The Truth About Men Who Go To Strip Clubs

The Truth About Men Who Go To Strip Clubs

As a person who’s has always enjoyed visiting strip clubs since the age of eighteen, I think that like any normal human being out there I have my rights to be offended at the stigmas society has giving us. Yes, “us,” since I’m pretty sure I’m not alone here. It seems like everybody out there fails to see any positivity within us; they think any man out there who enjoys watching women dance around naked are automatically perverts, desperate losers, cheaters, pigs, non-dating material and the list goes on. So, I write this MyTake to hopefully shed some light on whoever reads and possibly change their views towards men who enjoy going to the strips for fun.

The Truth About Men Who Go To Strip Clubs

Anyways, getting to the point, the image above inspired me to write this article and believe me when I tell you that this isn’t the first time I've heard this. In fact, a real stripper once told me this herself before a lap dance. We had a few drinks and got to know each other a little better, she asked me what I like to do for fun and I told her I like playing video games and she told me does as well. From there, she told me that she once worked at Gamestop and that she did not like working there because a lot of the costumers there used to sexually assault her a lot. I was actually amazed and couldn’t believe her but she insisted it was all true, that guys at Gamestop would grab her ass at any given moment yet never once did this happen to her as a stripper.

So by now this should tell you something about us men who go to strip clubs. Yes, we may not be perfect but from the image above and the stripper’s experience I just spoke about, this obviously means we do have a lot positive traits and I am going to tell you about a few right now:

We know our boundaries… What goes on at the strip clubs stays at the strip clubs!

The Truth About Men Who Go To Strip Clubs

This is the main one. Men who visit strips know that what we do at the strips must stay at the strips at all costs, and this is basically the main reason why we go to these places in the first place. Think about it: what man does not desire to be in place where he can see naked sexy women from left to right dancing with pride? Or even have these same sexy women dance on him?

So with that said we men who go to strip clubs are perverts with boundaries:

· We are less likely to assault women sexually.

· we are able to control our sexual impulse a lot better than those who don’t visit the strips.

· We are less likely to sexually objectify women in public.

· We are less likely to be peeping toms.

· We don’t expect our girlfriends/wives to look as hot as the strippers we see.

All this because we know that we have a place where we can do all these things and we know that what goes on in the strip clubs must stay at the strip clubs.

We know the what we want

The Truth About Men Who Go To Strip Clubs

Putting it simply, men who go to strip clubs don’t go there looking for love, commitment, or relationships. We know damn well that strippers are not dating material, so we only go there to have some fun and enjoy ourselves at being the perverts we are. However, this does not mean we treat women outside the strip clubs the same way.

We know the difference between love and lust

The Truth About Men Who Go To Strip Clubs

I’m sorry if I sound like a broken record but again, we men who go to strip clubs know that what goes on at the strip clubs stays at the strip club. Therefore, if a man visits the strip club, it obviously means he's not ready to settle down yet. He’s just letting his wild side have all the fun it can have before getting ready to land.


So there you have it. Hopefully, I've been able to shed some light on the men who go to strip clubs. For all the men out there who do go to the strip clubs, I would like to say keep it up brothers, continue to enjoy and cherish your wild side! And for the ladies out there who worry about your boyfriend going to these places please don’t panic, it’s one thing to look at the menu and another to order from it. Perhaps you should let him go out with his friends there someday, and if he comes back to you that same night then that obviously means he loves you!

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  • Nice try. Sorry, but guys who want to watch women who are exploiting their body to make money have zero respect for women. You can appreciate the female body without going to a strip club.

    No woman with good self esteem and a brain choose this profession. Same with porn.

    • Agreed, but to some extent. I don't watch porn nor have I ever gone to a strip club, but I don't have a problem with strip clubs because that's what it's intended for. Now what I don't get are the restaurants where the waitresses are literally in only a bra and panties. I was dumbfounded and seriously had no clue this existed. And I'm not talking about Hooters like legit restaurants where the girls are pretty much naked.

