Ten signs you may have internalized misandry without knowing it

Because being a man doesnt free you from misandristic thoughts
Because being a man doesn't free you from misandristic thoughts

Alright I feel like this isn't mentioned enough, even among us feminists

1. You believe the idea that real men don't cry and/or have shamed a man or boy for crying

2. You've told a man to "man up" when they have real issues

3. You've called a man a pansy, pussy, effeminate, etc for having interests that are traditionally seen as feminine such as makeup

4. You've called a gay man slurs that I'm not gonna repeat here

5. You've made fun of a man whose partner makes more than him

6. You've shamed a man for looking up to women

7. You've shamed a short man but wouldn't do the same to a short woman

8. You've thought two unrelated men hugging each other is gay

9. At a furniture store or a paint shot you've told a man to "Come back with his wife" like men aren't capable of picking something themselves

10. You've pushed away a man who comes to you with actual problems but wouldn't do the same to a woman

And many more

Toxic masculinity poisons us all

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9 42
  • Why did you leave out "You call a man an incel or misogynist for coitizing women of their bad behavior"?

  • First of all, good points. 👍. Thank you for making us think.

    However, in rebuttal (respectfully), I would like to say that I think it's okay for men to razz other men for being weak. Because, as the saying goes, "iron sharpens iron." And who else is going to do it? (But obviously they shouldn't take it too far. I don't believe in bullying or hazing.)

    Also, it's kind of the woman's job to be warm and affectionate with her man. That is literally what women are for (in heterosexual relationships.) (Let's ignore the sex for now. Because I'm talking about actual relationships. And sex is only a small part of that.)

    *(This is just my OPINION! Please don't hate. 🙏 )*

  • "Man up" is an appropriate response when somebody needs to step up and take care of their own responsibilities, not be a coward, do the right thing, stand up for others, etc.

  • Your post is deeply misandric.

  • lmao. God, you actually believe this bullshit?

  • Those are some good examples, thanks.

  • Well, Thank you for telling me secrets about myself. Thank God feminism is here to teach people about themselves. Masculinity is toxic now. Either be woman, or you're toxic. Makes perfect sense.

    Feminism has devolved into a cult at this point.

    • Masculinity isn't toxic, toxicity labeled as masculinity is the issue here. An issue that directly harms men

    • @Subarugirl you're directly referring to one's gender expression and identity as poisonous for others and deciding the validity of being a man on your terms. If that's not damaging to how men can exist and be themselves I don't know what is.

    • @HSalenko Be careful, Subarugirl is a housewife stuck in a boring marriage that she tries to "spice up" by going to sports bars in malls with her husband and pretending to be single so they can role play one-night stand situations. She only comes here to add value to her bullshit marriage and feel important by pretending to be an expert on men, sex, relationships and marriage, it's literally all she does

    • Show All
  • None of these are misandry.

    calling men “toxic” for being men is misandry (being strong, being aggressive, being in control of himself, and his family)

    saying “kill all men” is misandry.

    assuming that all men are sexual predators is misandry.

    assuming that powerful men are where they are because of some fictional patriarchy and ignoring the hard work and drive it takes to become successful is misandry.

    hating men for existing and blaming them for all the faults, actions, and choices of women is misandry.

    someone who understands that men don’t show emotion the same way women do because they handle emotion differently is not misandry.

    being an asshole and mocking them when they do cry is also not misandry, it’s just being an asshole. Same applies for mocking effeminate males, using gay slurs in reference to other things, etc.

    Most men don’t see two men hugging as “gay”, most men hug without issue.

    Almost No one shames men for looking up to women.

  • I used to do some of them when I was in elementary school. I don't do any now.

  • Womansplaining to men about our lived experiences. What a sexist. Reported as offensive.

    • via GIPHY

    • @bamesjond0069 @Manonfire LOL

  • Any man who has a problem with any of these behaviors is some kind of bleeding pussy I have no common ground with. All of things things and normally and healthy behaviors for actual men.

  • 11. Blaming it only on toxic masculinity without talking about toxic femininity

    • 12. Being a feminist 13. Telling a man its ok to not man up to take advantage of them 14. Telling a man its ok to not to man up like telling them its ok to accept defeat. 15. Defeating the purpose of men. 16. Not understanding men just want to be useful.

  • I like this. I spent years trying to suppress all my emotions because of this sort of thing and, unsurprisingly that made me want to kill myself. Therapy and some good friendships and relationships helped me a lot.

  • Feminists may. Humans aren’t perfect. But I really don’t see any practical evidence it’s keeping men down…

  • I thought this question would be about holding *women* to task for their male hate bullshit, but instead you just spun into yet another anti-male trope about toxic masculinity. Wow. You're really childish and immature.

  • Thank you for explaining what we men are and what we go through even though you’re not one of us.

  • Someone could argue that you suggesting it is wrong to call a man effeminate, as if that's wrong, bad, or an insult, for liking traditionally feminine things in and of itself is sexist.

    What's the likelihood that any man dislikes 100% of feminine things? Seems pretty unlikely to me. So if a man in nearly all cases is, to some extent, effeminate then why is acknowledging it wrong?

  • Try not to step in any facts. You might need a man’s help washing off your shoes.


  • Yes I never did any of the above. I accept men for their vulnerability and even if they don't make much. It doesn't matter as long as they're good humans.

    But you made a huge mistake posting this gold on G@G.

    Most illiterate, dumb, egoistic men can't understand that you're taking their side. They're shifting the plot by calling feminism a cult when we are being equal to both genders.

    Post it on platforms where men are more educated and have average amount of brain cells to understand instead of thinking from their biases.

  • I'm guilty of 1 but it's true unless someone died it's only a bitch who cries and 7 but that is just against myself so doesn't really count

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