They MUST notice, topic sexuality

Both times, that a partner of mine, brought up the abortion issue i responded, "lets not talk about this, is not our decision now" but both ladies used the technique called "steam rolling".
they got all agitated and emotional and said "let me finish" but not just a sentence........ instead yammering a long rant.
"we are not deciding"- let me finish
"did you realy just say"- let me finish

no need for prescription just if know skipped pill and diaphragm etc. and did the consent event
no need for prescription just if know skipped pill and diaphragm etc. and did the consent event

that speech is neither dialog nor even real thought, just rudely repeating something they heard or read with DEVOTION, and very emotional body language and a long rant that they MUST say like reciting a series of catholic hail mary prayers in the religion of death called pro choice.

And they each had the list, some of which conflict each other... they MUST notice but say it anyway: we all heard the justification called rape, as if that justified most abortions that are not rape.
they both ignored after 2016 , that rnc conservatives conceded for those instances in a law that HAD ALREADY passed The House when rnc controlled both house and senate and COULD outlaw abortions but did not, just to prove a point.
the steam rolling, contained at least one noticeable conflict. part of the long hail mary rant in the religion of death is "a woman does not even know if she is pregnant until she missed her period after 4 weeks" as if that justified abortion after 4 weeks but they must have noticed that they also had rape on the list.... two different details about knowing. she did know if she has a risk of pregnancy so the number of weeks is not a real factor, just part of the long list presented in a way that will defy dialog and even rational thought.

and always with too much emotion, part of the technique to deter input annd feedback, just extreme closed mindedness.

which emotion? they hate those who they think hate them but who might not really hate them.
admittedly before the "morning after pill" they could fool people but even then, knowing too late about grow is still too late if a crime. and DID know the other detail possible pregnancy, if not used pill or diafram etc.
she DOES know if did unprotected so instead of waiting for a missed period she knows the consent event was unprotected so should have been protected like "diaphragms" or whatever but if not used she knows, not used , so excuse "she does not know grows" is fake deception she DOES know enough, if had consent event unprotected knows, and can respond WITHOUT prescription.
i am just not rude enough to do a pro life steam rolling.
if i could get a word in, but they prove they were not thinking by the emotion and by steam rolling, i would point out they should simply have diafram like the episode in series friends.

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