The Real Reason Why Men Don't Like Sluts

The Real Reason Why Men Don't Like Sluts

...Is not because they are opposed to promiscuity, but because they do not like settling for the leftovers of another man.

Allow me to Explain...

The Real Reason Why Men Don't Like Sluts

Men are extremely competitive. This is an inherent part of our masculinity. From hunting to fishing, sports, and the workplace, men have been finding creative - and often stupid - ways to compete with one another since the beginning of time. In fact, according to the ancient Greeks, a man's worst primal fear was being outperformed by another man and particularly his son. This is where that disturbing painting of Achronos cannibalizing his children comes from, but I digress.

Men are competitive not in the general sense, but rather in the specific sense. That is, we are competitive only with other males, whom we perceive as our rivals. Hence why many men are aroused by the thought of a threesome with their partner and another woman, but completely opposed to the thought of one with their partner and another man. It has nothing to do with "sharing" their partner, but rather sharing their partner with another man, because other men are perceived as rivals. Granted, I am not endorsing this behavior nor saying that it is fair, but only stating the facts for what they are regardless of whether or not it is correct, which I leave to the judgment of the reader.

That being Said...

The Real Reason Why Men Don't Like Sluts

Sluts - whom for the sake of this article can be defined as women who are promiscuous and/or have sex outside of marriage - are extremely selective creatures, contrary to popular belief. In fact, their standards may even be higher than women who are not promiscuous. That is, they sleep only with the top 10-20% of men who happen to be lucky enough to be Chad Thundercock.

How and why is up for debate, but the fact remains that sluts are not interested in sleeping with the vast majority of the male population. They are interested only in sleeping with those at the very top of the proverbial totem pole. In essence, this is what MGTOW types refer to as the infamous "80/20 Rule," the idea that 80% of women - or at least sluts - are sleeping only with 20% of men. Personally I disagree with it - I think that 20% is too optimistic of an estimate. In reality, I think it is even worse: only 10%

Tying Things Together...

The Real Reason Why Men Don't Like Sluts

Men have too much pride to settle for a slut.

As stated earlier, men do not like settling for the leftovers of another man. This is because men are inherently competitive with one another. The fact that sluts - whom are extremely selective - have slept only with such men at the very top of the totem pole for most of their lives makes it a huge blow to the ego when they finally decide that they want to settle down for a good man. It is as if these women who have virtually been monopolized by our rivals are only now available to us because our rivals have grown sick of them. Hence they are leftovers. This is why any good man with even a single shred of self-esteem would avoid such women. It would be like following a rich person around until they finally drop some spare change. Most good people would have too much pride to do such a thing. Likewise, most good men have too much pride to settle for a slut.

And I am one of them

I refuse to settle for a woman who rejected me for most of her life and is only now interested in pursuing a relationship because Chad Thundercock is done fucking her. I refuse to settle for a woman who is willing to drop her panties for the first stud who walks by, but forces a good man like me to "earn" sex and then even has the audacity to claim that it is because she "cares" about me and "values" me more than a simple hookup. Bullshit. If she truly cared about and valued me, then she would have treated me as well as she treated Chad Thundercock instead of forcing me to jump through extra hoops precisely because I was a good man!

See how warped, twisted, and unfair female logic is?

Hence why there are so few Good Men left Nowadays...

The Real Reason Why Men Don't Like Sluts

Such blatant unfairness and downright gynocentrism has effectively destroyed the incentive for men to be good. Slowly but steadily men such as myself are coming to realize that we got the shit end of the deal, and that modern society has been rigged against us. Mom lied. Treating women the right way will get us nowhere but last and nothing but leftovers. Not all of us are content essentially just being a slut's insurance plan, settling for another man's trash.

