The Funny Paradox of Virginity Expectations Between Men and Women

The Funny Paradox of Virginity Expectations Between Men and Women

I read a myTake today that placed a heavy emphasis on a guy losing his virginity (I'm sure most of you know which one) but I was just suddenly struck with the irony of how different and comically opposing the views are in what's "expected" of men and women (by some) in regards to virginity. This Take is written in regards to heterosexual relationships.

Now, I know that most of us live and abide by a much more progressive view of society, myself included, so this is more a discussion for those who I believe do not. Below are two points, one for men and one for women, that I have seen quite often on this site, usually from the same types of people, that are at contrast enough for me to struggle to see how they exist within the same mind.


1. Male virgins suck and guys need to have had sex to be cool and seen as masculine and attractive. Society looks down on guys who are virgins and no woman wants to be with one.

2. All females need to be virgins and pure or only have had sex with very few people. Society looks down on women who have had sex with too many men and no guy wants to be with a "sloot" at the end of the day.


The Funny Paradox of Virginity Expectations Between Men and Women

Can someone explain to me, how a man is supposed to have a high number of sexual partners while women are supposed to NOT? Who.. who?? Who do you expect to be having sex with? Or is it that a certain group of women are supposed to be the ones that every guy fucks so they can get their number up, and the rest of us just stand by until we are selected by a great provider to sow their seed in? I am not following this train of logic.

Why is it that a man without experience has something wrong with them? And a woman with experience has something wrong with them?

Now, in case anyone brings this up, because I would in this discussion, a man who has previously dated or had sex is sometimes seen as more desirable to a female because it basically means that another female has given this guy the stamp of approval and chosen to engage in said activities with said man. WHICH I do not agree with because to write someone off for that is just being close minded. As a guy I don't know why you'd look at another dude who was a virgin and call them lame because that's just shit talking with no basis really. And really I can't find a justifiable reason for men OR women to devalue a sexually active female either. But that's just me.

The Funny Paradox of Virginity Expectations Between Men and Women

Honestly, I could not give less of a fuck. (And am of the opinion that no one else should give a fuck about your sexual life, nor should you give a fuck IF they actually do give a fuck)

Guys - You a virgin? Ok cool, might be a learning curve but that means I get to teach you how to please me without any previous habits you might have picked up. And if you have some beginners luck, even better for me. You fucked 50 other girls in the past? You clean? No STDs, diseases, treat me with respect? We good to go. Will I be curious as to why you have 0 or 50? Sure, but that's because I'm a nosy bitch, not because I actually care about the number.

Girls - You a virgin? Not a bitch and not pushing abstinence and repentance on me? Of course we can be friends! You go home with a different dude every night we go out? Do you know what you're doing? Are you being safe? Do you not cry to me at 3am every night about a different guy not calling you back? I STILL LUH YOU.

Do you booboo. All of you. Or do whoever else your little heart desires, whenever it desires.

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  • your a virgin because either you are waiting for the right person to come into your life and that just hasn't happened yet or maybe you just haven't had the confidence to do the deed while some people are just wanting to do it and get it over with but then you have the people that are addicted and that is a whole different problem

  • Yeah, yeah, I agree with you, but I'm pissed you didn't give me anything to vote on. THUMBS UP IF YOU LIKE SQUIRRELS MORE THAN BIRDS!

    • Hahaha sorry!! Next time next time.

  • Whenever differences between men and women are discussed I am struck by the usual premise that men and women would be expected to be the same and the burden of proof is to explain why they are not the same.

    It seems to me that men and women are so vastly different that the working premise should be to assume they are different and the burden of proof should be on those who are arguing they should be the same.

    Mind you I am not *surprised* that people almost always start with the former premise as I think there is a culture of promoting the fantasy of "sameness" between the sexes in this country. And even for those who see through the ceaseless "sameness" propaganda there is an expectation that you will be met with thuggery and humiliation if you don't act like you agree. So many people just go along with the false premise even in the face of the obvious fallacy just to avoid conflict.

    Men and women are clearly so vastly different, especially with respect to physio and psycho sexual issues, that it seems bizarre to me to be surprised or skeptical of any example of those differences.

