The Racist History of Feminism

The Racist History of Feminism

Awhile ago I promised I would never write about feminism here again, but I guess I broke my own word, lol. I have actually been motivated to write this Take on feminism because of an argument I recently had with a girl here, although it’s been something I’ve wanted to post for awhile but have put it off long enough.

Disclaimer: this Take isn’t about calling all white people or white women racists, but does show the racism of women claiming to care about women, but only the ones they want to care about.

For the “feminists” who will ask me to “prove my claims” I can do it very easily since I’ve actually written on this topic extensively in the past, and will include the sources. But because the issue of racism in feminism is very real and also extensively written about by other writers, I will try to highlight the main parts of it and not give my lengthy research on it.

Racism in the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1870s…

I've studied the women’s movement and social-gender politics since I was 16, and it wasn’t until about a decade ago did I start learning about the racist past of the movement towards blacks and black women, and the more I learned the angrier it made me. I guess the black side of me took it more personally, it made me incredibly angry to learn the hypocrisy of feminism concerning blacks and black women altogether, and it's a part of history that feminists ignore and don't want to talk about it because they know it would make them look hypocritical.

One thing I was shocked to learn - and what you will not hear about in the media and probably not in your uni textbooks - is that the main women’s movement in the 1860’s did not want blacks to have the right to vote unless women could have it as well. Although our American history books love hailing Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton as the most important figures of early feminism with their National Woman Suffrage Association, they were the two major women not wanting blacks to get that vote unless women could. Lucy Stone, who’s American Woman Suffrage Association, which consisted of women and men, also felt that blacks and women should get the right to vote together but was willing to let blacks get it first as a political move to help the Republican party. Eventually Congress did pass the Fifteenth Amendment in favor of black men, though we all know that blacks never really were able to vote in peace until almost a hundred years later after the Civil Rights movement.

The Racist History of Feminism

Either way, although the three women were abolitionists they still had their typical racist attitudes and were still somewhat upset about the fact that blacks got the vote before they did, and many other white women were outraged by it. They still thought blacks were ignorant and that their votes weren’t as important as women’s. Elizabeth Cady Stanton is quoted to have said in a newspaper, “American women of wealth, education, virtue and refinement, if you do not wish the lower orders of Chinese, Africans, Germans and Irish, with their low ideas of womanhood to make laws for you and your daughters ... demand that women too shall be represented in government,” and also making racial epithets to those groups as "Patrick and Sambo and Hans and Yung Tung." While Lucy Stone said at one of her suffrage meetings, "Shall women alone be omitted in the reconstruction? Shall [they] ... be ranked politically below the most ignorant and degraded men?" Negroes, is what she meant.

Nancy F. Cott, author of The Grounding of Modern Feminism, even wrote, “Despite links between early woman’s rights and anti-slavery reformers, the suffrage movement since the late nineteenth century had caved in to the racism of the surrounding society, sacrificing democratic principle and the dignity of black people if it seemed advantageous to white women’s obtaining the vote.” -

It doesn’t stop there.

If white women activists back then didn’t feel very good about black men getting the right to vote, you can imagine they didn’t feel great about black women getting it either. White suffragists even anticipated the women’s vote as a way to help cancel out the “Negro vote” because they thought there were more of them as white women than there were of black men and women.

The Racist History of Feminism

African American Woman Suffrage Women's League

Black women in the 1880s and ‘90s did form their own suffrage groups, but the overall white female power structure of it rarely welcomed them, and even tried discouraging black women from mingling with them. Black women were also asked not to march with white women but be in their own colored units, particularly noted in the 1913 suffrage parade.

Segregated feminism in the 1960s and 70s…

For a group that has always whined about “patriarchy” and “systematic” this and that, feminism has acted no differently, especially in the 60s and 70s, one of America’s most socially and culturally heated eras. At this time feminism was pretty much all about just white women, while “Black feminists” and other ethnic women broke away to form their own women’s groups because they could recognize how white feminists did not care about women of color or their concerns.