Where is the pride in knowing that your wife's vagina was just a cum-bucket for the man you work for? That when you behold her naked body, you will only be beholding what Chad Thundercock has beheld before you? That whenever you make love to her, something will be forever lost? That there will always be a void? That it will never be as special as it could have been had she not been a slut? Instead of drinking the Kool-Aid, some men would rather just resort to prostitution. It is the option for men who have too much pride to abide by the unfair and gynocentric rules of the matriarchy. They would rather have sex and maintain their pride even if it means spending money than have sex the "normal" way and lose it.

At least a prostitute belongs to no man and no man holds a monopoly over her. She is a fair and independent contractor whose sole concern is making money, providing an alternative for men who no longer wish to play by the rules of a game that is militantly rigged against them and in the process undermining it.

Prostitution is the ultimate "Screw You!" to Chad Thundercock, sluts, and the matriarchy. It is our way to enjoy sex without having to play by their rules. This goes back to what I wrote earlier about men not actually being opposed to promiscuity in itself - otherwise lesbianism would bother them - but rather being opposed to settling for the leftovers of another man. Prostitutes may be promiscuous, yes, but they belong to no man and are therefore the leftovers of no man. Thus there is no element of competition.

Furthermore, unlike sluts, they are willing to sleep with men like us provided that we have the money. Hence there is no blow to the ego as if a slut had just decided that she finally wants to settle down for us after Chad Thundercock grew sick of her. With prostitutes, we can still maintain our pride. It is an alternative to the gynocentric nightmare that sluts have created.

Sluts have no one to blame for the extinction of the Nice Guy but themselves.

And that is why men do not like sluts...

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What Girls & Guys Said

43 67
  • I understand why a lot of men have no interest in sluts. But isn't a huge part of this Take based on a subjective definition of the word, 'slut"?

    I think everyone's definition is a little different. :)

    • taking on any sex partner with no intention of child rearing, accountability, responsibility, often to the detriment of the survival of the species. I'd say that should get you started

    • @mostwomenshouldstfu... so, if you're having sex outside of a committed relationship, you're a slut?

    • kind of, what do you think?

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  • I'm getting whiplash from watching you flip back and forth between hating women and crying because no woman will come near you. Here's a little fact: WE CAN SEE THE SHIT COMING FROM A MILE AWAY. You really need to do some soul searching and maybe get some help because at this point, you're well beyond obsessed with this.

    • If you guys could see the shit coming from a mile away explain how you guys get played so much by men then cry about it?

    • @RustlingJimmies the shit that I'm speaking on in this instance is the craziness. It's easier to spot crazy than it is to spot a player. In my opinion anyway.

    • This ^^^

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  • But you slept with a prostitute

  • Please get out more.

  • It is usually guys with limited to no sexual history, that are judgmental about a gal's sexual history.

    Most sexually experienced guys who are comfortable with their sex lives, aren't as harshly judgmental about a girl's sexual past.

  • I guess there is some truth to this, but the guys who dislike sluts probably wouldn't want to settle down with one even if she became a slut by sleeping with a bunch of average or ugly guys.

  • HAHAHA! "Prostitution is the ultimate "Screw You!" to Chad Thundercock."

    No, it isn't mate, because Chad Thundercock had her first, and SHE paid HIM. LOL!

  • I can totally tell your single. xD
    Dude... 😆

  • Oh man... Just when I think I've seen it all on this site --...--

    What's this baloney about Fathers scared of their son outperforming them? srsly that's what i call a shit father. Ever decent PARENT would be happy to see their child succeed them.

    Anyways, Why is female promiscuity always the topic on GAG? Like women that are promiscuous go seeking approval from the opposite sex. It's SEX!!! If you're safe and it's consensual then who the fishFUCKING CHRIST cares? no one. Stop making it seem like we're in the 1500's and all women are a mans property and do everything in order to seek there approval. And If we don't we're called unimaginable names. WE ARE NOT FUCKING TOYS! Your sex is competitive that's your guys fault. Men like you hate to be challenged and when they are they go crying foul and blame everything under the sun about women. And then end up making takes like this...