    You can't just ignore millennia of evolution and wish it away. Women are physiologically designed from head and brain to toe to bear children. Men are physiologically designed from head and brain to toe to hunt, kill and carry home the meat. Womens' bodies and minds are built for bearing children and their minds for rearing them. Mens' bodies and minds are built for the physical rigors of hunting and combat with threatening animals and human competitors.

    Is it so obnoxious to recognize this reality? Is it so demeaning of women to recognize what their physiological design consists of? Why do so many women accept that the view the roll of bearing and raising children is so degrading even to the extent that they can only deal with it by fantasizing that it isn't true and living in denial of reality?

    Why should it be that men and women are designed so differently in every obvious respect (particularly with respect to their sexual/child bearing designs) yet are somehow expected to be exactly the same in how they view the value of virginity in the opposite sex? Wouldn't it make more sense to assume they are different and be surprised if they were the same? These are the questions I find most interesting.

    • Yes indeed. People want equality and all but equality isn't good at all for different kinds of people. But I think some people can't stand the idea that some things are predetermined in life. Such as gender and gender rules etc.

    • I agree with what you're saying and your questions are totally valid. There's a thin line here for the difference in what I'm trying to highlight. I'm not outwardly trying to say that men and women should have the same expectations put on them regarding sex, but more highlighting the paradox that opposing expectations create. Now, I personally don't care about anyone's number either way. I'm not saying, "women are shamed so men should be too!", I'm more saying, "women and men and shamed for xyz reasons but those reasons conflict so why is this happening?" Does that make sense? Sorry if I didn't explain it well.

    • I admit I had to read that twice to follow, but I think I got your point. I generally try to stay away from the value judgements. I think people can have double standards for men and women for different reasons, but their views are always an opinion when it comes to value judgements. I think it's a two part issue. Part one is taking stock the objective reality which is what I tried to do in my post above. Part two is placing a value judgement on the facts. For example: Which is more valuable, bearing children or hunting? That's a different discussion but also quite interesting and I think that very question goes to the heart of the value judgement about virginity too because bearing children involves sex and virginity is about sex. Exactly how that all goes together, I haven't thought out, this is just off the top of my head. A book could be written just about this one question I think. I'd say that, good or bad, humans seem to value hunting more than child bearing.

  • The true challenge is to be together with the same person for the rest of the life, i have seen many doing it with their eyes closed standing on their heads, and others complaining about everything like little babies. All my life i have been with one woman and we are each other's first and we will be the last for each other.
    The alpha BS never worked in the real life, no one likes it but i call it fear and weakness. Am in my 9th year with my beloved wife and it's getting better every single day. I don't care about what people think, as long it's working for both of us so it's the best thing for us. The media influence is killing the magic of love and passion, people can't even communicate because of it.
    I won't become what people think and want me to be, i am what i want to be.

    • Congratulations, it's always wonderful to hear a story like yours!

  • I think those guys want the second scenario where they all hookup with a girl from a small group of sluts that everyone uses and then settle down with a nice modest girl.

    In reality, I think its more like the opposite. Most girls end up having 3-5 hookups/fwbs with a guy from a small group of really desirable players/fuckboys and then settle down with a guy who is more stable but less attractive and less experienced than the guys they hooked up. I think if most couples were honest about their numbr, its probably more common for the wife/gf to have had a few more partners than her husband/bf.

    As far as guys being mocked for being virgins, girls play right into this. One of the most common insults I see girls on this site use against guys on this site is to accuse him of being a virgin. You rarely ever see women insult a guy by accusing him of getting laid frequently.

    Now with girls, getting guys to have sex with you without commitment is pretty easy. Another girl isn't going to be impressed with you for sleeping around because she could have done the same if she wanted to. Most girls can find guys willing to hookup with them. In fact, you can even get guys who are better looking than you to fuck you. Yeah, in relationships the guy is usually the better looking one, but for one night stands and fwbs, its more common for the girl to be the less desirable one.