    • I agree with u lemongrass 100%

    • well I'm really sorry that your mind is this narrow. either that or maybe you are most likely just envious that you don't have the ovaries/confidence to be a stripper yourself and dance around naked with pride

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  • I have to say, I've met strippers who were dating material. Just not marriage material in that moment. Went to a strip club a couple weeks ago in Vegas and had some pretty in depth conversations with 3 of them. It was a very enlightening experience honestly. Most strippers carry two cellphones so if a guy they really don't want bothering them asks, she can still please him and get that money lol. Couple of them were very well educated (I'm a mechanical engineering major with my bachelors). Had some deep conversation that they actually knew what the fuck they were saying. Many of them were very sweet, but also a lot of them very broken. One stripper talked about how a guy threw her into a wall as if it wasn't a big deal. Apparently it's happened before, yet she chooses to go back to him. So yea, if you ever decide to date a stripper definitely vet that shit out first lol. The one thing they all had in common was knowing how to let loose and have fun. Most of them without the help of drugs xD

  • I personally never cared what people do in thare private life as long as you are not trying to drag me into drugs or alcohol I don't care what you do by yourself

  • Men who go to strip clubs just want to live a fantasy. Thats why their there. Spending loads of money. some could be there because hey! These beautiful women are showering them with attention they'd not ever received in their life. Makes them feel wanted. Special. In the end if you frequent to places like this all the time it'll ruin your life. And your outlook.

    • Sometimes it can just be a boys night out lol We had a few military buddies and they came down like once a year. We use to go like once every year just for beers and background noise lol I think i remember us going once and we barely even paid attention to these girls 😂 Just had drinks and having a blast with the guys haha

    • "spending loads of money" I think I already told you this in one of my other question but these types of things are never free. "Makes them feel wanted. Special." no that is not why we are there. the majority us don't have the need to feel wanted. we just go there to have fun and enjoy ourselves.

    • Ah it's you again Norba. You are correc that some go to just have fun. I've no problem with that. but the dude who wrote the mytake said he goes all the time. I was speaking about him. Not the whole general population of men.

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  • As a former entertainer of 3 years, being a "... pervert with boundaries" is unacceptable. You point out that these men are more likely to treat a woman better in the real world. They may have boundaries outside the club because of societal standards, but inside the strip club it is a different story. A majority of the men that go in there will confuse 'stripper' and 'prostitute,' and ask the entertainer to do more than her job requires (extras). They will whine about it if you don't agree. They will poke and prod you. A stripper (we prefer entertainer or dancer) is someone who entertains guests with conversation and performs lap dances. On the other hand, a prostitute will solicit sex for money.
    I have met two handfuls of men at clubs that will not try to touch me at all, pay me a bunch of money, and treat me like a human. I believe that just because you are a "pervert with boundaries" in the real world, a strip club doesn't make it right to treat women in a degrading way. Most men that go in there have major insecurities, are in an unhappy relationship, lonely, lost a loved one, and are hurting in someway. Not all of them go in there just to look at another set of t & a.
    Ladies, go with your man to a strip club sometime and feel the environment. You won't have to worry after that. Entertainers are very welcoming to couples and women. The one thing the author is right about is that if he comes home to you at the end of the night, he cares about you.

    • oh please you be surprised how many so called "entertainers" have offered more than a lapdance every time I go. I'm pretty sure those "entertainers" got bills to pay and family to feed as well

    • Oh please, you can't just say that an entire group of people (entertainers) are "prostitutes" because one bad apple offered extras to you. Depends on the girl and how desperate/how far she is willing to go. This is why I quit dancing, because people think you are a prostitute or whore because you dance. Guys treat these women completely like a piece of meat inside and outside the club. They don't deserve it.