    And do me FAVOR. STOP CALLING THEM SLUTS. Jesus Christ. What are you a saint? You've no right to judge someone on their life style and call them such derogatory names. If women get judged for this crap then so should men instead of getting praised.

    • See my answer

    • 👏👏👏👏 This right here

    • @RainbowFanGirl 😉👍

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  • Coming from the guy who cried all over the place saying he was going to hire an escort cause no one would fuck him😒 No offense, but glass houses and stuff.

    • You know what, I'm sorry. I got nothing. Not all women are evil. Please refer to my most recent take about Donald Trump for more info.

  • With respect, you don't really have the experience to write about this. By your own admission, you've never had a girlfriend. You've just taken an extra strength red pill and have given up on something out never even started yet.

  • Look i've read some of your other pieces and the comments here and here is my few words on this.

    I'm not going to bash you and you probably are going through what guys and girls have gone through. All i can say, i keep your chin up and there are always things we can improve about ourselves. I mean i'm not perfect and had some pretty strange vies on guys. So my advice is to KEEP on GOING... and to learn from your experiences everyday. I think you can be a great guy :) There are so many things in this world that can get confusing and frustrate you guys, but i believe in time, you will work it out and will be happy with a girl in the future.

    So chin up and go get em ;)

    • You are very kind and a guy would be lucky to have you.

    • He's too far gone you sweet person

    • @thetundrawolf Awwww, thank you :) Sweet of you to say

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  • Wait, didn't you just make a take about wanting to lose your virginity to a prostitute?

    "They don't like settling for the leftovers of another man."

    And sleeping with a prostitute isn't just that?

    • I think his point is that a prostitute doesn't make you jump through hoops and doesn't pretend there are feelings or otherwise lie to you, not that he's going to live happily ever after with a prostitute.

    • @JohnDoe3000 but what about non prostitutes that don't make you jump through hoops and say they just want sex and sex only and are clear with their intentions? I've had that happen and I respect those people because they're honest and not leading anyone plus there's no hard feelings once it ends.

    • @bloodmountain1990 He claims that only happens to very handsome men, not to him, it's right up there in the myTake. And I think he's not entirely wrong about this, he's mistaken when he says a guy has to be top 10%, but I doubt it ever happens to guys in the bottom 50% (well maybe sometimes with the proverbial land whale): I can get this to happen to me once in a blue moon but I'm 6 feet tall, work out a lot and was born with good skin, good teeth and somewhat of a jawline, and again, that's once in a blue moon...

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  • I stopped reading at "I refuse to settle for a woman who rejected me for most of her life" your bitterness is ruining an otherwise good condescending article on how women are objects and lose value when used, like chapstick or a q-tip.

    • They do lol

  • Lol that's definitely not why men don't like sluts. That's why YOU don't like sluts.

    You just sound butt hurt in this take

    • See my answer

    • Girl tell him!

    • You are correct that is not the reason, but yea most men don't like sluts.

  • I disagree entirely,

    A lot if the time these 'sluts' are simply girls who have been misunderstood, neglected, and are seeking to just be appreciated by another person. They r not commodities, they are not 'leftovers' as you so poignantly refer to them as. A lack of social emotional learning creates the experience of alienation from the collective, promiscuity is often a means of reintegration because at least now they have a semblance of value as an object in sexual validation. It's fucking sad. These r normal cool people just stuck in a difficult situation.

    This whole dominance competition shit is bullshit, it's just the abstraction of capitalist economic thought applied to interpersonal relationships.

    • No, rather it is Darwinian evolution on the primal level. But from the sounds of it, you must be one of those liberals who credits everything to nurture without even taking nature into consideration whatsoever.

    • You have the most diluted understanding of natural selection if you think this an example of its application. Behavior in humans is mediated by social conditioning. Natural selection applies to genetic variations within a specfic population which harmonize most ideally to the given environment. Please ask yourself why you would come to any other conclusion. Justify that beleif throughly to yourself. You will find it to be irrational.