    For girls getting a guy to actually stick around is what is a challenge. So calli g a girl a slut is in a way saying "you can't get commitment". That you're the girl that everyone wants to fuck but no one wants to commit to. With male virgins, the insult is that "he can't get laid" no one wants to fuck him. Those are the assumptions made with each of those insults and they are different because for men getting sex is harder, while for women getting commitment is harder.

    • Yeah, in relationships the girl** is usually the better..

    • "I think those guys want the second scenario where they all hookup with a girl from a small group of sluts that everyone uses and then settle down with a nice modest girl." ^^ ... except the guys who actually DO fuck around with what you're calling "a whole group of sluts", DON'T want to settle with a "modest" girl. Really, they don't. This isn't a thing. It's not a thing that happens. If there are guys who **think** they would want to do that, then, I can guarantee you they're among the guys who DON'T get to fuck the "sluts". Who knows why... mb it's just something about that hypocritical attitude, that they exude. (Guys, as a rule, are TERRIBLE at masking that sort of thing.) In any case yeah... in the real world, when the guys who get to fuck all those girls settle down, they ALWAYS settle down with someone who would be a "slut" by yr definition here. Probably not one who's fucked all their friends, but... they don't go for virgins or extremely low-count women. They just

    • don't. If you think there is ANY truth to that, you really need to just get off the internet and go out into the world and meet more people.

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  • A comic take but very true and logical undertones about society's double standards, I agree totally - Well done

    • Thank you for the kind words! Appreciate the read :)

  • Love this take, lol to you do you booboo😂😂👏🏾👍🏿

    • Haha thanks for reading girl!! 😘

  • I like wallabies, I think they're cute, I wish I could pet one just once in my lifetime.

  • Over reacting. There are much more things to worry about in the world

    • I mean you still read it and bothered to comment lol. I'm well aware there are other things happening in the world, as are you but you bothered to read and drop a comment anyways. Why don't you address those other things rather than something so insignificant then?

    • Yeah, you're right. That was my precious 1 minute to read and write a comment. Give it back lmao :))

  • I didn't expect virginity from any of my girlfriends. But I got it from two. I married the second one.

    • Nice, and congratulations!

  • This is one reason I Iike the Bible. It condemns both male and female fornicators equally. (not thatfir theological purposes "fornication" means "extramarital sex".

    • It also condemns homosexuality. Great stuff on the Bible, isn't it?

    • @Blanquino It doesn't, actually. you can find lots of explanations for why with a simple google search.

    • I could quote homofobic stuff on the Bible but I'm too lazy and it is something obvious.

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  • Its always been the case. Women want a man thats more experienced than them and older and men want a less experienced younger woman especially for marriage

  • I'm a 20-year-old virgin mostly due to shit luck and opportunities not feeling right, but at a later age it's actually been beneficial to me. Any woman I talk to tends to have friends who immediately assume I'm some man-whore who just wants her for sex but are caught way off guard when I tell them I'm a virgin. For both sides, once egos start receding I think one's virginity starts bringing a positive first impression on those who want a steady relationship especially in a college envirnment when everyone's fucking everybody.

    • Pretty cool that it's worked the opposite for you!

  • For me, it's someone's attitude about their sex life/lack of that I'm more concerned about then their past or number of partners.

    There's a huge difference between asking someone about their number of partners (which I don't do) and then someone boasting about their sex life and acting overly sexual which I've had happen.

    There's been girls who would be like I'm so sexual, I get around and go into too much details I don't need to hear or send nudes thinking that it'll turn me on when it does quite the opposite. There's just no reason to advertise your sex life or lack of.

    • I totally agree. Thanks for reading and commenting!

    • This one girl I've been talking too off POF asked me what I'm into sexually the other day and I haven't met her yet. While that is a little early to ask, I think it's ok to ask what you're into sexually than number of partners, last time you had sex, etc. It's not like she said what she's done what she's like sexually with each guy or how she got there.

    • I don't like hearing about the details of past sex partners or even exes for that matter, at least early on. There's figuring someone's had sex in the past and exes then getting into the details. Going into full details comes off like they either miss it or they're putting pressure on you by comparing you to them or as if they expect you to live up to that person. By the end of the day sex and dating is different with every person.

