no
    This is fucked up
    Go away

  • I feel sadness for prostitutes that are forced to do it or have no other options. And I feel nothing but disgust for people that take advantage of desperate people in bad situations.

  • Well, i haven't seen any hatred here, nice take

  • So you dont mind if your father sleep with them and cheat your mother

    • I'm not so close-minded.

    • A good option for married man ( expect my dad) then

  • men who pay for sex are losers. it deserves to be scorned.

    • Me and more than a million other guys.

  • It's not a shameful job?
    hahahaha Okay
    I dont know whats wrong in the world

    • More shameful than cops who can beat you up if "they don't like you"? I don't think so.

  • No married men should go to a prostitute! That is ridiculous!!

  • I can't understand if this is serious or not

  • Haha this is fuckin hilarious.

  • I was reading your responses to some of comments... why are you so defensive? So you like hookers... what's the big deal?

    • Why they receive so much hate?

    • Well come on didn't you think you would get slammed?

    • I knew it unfortunately.

  • You kinda had me agreeing with you until that if it weren't for prostitutes it would lead to rape thing. Guys don't NEED to have sex. If you're not getting sex then you certainly don't TAKE it! Also, if you go to a prostitute who you know is being forced to do it then you're a scum bag!

  • nah never

  • Ma nickel

  • you need to take into consideration that most women on this site never used or seen a prostitute. the only knowledge they have about prostitution is from the movies. and we all know how they reflect on life. the average prostitute probably gets more STD checks than your average slut. and prostitutes dont talk shit behind your back on social media.