    • Nature gives birth to social conditioning. Social conditioning is just a reaction to natural phenomenon. Natural selection shapes social conditioning, determining which humans survive to pass on their genes. Hell, our brains themselves are the products of years of evolution, and by that extension everything human thought gives birth to. You can't be that stupid to dismiss human behavior as social conditioning?

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  • So if I were to date, sleep with and break up with one of the Good Men in the 80-90%, would you still consider me a leftover?

    This whole article makes me cringe.

    • He doesn't know what he is talking about, at least as to the reason men don't like sluts.

  • I understand what you mean when you differentiate between slut and prostitute but they both have a lot of things in common.
    I also remember the concept of male and female sexuality, as you explained here (top 10-20% of all males get laid while 80% of all females go after them). I think it's safe to say, that true love is nearly extinct.

    I however feel no pride when I am PAYING for sex such as a prostitute, since I still made a loss in finance for 10 seconds of climax.

    I too have no desire to establish relationships with women, who have been (ab) used up and became leftovers, so I understand what you are saying and can relate to that.

    But still, if you compare how prostitutes are better than sluts, then this is... pathetic - to express it in the least.

  • Seriously man I am so disappointed in you. 😞

    First off, you write an entire take about losing your virginity to a prostitute, which by definition is one of these "sluts", then you go on to write a take about why you and other men do not like sluts. Make up your mind...

    So you just want to sleep with a woman for the sense of normality and "fitting in" and nothing else? Do you value the emotional aspect of sex, the loving part or just the fact that if you get laid you will finally be normal? I just talked to you about this yesterday.

    Richard, if you dislike these promiscuous women so much, then I hope you have reconsidered your decision to lose your V-card to a prostitute because you will be going against your word.

    You'll end up losing yourself and becoming bitter against women if you continue to go down this route. Get yourself together and find happiness within yourself and don't rely on other people to give you happiness for you. Be strong-minded, willful, and smart, and don't let life kick you down when you're weak. Pick yourself up, keep moving, and happiness WILL find its way to you eventually.

    • he doesn't know what he is talking about he is desperate and wants to be loved and heard but instead of admitting it he does this I LOVE TO BE LOVED AND HEARD HE SHOULD JUST ADMIT IT

    • @skeptic002 exactly!

    • He may be a little off, but i think you are missing his point. His point basically is what i noticed later on in life. to soften his approach, he's talking about how girls tend to always go for the "hottest" guy when they are young and totally ignore the "nice" guys who really like them. They don't realize at the time that they are not the only ones who recognize that guy as "hot" and end up being an option for the "hot" guy because he has other girls who are attracted to him. Then after he is done with that girl and moves on to another one, they then come crawling to the "nice" guy. this process takes years because before they come crawling, they jump from "hot" guy to "hot" guy and when it finally clicks that none of these guys wana settle like they do, they come crawling to the "nice" guy... nice guy being guys like Richard. at this point he feels he is just a last option and they are sluts now due to multiple partners. Get it?

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  • I don't think that 'female logic' should be targeted here. I can appreciate what you're saying but disagree with almost the entirety of this Take, as women who are indulging in sex outside of marriage or relationships, whether they are single or not, are having sex with guys. I cannot fathom that this would be 80% of the female population - this doesn't stand up to mathematic deductions as the approximately a third of the female population living in third world countries whereby marriages are arranged or promiscuity is illegal. Approximately 20-25% of the female population would be under 18, with another 25% being married or in stable relationships. This leaves approximately 20% of the female population, of which a considerable slice of the pie would be reserved for those women who are not promiscuous. I think the only reason why it may seem so prevalent is because, such women are shamed to the point of it being more obvious than those women who are more reserved in their sexual exploits.
    As it stands, this Take sounds like a bitter and angry rant...

    • I'm pretty sure he's talking about the US or western countries

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