  • Sadly, I think that's just how society works these days. People naturally think that way regardless of their gender. And a huge factor i think also depends on culture and tradition. I grew up in a country where sex before marriage is still considered as highly inappropriate. Mostly all of my female friends (the 'good' ones) are not attracted to guys who have had sex before, quite the contrary actually- they dislike guys who aren't virgins. And other half of my female friends who are (supposedly) more... perceptive and less judgmental, usually dont care. I, myself personally do not care if the guy is not a virgin anymore or have had several partners before...(just that i'll be checking their medical records, just incase) In conclusion, i think culture and an one's upbringing play a huge role. but all in all, we can't force people to think like we do, despite the lack of justice and equality of how people tend to think and how they were taught (or have learned) these days.

    • I agree, thank you for your opinion! Religion, culture, upbringing, all of that definitely affects our attitudes towards sex/marriage/relationships.

  • ... one little problem with your ending there:

    Men don't choose to be virgins. Most men cannot get their hearts desires. The only level a man can do that in terms of promiscuity, is through prostitutes or being an outlier.

    • Ok but my point really is that virgin shaming and slut shaming are both just dumb because I don't think sexual partners should be a measure of someone's value.

    • I would agree with that too, but it does. Let me ask you something. If sex or lack there of shouldn't be an issue, would you judge a person who uses prostitutes? Same awesome dude, just a different sexual path (mainly because the "lack of sex" thing is a bit frustrating)

    • No actually I don't lol

  • It is an unfortunate expectation from guys that I know that the girls they date are virgins regardless of their own slutty ways... one friend of mine had guys chasing her because of the fact she was a virgin... yet her boyfriend is a big ol' slut who sleeps with random groupies.
    Guys = Sluts who get to slut around, yet most of them end up getting diseases
    Girls= Virgins who AREN'T allowed to slut around but if they do then how dare she *sarcasm

  • You're absolutely right, as women are more of the time than men. I remember losing my virginity @13, a really pretty girl a year older than me had, in essence, taken it. I remember feeling on top of the world as I walked home that night, but I have had some ripples move out into my life, women have been sexual aggressors (for lack of a better term) a lot in my life, it has definitely given me a taste for women who are sexually sadistic, while I've always craved pain (dominatrices, etc.) and have had issues with my own addiction to that. I found out a few years ago that at the same time as my sexual encounter with her, (she was 14) this older guy who I admired was having sex with her, there's nothing else to call it nowadays but rape. It has made me look at the whole situation in a different way, I believe that men and women today are conditioned to have expectations for each other based on 2500 years of Patriarchal society, I for one would recommend being put in a submissive posture by a woman. It's a lot of fun and a good experience.

  • As a virgin myself, I agree fully!

    This sexist double standard of women being virgins and men not is not compatible. Not only that but it's utter dull and bullsh.

    As someone already mentioned, the female sexuality seems to be one directional (hypergamy plays a role in it + females choose their mates) whereas the male sexuality tends to be more multi-directional (they are attracted to multiple women at once and are the one's, who pursue them).

    As a result being a male virgin is often not a choice but more influenced by luck or wealth.
    Remaining a male virgin is maybe 100 times easier than remaining a female virgin.

    But anyway, let's get to the point: The one thing I agree with the most is, that sexual life should be private and nobody elses business. I personally know some, who have a problem with my virginity. MY VIRGINITY! All I do about it is laughing AT THEM! Because THEY have a problem with MY VIRGINITY!!! HAHAHA ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Then they try to convince me, that it's my problem but all I say is: "Why are you so concerned about my virginity?" BWHAHAHAHA!!!

    • Your sexual life is not a business of strangers, but it is an business of your date.

    • @Berethor Yeah, with that exception of course. Let's see if I find a good woman or have avoided a bitch, who wouldn't want to see me again because of my sex life facts.

    • @Unit1 only an huge bitch or a girl who was influenced by one would turn down an guy only for being a virgin, it's actually quite rare for girls to turn down virgin guys in real life, even many sluts want to get their hands on a guy did not been with any other girl.

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  • Lol too funny

    • Haha thanks for reading.

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