The Oppression of Male Sex Drive and Male Depression

A picture says a million words. This one says only two:

Ah, I just love that men send these. They really should be on greeting cards.
Ah, I just love that men send these. They really should be on greeting cards.

Why exactly is it, that men become a bit desperate and strange after being in a sexual dry spell for a while? Even the idea of never being able to get laid, has pushed several men into depression - even suicide. Women also experience lows due to lack of intimacy and sexual contact, but we aren't rushing to DM a clit-pic to a random that could be underage even, just to get some sexual attention.

Just A Touch

The Oppression of Male Sex Drive and Male Depression
Boobs are nature's pillows

Hearing my guy buddies mourn about needing a woman after weeks or months of being unwillingly abstinent, is just the beginning of the sudden touching, porn binges and asking if itd be okay to just lay his head on my chest for five seconds.

As a guy, we really start to crave a women's touch. It's a shitty feeling so you kinda look for ways to get that, even if it is a little weird. - Robert

Another friend of mine, had been clearly frustrated for a month or so, and I awoke in ready-to-stab-a-bitch terror, completely wrapped in his arms-

Oh shit. Sorry if I scared this okay...ha ha...can we keep doing...this? - Derek

Now, none of us chick buddies have ever been sexual with the guy buddies, as that's kinda the rule of the friend zone - but upon joking about pity sex, Robert made a statement that was kinda startling -

It's easy to laugh about when you don't feel like you're about to hurt someone because you need it so bad.

Granted, he's not the most sugar-coated guy, and the collective agreement amongst ALL the men in the room - even the married ones - felt pretty intense. I didn't know men felt such a deep connection to their sexual drives, beyond obviously wanting it. I mean, as stereotypes go, sex is kinda their thing yeah? There's even the insulting and "toxic-masculinity," degrading guys do, against other men who "cant get laid."

The Oppression of Male Sex Drive and Male Depression

Getting laid, seriously is a big thing to our dudes, and I feel pretty crappy that society makes male sexuality out to be such a horrible thing. A threatening thing.

It is obviously a big part of their nature as guys, and maybe they wouldn't blow our inboxes up with dick-pics or creepy senpai furry RPGs chats, if men weren't antagonized for

Men being sexual, is not bad. It's as natural as a woman being emotional. Repression of sexual desire, was a social construct from a post conservative time.

Now, there is definitely a line - a woman who is too emotional, causes problems for herself and others. A man who is too sexually expressive, can develop an addiction, obsession, or potentially hurt someone. Sexual expression is not blowing up an unwilling girl's inbox because you want to do a sexual roleplay. There are girls who do, but men who have been sexually repressed, struggle with this boundary out of desperation.

(Note the Indian dudes that we all love to get messages from and to see post about what "our vag-genes look as," and if "cock ever in mouth yes?" These dudes come from a conservative ass country, with the internet being the holy grail of virtual sexy time.)

The difference, is that women are still okay to be emotional, fuck, even over emotional. Whereas, men are never given the safe space to express sexual desire, without being stigmatized as desperate or a creep. Due to that notion, men keep their urges repressed in an unhealthy way, feeling shame, embarrassment, and end up sneaking into your bed to cry into your breasts at 4 in the morning.

Eliminating Destructive Social Conditioning

So, are you saying women should just give sex to a lonely guy you queen of the whores?!

No. I'm saying that society should loosen up on the freak-out factor of men being sexual. A man is not going to rape you for acknowledging him. He isn't going to assume you want sex because you stopped to let him compliment your pretty face. They don't get all kidnappy because you gave them some female attention.

What's creepy about being praised for your beauty, brains, and persona?
What's creepy about being praised for your beauty, brains, and persona?

Stop being anxious about male attention.

Its reassuring to men, when their advances are either met, or passed gracefully by women.

We've experienced being rejected by a guy because he (unspoken usually,) found us ugly, annoying or gross. Guys however, are more elegant in letting women down, than our mean asses.

Although you may not want to be with him, another girl will. There's firm yet kind ways to show a guy disinterest, as opposed to being blown off, ghosted, ignored, creepofied, and rudely insulted by the few women he simply wanted to address.

Don't be that bitch who tells a guy "eew," for giving you honor in finding you attractive. Its blatantly disrespectful. Men face their own ridicule and its extremely potent when that ridicule is constantly from women.

Men understand words pretty well, I know some are like, "Waah? I thought they only thought with their dicks?" No, no. there's a fully functional, sentient, brain too. Shocking, I know - who would've thought with all the dumb- cave man ideology pushed in media - that men actually have coherency and self control. Simply telling a man that you are not interested in him, usually is enough.

That mentioned, men should understand when enough is enough, and how to appropriately find and engage WILLING women. A girl posting her opinion on liking to give head, does NOT translate to sexy time messaging. You still gotta get CONSENT to these things guys.


Come here guuuuuh!
Come here guuuuuh!

Okay, so it wasn't enough, and he is still begging you for a date, because let's just put it on the table - men get obsessive over us sometimes. Persistence is not something unique only to human males. It's a trait in millions of species.

Yeah, we've seen Mr. Puffy Pigeon McHorny Beak, hooeing and chasing a clearly disinterested female pigeon for hours, and we want to kick him for her - but males are the sexual protagonists. This drive is solely due to nature telling guys to keep going, so you can get one pregnant eventually and keep our damn species alive.

