The MGTOW Movement vs. Family

The MGTOW Movement vs. Family

Question: If those that believe in MGTOW, or men going their own way, have families, and specifically female children, how do they support this movement?

The reason I ask this, is thus: the way I love my nephew, I know there is nothing on this earth that would make me turn against him or hate that he is a boy or believe that just because he is a boy, he will grow up and destroy the female sex. But at the core of things like MGTOW there is an inherent dislike, or sometimes outright hatred for the female gender with notions that society focuses too much on their needs, and treats men like disposable income. But what if your child, your biological child that is, is female? What about your grandmother, your mother, a cousin, a friend who is female?

The MGTOW Movement vs. Family

Women aren't just women you sleep with, they are women who created you, are your children, and are your friends (if you allow that), and I get that you do not sleep with or and have no relations with those women, but if the core of this movement is that all women do is destroy society, these people are of the female sex too whether they are 2 years old or 102.

I mean, how did you get here to where you are if not for your mom and dad having sex? Odds are she wasn't I'm guessing a prostitute, which a lot of MGTOW's claim is the only safe (for their wallets) way to have sex. And your kid...if all women are bad and horrible and destroyers of the world, do you believe that about your own female kid?

You can look at your daughter at 10 years old, and know that she deserves a life where she needs to be a prostitute in order to have respectful relations with a man or just live a life where she is forced to be alone because no man should engage in any relations with her because she is female and will undoubtedly destroy them? That is f-cked up!

The MGTOW Movement vs. Family

This attitude towards women totally negates that there is male or fatherly influence on children as well. If you are that child's father, and you are raising her, why aren't you raising her to not treat men like a wallet or disposable if that's what you believe all women do? I was raised by a father, and he never taught me to be cruel to men in those ways, and neither did my mother for that matter. And that kid, did not ask to be born, you made it so. You made that choice, and then you decide that they deserve to be punished for existing and being female?

There is a bigger picture these men don't or can't see. When you say all women this, that, boom, your children and your family are part of that, and let me say, if your mom wanted to destroy you in a very literal way, she would have gotten an abortion, but she didn't. Now, I definitely don't believe that every man needs to get married or have children. That is by all means your own business, but if you did or you had kids, those were choices you made. You wanted to start a family and you wanted to get married, and since a marriage crumbling takes two to tango, as with any choices you make, you must either live with the consequences, or in the case of things like inequalities in divorce or custody, fight against them if you want to see changes to the system, but not MGTOW.

The MGTOW Movement vs. Family

MGTOW it seems is content with merely complaining that things are unfair rather than actually doing anything about them like the Men's Movement. But you see, if you are one of those men with alimony or child support or dealing with a difficult divorce, if you know the potential outcome is you will get screwed and have to pay for these things in your opinion, just because you think it's unfair and don't want to, that doesn't mean you will not have to pay them or do them, so I don't see how self-preservation or having a blind all reaching hatred of women helps one if they do nothing about it other than complain or attempt to isolate, but still have to deal with the legalities of their situation, nor do I understand how you could essentially hate your own female daughter or any other female family member unless they have actually done abusive harm to you.

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  • first off mgtow is not a movement, is a lifestyle.

    anyways unlike feminism mgtow is not about destroying the opposite sex, its about bringing awareness to the male gender thus teaching us how to enjoy life on our own without living up to society's expectations. yes at the moment I have no children and I'm not planning on doing so either, not because I fear that my children are gonna be male or female but because I don't see a point in starting a family anymore.

    about the grandmother, mother, a sister part we just simply see them as normal human beings. lets not forget that they may be the reason why we decided to go mgtow I for example never got that unconditional love from my own mother of mines. growing up she did nothing but abuse and abandon me on a constant basis and as I got older all she did was force me to get a job so I can support her like if I was her husband or something.

    anyways this was my mom, so God knows what a woman who isn't even related to me is capable of doing. which is why again I won't be starting a family because what if I make the mistake my father made and have children with women who are as bad or MAYBE WORST than my mom

    • also I like to add that I believe the best thing my mom could of done for me and herself was actually do herself an abortion 9 months before I was born. so I don't believe you're actually destroy a kid by doing an abortion. I think abortion sounds a lot better than having the kid so you can slave him/her to death after he/she is born like your personal slave and then try to justify your actions by telling him/her that AS A PARENT YOU'RE ENTITLED TO TREAT THEM THIS WAY IF YOU FEEL LIKE IT ALL BECAUSE YOU CREATED HIM/HER

  • Happily married since 1971

  • Naw, you're confused about what it is - it's a simple rejection of social interaction with women for the purpose of dating. Or put another way, the fucking they're getting isn't worth the fucking they're getting. :)

    I don't agree with it either, I think it's a total cop out, and unwillingness to engage, to game. But some guys just cannot deal with the female populous.