Anthea Butler wrote in Rewire:

“Even with the advent of the fully-formed feminist movement in the post-civil-rights-movement 1970s, Black women and other women of color were relegated to the sidelines, while white women became the face of feminism. As Gloria Steinem’s good looks were heralded as the face of feminism, other women of color were partnering together to work for a common cause. The Combahee River Collective Statement from 1977 chronicled the genesis, interests, and issues Black feminists faced, and their statements still resonate today. The statement importantly noted that Black feminists were interested in combating a “range of oppressions.” It said, “We do not have racial, sexual, heterosexual, or class privilege to rely upon, nor do we have even the minimal access to resources and power that groups who possess anyone of these types of privilege have.”” -

The Racist History of Feminism

This would later be the cause of women of color now developing the term ‘womanist’ to describe non-white women with feminist views and a desire to help all other women. Feminists can’t claim to not have racism with this kind of counter group. If it was really all that inclusive or cared about all kinds of women, then there wouldn’t be a need for black women, Latinas, Indians, or any other ethnic women to want to break away.

The Racist History of Feminism

Suzanne Reisman

Suzanne Reisman, a white feminist blogger, even boldly confronted the issue when she herself stated,

"I'm a white feminist. I grew up comfortably in a middle class household in an upper middle class community. I have an enormous amount of privilege in my life, but I became a feminist when I was young because I wanted to change society. I wanted to live in a world in which people could just be themselves; a world where no one was forced into a role based on the body in which he or she resided. My idealistic view was that this was exactly what feminism was about - removing stereotypical barriers of all kinds. When this is not the case - when feminism is reinforcing biases against others - I believe that feminism as a movement fails." -

A powerful piece of information I gathered a few years ago from the online paper The Thistle also noted, “Part of the overwhelming frustration black women felt within the Women's Movement was at white feminists' unwillingness to admit to their racism. This unwillingness comes from the sentiment that those who are oppressed can not oppress others. White women, who were (and still are) without question sexually oppressed by white men, believed that because of this oppression they were unable to assume the dominant role in the perpetuation of white racism; however, they have absorbed, supported and advocated racist ideology and have acted individually as racist oppressors..."-

Turn of the 2000s…

I remember back in the late 90s and early 2000s, feminists started shitting out books about how “our daughters” were increasingly being endangered by predatory young men and boys only seeking to steal their virginity, use, abuse, and corrupt them sexually; getting them pregnant and passing girls STDs from their “conquests” with other girls. It was now a major issue for them to make us all aware of how vulnerable “our daughters” were and how we as a society needed to start doing more to protect them. Curious….because black women were experiencing all this danger wayyyyyy back in the 80s, but white feminists didn’t care and didn’t want to write about how their lives mattered either. Only when increased rapes, STDs, and unwanted pregnancies began plaguing white girls did feminists want to have anything to say about it.

The Racist History of Feminism

To this day it remains that black women, native American women, and Latinas are the demographic of women who are raped more than anyone else in the United States, but you don’t hear about it, while feminists - and insecure, privelaged, feministic young white females in universities - only want to scare, or bore, you with all their talk of campus rapes and “rape culture.” Not that rape on campus isn’t an issue, but they actually make up a small number of the crime in comparison to every day rapes of women by boyfriends, husbands, relatives, or strangers in any odd, random situation. Not to mention “rape culture” in America doesn’t even come close to what happens to women in India or other parts of Asia. It still stands that feminists heavily use sexual crimes against women to scare us into giving a damn about women and demonizing men, and that’s a really poor way to get our attention.

The Racist History of Feminism

Racist feminism has endured even to this day, with white feminists marginalizing who they will consider victims and who they won’t. After Andrea Yates killed her kids in a bath tub back in 1997, NOW funded her defense in court, and they’ve also funded other criminal women’s defense, yet never have they done that for a woman of color who was either wrongly convicted of a crime or had the odds stacked against her in court in any other way. And if they did it had to be because the black woman had some wealth or status, but the average ethnic woman has never been represented by a feminist group in a criminal case.

The Racist History of Feminism

Andrea Yates, 1997

White feminists are only on the prowl for what they see as threats to the modern day white woman’s privelage, status, career, or “strides” that she’s made. Anyone else might as well get sent to the landfill as far as Aryan feminism is concerned.

Imperialist feminism…

To this day I still think one of the dumbest things feminists could’ve ever done was trying to walk into Iraq during the Iraq War and actually instill justice and equality for Iraqi women, taking to the streets and holding protests as if it was the 70s all over again. Not a lot of people will remember that, but I do, because it was in the news for a short time.

And they paid the price. Insurgents lead by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi kidnapped some of those American women and beheaded them. When you are a foreigner in another man’s land, what makes you think you can actually stir up a revival or a movement in a culture you know little to nothing about? Without understanding their customs, mind frame, and social setup, you only set yourself up for failure and danger - and rightfully so to be honest.

