Sex where you're both really into it, is really awesome. Sex where one person is dialing it in, is not nearly as good. Apparently a significant proportion (probably a large majority) of guys when just hooking up with a non-girlfriend, are pretty selfish about it.
From what I read, a majority of women who have sex at your age regret it. I wouldn't rush into it, based on that. On the other hand, I'd say women who are least likely to regret it are ones who simply felt ready and wanted sex, vs those who agreed to do it because they were in love, then later that relationship ends and they regret it.0 0 0 0It would be the worst decision of your life. Don't do it.
It's not a turn off when you're with the right crowd...0 0 0 0Is it that bad?
Here's my philosophy on sex and virginity. Take it or leave it. (–but, if you could reply with your opinion, that'd be nice.) :) There are two main types of attraction. There is love and there is lust. Love is a deep connection between a boy and a girl based on mutual great care. Lust is a physical attraction with a basis of sex that exists for people who don't necessarily care for each other (probably don't) but rather just want to take advantage of each other. –or short-term relationships. (Usually the boy taking advantage of the girl, but not always.) Boys who like to flirt over-confidently and sleep with as many people as they can, and girls who like to show off as much skin as they can and sleep with as many boys as they can, are those that take advantage of lust.
Part II: –but upon entering the world of lust, there is usually a closing of the world of love. Love is a basis of mutual care, valuing innocence, loyalty, faithfulness, long-term relationships, and boy-girl equality. It’s like becoming one person spiritually, rather than sexually. Being a virgin is not a blatant requirement, but is preferred greatly; as innocence is even more preferred. I am one of those people that believe that sex should be reserved for once you’ve been in a relationship with full trust, and mutual love that has lasted for years.
Most Helpful Girls
When you wait for the right guy it is! I waited until after we were engaged to have sex with him, I'm glad I did. He's my first, my one and only! (I'm his too). From talking to girlfriends, I think sex is so much better if you wait until you're ready both physically and emotionally, with a guy who loves you and you love him. My guy was so gentle, loving and caring our first time, almost magical. That's not what I hear from a whole lot of girls, they had a boy doing a real man's job and he turned out to be really selfish for many of them. Why would you want that?
0 0 0 0Sex is only as fun and nice as the people having sex let it be. If you have bad attitudes towards sex or your partner, then it won't be so good. Like, only do it if you both feel excited to do it (and if you're using protection).
I kinda feel like you aren't quite ready. Like almost, but I don't think you want sex with the guys who sound like they're pressuring you.
As for not being virgin... no one needs to know :)0 0 0 0it depends with who you have it with
better with someone you like and feels the same
like like not just horny like XD0 0 0 0
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1 18At 15 I would suggest that you wait, there really isn't a rush to lose your virginity and it would be better if you had your first time when you are ready to deal with any potential consequences. It wouldn't be a turn off that you are a virgin and particularly not at 15, you're supposed to be a virgin at that age. It's more normal than not.
0 0 0 0Don't do anything that you're not ready for. Of course these guys will tell you to do it, bc they want to be the one you get with it. If you try to buy a car, the car salesman will tell you everything you want to hear when it comes to there car, bc they only have the best car (no such thing). Whether you're a virgin or not, depends on the guy. Everyone has their own preferences.
0 0 0 0At first it is, but, once you've done it for a long time, it's not that big a deal.
0 0 0 0save it for someone special
0 0 0 0It's like beer. Once you can buy it anytime it's no longer that special.
However don't rush. In general, the lesser the number of guys you had sex with, more respect and value you'll get from guys that aren't players. I'm not saying stay a virgin untill you get married, but the lower the number the better guy you can catch.0 0 0 0
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