  • They're not supposed to have families because they don't want to have relationships with women. I honestly don't care if some men want to go live on their own in a cave, as long as they don't bother women.

    • What they're saying is women don't bother us. You've got that the wrong way.

    • @Charleslvajr LOL

    • The problem was that we have more than 74% of men unmarried between 18-40. And the women know that if the numbers continue to grow, their don't be men left to the good woman who deserve and want to be married. I'm from Portugal, and the law is fair in my country. 50/50 share custody, the women have only 5 years of alimony and only if she was a housewife. But i see the bitch my mother was to my father. A bitch that i'm never going to see her again and i'm going to make a party when that bitch die. My father kill himself because that bitch. And work all day long even Sundays to give the money to her spend. I'm never going to marry a women and use prostitutes to fuck when i need sex (it's cheap and legal in my country, the Brazilian women come ton Portugal to gain some money. Kids? If i have some day a baby rabies i can be use the same path of Cristiano Ronaldo and use a surrogate.

  • Their reasons aren't all unfounded. There are a LOT of evil women running about. There are women in my family who have attitude problems. It's not daughters, it's the group influence women have on each other. Frankly, I think many women are bad for women's psychological health.

    Their terminology cracks me up.

    • If you go by that logic, I would counter with, there are a LOT of evil men running about, but that doesn't mean every and all. I have no issue with you or anyone else saying, "the women I've encountered in my personal life have treated me like dirt, have used me for my money, or have otherwise hurt me in some way," but then when you go on to say, all women are evil... I'm out because that's not true---you don't even know them all and if you were to shut them all out, there is no potential way you'll ever meet any of the good ones.

    • A lot, not all. If they say all, it's arrogance. The best they can say is what they've encountered and trusting testimony of others. I don't disagree there are evil men running about.

  • Well your article seems at odds with a lot of the comments some of which are part of the movement and really don't come across as bitter nutjobs who just hate women and think the world would be better off without them.

    And personally I dont think and MGTOW who is fucked in the head like that would have a family to begin with.

    Like what girl is gonna start a family with a guy who despises her very existence lol

  • Alpha males pumps and dumps women.
    Now these women become feminists and take their revenge on nice guys.
    But since nice guys are no longer nice guys but have become MGTOW, this scares women because they have no place to run and hide and take shelter after riding the cock carousel in her younger years.

  • I know right? Those types of MGTOW literally hate half of the population because of a slit between their legs. 🙄
    On top of that and at the same time they despise men, who love women just as much. 🙄
    I mean: What happened to *actually* going your own way and minding your own business? I know a few actual MGTOW (around here online only however), who are doing exactly what MGTOW is supposed to do and that is staying out of all of this. You won't see them commenting or you may see them commenting but not in a way like "ALL WOMEN XYZ!!!" or "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND MGTOW (typical woman)! IT'S A LIFESTYLE PHILOSOPHY/GROUP/MOVEMENT/W\E".
    Just go your own way already or take it to MGTOW. com.

    The way MGTOW represents itself from famous representatives seems like they were made FOR (hardcore 3. th wave) feminism and feminism for MGTOW. There goes a crossfire between those two and I decide to stay out of that.

    Unfortunately there is nothing to my knowledge, that can be done to save girls from misogynistic fathers.

  • How can women who have families, husbands and sons support the feminist movement?

    • I think the idea is that the purpose of the feminist movement is to encourage men & boys that they are also entitled to security from harassment/assault/rape (because it does happen, as we know), that they don't need to look like Ryan Gosling, or whoever. That they can be a lawyer or a nurse or a dancer, that they have rights in the courts of family law & that those rights need to be protected just as much as the women's, & that it's important for them to be emotionally, mentally, etc. healthy/aware. Basically, the equality that the feminist movement fights for is fought for both women AND men. I'm a feminist, & while I'm not going to bash it's doctrine & philosophy into my hypothetical son's head to make him support it, I hope to raise him in a way that makes him realize his rights & value the same way I would want my daughter to realize her rights & value. That's how I support both the feminist movement & the men in my life. Does that make sense?