This is what is known as “imperialist feminism,” which isn’t a lot different from white colonial men running around the world trying to impose their religion and ideals on native peoples. This too shows how white feminists think their idea of women’s rights or justice for women is the best and should be installed in governments and societies everywhere, yet really caring nothing about the women of other nations.

The Racist History of Feminism

Some of you may have heard about groups like NOW and the Feminist Majority Foundation boasting about their numbers and reach around the world, yet make no change for women. I highly doubt white feminists are actually getting their hands dirty and teaching illiterate women of third world nations how to read and write. I doubt they’re helping over-worked women in sweat shops in Asia. And I’m pretty sure it’s been men in international agencies and police forces who conduct the stings and operations that have liberated female sex slaves or found kidnapped women forced to work in the industry, not white feminists who just like to publicize the sex trade.

Feminists don’t care about black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, or any other kinds of women unless they happen to see there’s some benefit in it for them, and that’s just about never.

This is why I can’t take feminism seriously…

When a movement has really acted no differently than the people it says “oppressed and mistreated” them, I can't take it very seriously. Not to mention the biggest joke of feminism might be the fact that the majority of iconic feminists were women who lived privelaged lives and were educated, and generally the only time they were ready to become feminist was when something in particular stood in their way, so they wanted to start a revolution. Most of them were not the average woman who struggled or was oppressed by the system or even beaten by their husbands.

Feminists - and women in general - often like thinking their gender is less racist or more caring, and they're really not. They just reserve care for who they want, when they want, and how. Awhile ago an anonymous user here posted a question about why women vote liberal more than men. As you could expect, a lot of females took the opportunity to praise their gender for why they vote liberal because they're "more compassionate," "more sensitive," and "care about people." Anyone who believes that is a fool. Women don't vote liberal because they're doing the world a favor with their all-encompassing "compassion" and "sensitivity," they vote that way for their own benefit. They vote based on what group is going to care about them as women and their needs. A lot of these same "liberal" voting women still have prejudiced sentiments towards Muslims, blacks, and Hispanics and feel that affirmative action should be struck down and that Hispanics shouldn't be let into the country no less than Republicans do.

The Racist History of Feminism

It humors me the way young women today like to think they're experts on feminism and understand what's happened to women more than anybody else. Almost every time I tell young white self-proclaimed feminists about the racism of their movement they either weren’t aware of it or made a ton of excuses for it, or used your typical comebacks of how men and “patriarchy” are to blame - their answer for just about everything. They get caught off guard by it and don’t know what to do with it.

Others try the argument: "But what does that have to do with women today? Why should the sins of women past be focused on?" Yet these same females are the ones still using what men did in the past to justify their arguments for today! It hurts for them to learn an ugly truth about their own gender and don't want it being talked about, but will do it vice versa.

Not only should it embarrass them that a black person knows their movement’s history better than they do, but a man does.

#ControversialSubjects #sorrynotsorry

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20 23
  • Ban it for the sake of society!!!

  • So, shall I call America as a racist, misogynistic slave master? Because white people have a long history of these things.

  • Once again not all feminists but seriously that's a load of hypocrisy roight there (on the feminists' part not yours lol)

  • do you honestly think that affirmative action is gonna solve anything? its just reverse racism.

    • Well, it has been beneficial to blacks where they otherwise would've been held back.

    • thats like saying that society should owe you things just because you exist. affirmative action may benefit black people, but it will damage all of society. i dont know if you are familiar with the history of Europe? aristocrats here were the ruling class, they were minorities. they had advantages the majority of the population did not have. after the decline of the feudal system people felt the need to define their nation, so nationalism was born, and with it the decline of many monarchies in Europe which led to many revolutions and social stratification. the aristocrats are not put on a pedestal any longer, much of their advantages are gone. affirmative action in my opinion is doing this exactly, benefiting one minority of over majority. thats thats like trading apples for eggs. one minority for another. thats my European point of view of affirmative action.

    • I am familiar with European history, yes. Done a lot of reading on it. In America it's different. People of color were once discriminated against just for that. We could hardly get into schools or get chances in the work world because of our race. And some of that still does go on. Employers can decide they don't want to hire a black person because they have the name Joniqua or Anquan (I hate those names myself), because those names are usually on black people from inner city communities considered ghetto, so employers think that person must not be very educated. Affirmative action doesn't exist for nothing. It may be that we're reaching a place where it's less needed, but there was a reason for it.