No pressure right?

It is the counter-balance to female selection, in which a guy keeps expressing why he is a suitable partner for her, (peacocking,) and spurns male competition to, in theory, keep the breeding pool full of good healthy genes.

What is incredibly unsettling about this, is that sometimes we give in to it, because it makes us reconsider him. The audacious lengths nature goes to for baby-making?!

Is this any excuse for you sir, to keep harassing a CLEARLY DISINTERESTED woman? No. Guys need to keep in mind, that you become a threat after we tell you no for good. If a girl you like starts becoming aggressive, rude or scared, you seriously need to fuck off.

Most guys are pretty civil, so they'll leave you alone after the first polite let down.

In truth, if male sexuality is nurtured more, men won't be spurned to persist so desperately, because they'll feel confident enough to receive a no. If it's a constant struggle to just get a smile from a girl, it starts to make men angry and bitter, eliciting those harsher "creepy" behaviors.

Men are not comfortable quite yet in expressing their awkward position in the breeding game, its quite a sensitive topic.

No guy wants to be the loser who can't get a girl, and that's terrible that such an antagonization lingers over them at all, especially when life has made it an uphill battle.

My dude-o's, don't feel bad about your sexual nature. It's okay to feel strongly those things that you do. It's not weird to fantasize about a girl you like, it's not creepy to stare while you figure out how the hell you'll possibly get her number, or try that pick up line you've been wanting to use all week.

Keep whistling at us, holding doors open, making our day brighter because you couldn't help but tell us we were beautiful, when we felt like shit all day. You're not a creep for having to be bold in what you want.

It may not be today or tomorrow, but someday she'll be snuggled right in your arms.

Just like she fantasized about the first time she pictured you and her together...

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5 30
  • Did you know that psychologically we are required at least 10 hugs a day to live happier lives? Couples who cuddle a lot always seem happy because of the endorphins that emulate from it. When we don't have any contact, especially as an adult, we are choking ourselves of these happy highs , leading to depression issues. If you have guy friends, hug them every time you meet and leave them. Don't make it seem like you want them, cuz guys are stupid and will think your into them, but this is a benefit for you too. Hug everyone you love. It could change lives for real!!

    • This indirectly explains why i have been of depression last couple of years not by hugs but by excercise

  • I haven't been laid in years

    • I don't even know what it is like for a fucking woman to touch me... It's gotten so bad that I don't even touch myself. Clearly suffering from depression and very low confidence.. basically think I'm the biggest loser in the world and I'm the ugliest person on earth.. people tell me I'm really good looking and I have a great personality. Im also really funny and make women laugh! People say change your confidence around! Women can see that and they're not attracted to that low confidence thing. Well I told him you try not being touched or having sex in years. No one remotely interested in you with no kids and no wife. With the only thing to look forward to is work. "Tell them to try that one on"!!

    • I hear you man. I'm sorry that you're going through that. Be strong.

  • tfddrffR

  • I love dick pics it litteraly helps sort the real men from the baby dicks.

    The Oppression of Male Sex Drive and Male DepressionThe Oppression of Male Sex Drive and Male Depression
  • After reading someone's post about their guy friend who claims you "have to think about the guy's needs" in a rape situation, I can't agree with this my take. Not to mention how many men just can't take 'no' for an answer. You say "A man is not going to rape you for acknowledging him" but that's not necessarily true, there's a lot of cases of men following women that have rejected them so that they can rape them. Many, many cases of those. Not to mention some men that do believe any kind of acknowledgment from a woman means interest.

    This idea is good for the population of men that are respectful of women sure but unfortunately there's still a large population of men that are not. If there's seriously men in this world that think a man is okay raping a woman because 'he has uncontrollable need for sex', then I can't agree with this.

  • MGTOW 80/20 rule

    • More like 99/1 rule

    • @incelposting it doesn't matter either way women are blind most do not have eyes to see

  • Thanks

  • Interesting read, peacocking is probably the point of dick pics. Women pretend to not care, but as a species have been selecting for big dicks to the point where humans have the largest penises of any primate

  • You’re one of the few women who actually understands that male sexuality is much different than female sexuality and also understands that men don’t have it as easy as society has the gullible masses believe.

  • The world would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better if all women saw things the way you do. Sadly, women like you are uncommon, which just makes me appreciate you that much more.

    Thank you!!!

  • oh my god. you understand us so well i suspect you have a dicx yourself. my phone battery is dead but as soon as i recharge it i'll send you a couple of dic pics as your reward. seriously who are these dicxless, castrated blue simps who have liked this? how lowly and pathetic can one become to enjoy hearing this condescending shit from a woman and enjoy it? those guys are the exact desperate losers mentioned in the take who will do anything for female approval.

  • Let me first point out I didn't read all this fully, but you hit the nail on the head, it's the lack of physical attention we guys get from women (I believe is why guys do this?), and we are human beings also who need/want to feel physically desired by the opposite sex. Granted this might be a poor way to go about it, but I believe it's the reason guys do it? You women are used to getting that attention (wanted or not) all the time, we as guys almost never get it.

    • Also we're visual, and love looking at women's bodies, so it's hard for us to relate when women don't want to do the same because you're not the same way most of you.