    • Feminism means supporting equal legal protections for woman and advocating social change so that women are on equal footing with men in more areas. There are 7 billion people in this world. Some of them will say hateful or stupid things. Some of those hateful or stupid people are feminists. This was a statistical certainty. How is it generating a reaction this extreme?

    • @MikeAndMolly Simply because the extremist feminazis are the ones being supported with funds to create a hostile environment. Since it doesn't affect women, most don't pay any attention to it and lefty men will support whatever the feminazi overlords say.

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  • I don't have any of these issues thank goodness

  • MGTOW in reality would not actually have anything to do with women, including marriage.

    • pacificoceanasia?

    • @jontron504 The fuck?

  • That sort of sphere has evolved and branched off over the years.

    It started out as "guys, you've been lied to. Here's how to get women."
    Then "the true nature of women is alpha fucks/beta bucks, here's how to live smart."
    Then that split off like a hydra, I believe, into three main veins.

    1. The MTGOW. A small group that flared up, was popular for about fifteen minutes, then plummeted. While I totally recognize that legal marriage is a bad idea, it's mainly a defeatist ideology. Avoid it.

    2.. Many of those guys ended up becoming the Alt-Right as you know them, which loosely does encompass everything from people like Anglin to Vox Day to others. Once you start questioning what's "true" it can take you various places. A revival of how politics where viewed not long ago was one part, and it led to many whites questioning "wait, why is the left saying it's so good we will be a minority in the USA? This is not good for us."

    3. The hookup culture/players who believe in just enjoying life to the fullest.

  • i'm not a mgtow, not a feminist merely a bystander. however i've seen some videos and listened to some of their points of contention/arguments. some of their points are very valid, some of them are a bit whiny.

    however you're playing exactly into their narrative OP. instead of taking a look into why or opening your mind to someone else's perspective you're focusing on yourself.

    the backlash that is mgtow is merely coming to a head and lots of guys rather than playing the game and risking getting screwed they're tapping out... self-preservation is an act of survival. first self then everyone else just like airplane instructions

    • Ok. Before you say something we also need prove otherwise the conversation becomes useless. I hope you understand that. You have proven not one point you say.

    • @jibidijibidi proof is circumstantial and my experience is anecdotal, that being said the relationship game and laws don't incentive a man to risk himself and his worth

    • Yeah ok. You make a point. I understand better now what you are saying. And you make a point.

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  • Yeah but those women are part of the own way

    • Do not seek to blame. Take your naturel responsibility or you lose you. The who you are. Or do you say you are a nobody and a nobody and have no excistings?

  • My parents divorced when I was 4.

    I don't have kids and never will.

    I don't have sex and likely won't unless I pay a prostitute.

    My family doesn't really care about me anyway. My neice will grow up in a world where she is given preferential treatment due to her sex, my nephew will have a harder time. When she is grown she will probably do the same things her mother did.

  • ... ok

  • To deny gynocentrism is to deny the existence of society itself

  • Honestly, its not like their fucking any women anyway, so it'll just be good riddance.

    So if they've decided that they're going to leave women, and leave society, let them leave, and have them shut the door on the way out - society doesn't need them too much anyway.

    Warning rant below -
    These people just want to say 'fuck society', not because of poverty, corruption, crime, nepotism, caste, slavery, or some of the real problems in this world - but want to leave the whole of first world society just because some women being treated better than them is hurting their feelings is ridiculous.

    Anybody living in a first world country with that much shit to complain about when it comes to half the worlds population clearly either doesn't have enough other problems in their life, or has no life.

    Most people, anywhere you go on this planet, got shit to complain about, real shit, stuff like money, career, work or some other important cause, e. g. war, global warming, corruption, slavery, real problems that are damaging peoples quality of life in society.

  • MGTOW is for losers with emotional problems due to being hurt. Don't take the movement seriously.

  • MGTOW is pure cancer. Feminism makes women crazy, but MGTOW makes men crazy. The two combined will destroy society. My opinion is that men need to find a way to cure society of its ills, and 'going their own way' is the most shameful thing for men to do in this situation.

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