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  • I find a better hashtag when slapping people in the face with their ideas that they try to use to silence you is #sorrybutfuckyou

  • So because there were and still are some racist feminist that completely discredits the movement? That's ridiculous.

    • You didn't read the whole thing either. It's not that their racism discredits the whole movement, it's that it contributes to the rest of their failures. But their racism actually plays an enormous part in it because of it's contradiction: claiming compassion for women, yet picking and choosing which ones and still supporting oppression.

    • You got me there. I'm just tired of all these takes on feminism. Honestly I don't know any feminist that is racist. A lot are bleeding hearts.

    • @WhaChaChaKing I get tired of feminist Takes too, and I vowed to never write one again, but this one had to be done. People need to know the truth.

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  • I don't know why most of the feminists are very ugly people.

    • Seriously? Emma watson, beyonce, Chloe moretz, are ugly?

    • @mistixs tbh either they are not that attractive or not my type.

  • Feminism is just forcing some women ideas into other women minds

    • Good way to put it.

    • yea they are like women you have to live to our standards otherwise other people will force you to live to their standards and no one care what these women want for themselves

    • Wow, man, you put that a lot better than other people would have I think.

  • so all feminists are racist now?

    • Once AGAIN someone races to comment first just to have something to say, LOL! You DID NOT read this whole thing in the short time I posted it up. Go back and try again.

    • no I did read it and I already knew everything you said in the first part the only important thing for me here was your opinion, so can you answer me know?

    • @lost_alice If you really read the whole thing you would've seen the disclaimer that mentions not all white women are racists, not even all white feminists.

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  • Feminism has ALWAYS been toxic

  • You're such a stupid. You're saying that you don't like generalization but you're making a generalization about feminism. Without them , your black mother would never have the right to vote.

    This take is giving premature value judgments.

  • Feminism is cancer

  • Feminists hate men so much.

  • I don't like feminists. They are against men's rights and their attention draws attention away from worse problems men have.

  • Black people support the democratic party proslavery and abortion pro genocide of black people. Women and men support the lgbt and feminism both anti nuclear family, anti man, anti hetero and anti cisgendet. People dont know the history of the movements they support. If people only did a thorough research they'd might not support them.

    • Many people don't realize Democrats were the ones who imposed slavery.

  • The sort of toxic feminazi who needs to read that stuff, is incapable of believing it. So it's sort of a catch-22.

  • Macho chauvinists once again, mistaking feminism with femi-nazism.

  • What a load of patriarchal crap...
    "Feminists don’t care about black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American" - Wrong, first of all, Feminists don't divide people by their race or ethnicity, all the women are important, regardless of their ethnic, racial, religious or any other background.
    Second of all, you can't compare Feminism with American Suffrage movement, because... during the 19th century, America was a racist country... most of the "white American protestants" (regardless of their gender) have had prejudices towards other races, ethnicities and religions.
    Real feminism was inspired by several various factors, including revolutionary movements in France (especially Paris Commune as well as other left wing politics in general), but also some other views of women power from ancient times, including mythology (Amazons, Valkyries, Volscian female warriors, Goddess Ishtar etc), as well as real female historical heroines (Boudica, Yim Wing Chun, Joan of Arc etc).

    • You must not have read the whole thing either, LOL!

    • I just Googled on the following and verified the answers. Learn to question everything. Don't just be satisfied with what you hear from other Feminists. Why don't feminists fight for muslim women Why don't feminists fight for men's rights

    • And the Swedish government runs on Feminist ideology. Try googling on this... Sweden: radical feminists say they would rather be raped by muslim migrants than helped by local street groups Yes, swedish feminists would actually be raped by Syrian Men than white men!

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  • Black males had the right to vote before women did this is stuff you learn early on in history class.

    Also some of your facts about rape don't really tell the whole story, whos raping them? Largely men of their own race? But you don't want police involved a lot of times so what exactly do you expect to happen in communities where people have negative views of poliece and refuse to work with police?

    Feminists are wrong but so is your BLM movement of pointless crying without taking responsibility for the crime and lack of family values and education in your community.

    • Right, but black men couldn't vote in peace until after the 1960s.

  • Wgike intersectionality gets a lot of talk, ultimately most white feminists want to claim patriarchy is the dominant feature of society which lets them demand things as victims.

    I'm white male hetero and earn 6 figures.

    I easily see class priviledge.

    If I look carefully I do see white priviledge (though I see more black disadvantage than white priviledge).

    Male privilege? It's a much more mixed bag of advantages and real disadvantages.

    White feminists don't want to hear that.

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