    • Before anything I would like to point out that I see no negativity in being a prostitute. But no so far at least 8/10 strippers I've come across have offered me more that just a lap dance. But again I see nothing wrong with that, it's their body their choice. And just because you were not so open minded enough yourself as a dancer does not mean all dancers share the same mentality as you

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  • last time i went to a strip club it was just because me and my buddy were waiting to go to a party and we didn't want to wait in my front room for a few hours. he ended up spending like 300 dollars on lap dances lol

    • Might as well got hooker lol

    • @Mrwoo99 thatswhat i said

    • Where? All you said he spent 300 dollars on lap dances

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  • I never got the strip club thing if I wanted to look at loads of hot naked women id go to a nude beach, it'd be cheaper and from experience in my youth 100% more likely to result in actual sex as opposed to a five knuckled shuffle at home. Sure strippers are nice to look at but im not going to pay some random woman to shake her ass while I drink the watered down urine the strip club sells at extortionate prices and stuff my hard earned money down g-strings.

    • Thank you. Plus, a nude beach puts people on equal terms. You're nude and all other people are nude. That's equal. Strip clubs and brothels represent dominance and power over "lesser" people. Not cool. Thank you again!

    • @Decora I disagree unless you mean the lesser people are the men spending large sums of hard earned money for some random stripper chick to shake her butt in his face or some some hooker to earning a days wages in the space of twenty minutes. So many strippers and prositutes will tell you how empowered they feel and its not surprising considering how many of them are able to put themselves through college and live a pretty decent lifestyle at the same time for very little work. Strip clubs and brothels represent dominace over men. Nude beaches aren't meant to be sexual but are fun and relaxing.

    • You said, "if wanted to look at loads of hot naked women id go to a nude beach, it'd be cheaper and from experience in my youth 100% more likely to result in actual sex", so you totally sexualized nude beaches. As for strip clubs, technically we are both right and wrong. It degrades BOTH men and women. Thank you for your reply and perspective.

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  • You took one anecdotal evidence with one stripper, then added a bunch of unsupported assertions that you are somehow better than men who don't go to strip clubs?
    Yeah I don't think so.

    • Ding

    • I did said multiple didn't i? I just used the one I spoke about in the article as an example

    • Thank you!!!

  • I've been to a stop club once with friends from high school, girls idea haha, during Thanksgiving break. I know some of the strippers at the time because I was a teller at the time so I kept my head down lol I got hit on by an off duty stripper by the bar lol. I probably won't go ever again unless bachelor parties. I really don't see the appeal. I'm also frugal and think it's a waste of money. But that's me.

  • Went to one once, did not enjoy myself, really hated the strippers trying to play the "Save me from this life" game with me too.

  • Whatever let's you sleep at night

  • interesting

  • I don't understand why you can't just watch porn for free.

    • because I think its more fun watching it live over watching it through my TV set or computer. I don't know about you but I also like to step out of my house every now and then for some oxygen and enjoyment.

  • It's wrong and disgusting, weirdos who do that

  • All the guys I know who frequent strip clubs are either weird or "men can't control their sexually desires" types. Sorry, you are trying to polish a turd and sell it as a moon rock.

    • Perhaps the ones you know only

  • Replace we we we with you you you and I'll agree.

    • "We" as in men who go to strip club not "We" as in all men in the world smarty pants

    • He is not the only man who loves stripclubs

    • @Laowke obviously, this guys is just another SJW looking fishing for approval of the female members

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  • If my girl were dancing for just me in private, then I'd enjoy the show. However, random strangers having to fake their way through a performance just to get money from me to pay the bills? I wouldn't enjoy that in the slightest. If a woman isn't doing it out of love, then I'm not interested.

    And, love is last thing on strippers' minds.

    • Oh great you are a sucker for love, thanks for sharing lol

    • Yep. I'm a sucker for the sappy stuff. ;-)

  • Good times!!

  • Men go to strip clubs. This is true from the the beginning...

  • I had a strip club phase in college where I went everyday since a friend knew the owner. Apparently a stripper fancied me and I was in disbelief.

    Some of this is valid for my experience and some isn't.

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