1. Staying in touch with exes
Even if it has been years gone, you have still slept with that person before, loved them, and there is no full way of knowing their ex is fully over your partner.
2. Not working
Personally, income is not huge to me when it comes to dating, my boyfriend stacks shelves, but he works and thats all that matters to me, he's a hard worker. It's not so much about the 'money' aspect, as he doesn't earn a lot, it's more so that in the future, moving out seems almost impossible unless on dual income, and I'm doing an in demand degree! still feels impossible! (In the UK at least).
3. Not being able to cook
I don't expect my partner to be a master chef, but if he can't make a curry out of a jar, or something of the likes, it just is eh, I don't know a bit silly to be fully grown and not be able to cook for yourself apart from a fried egg on toast.
4. Porn
This is a looong one, and some of you will agree and some will heavily disagree, that's okay, I just ask you respect my boundaries as I will yours!
The reason I dislike porn in relationships is because of all the studies I've seen and how it often leads to a decline in couples intimacy, as well as Erectile dysfunction, the dopamine addiction, shrinking of grey matter in the brain, and false perceptions.
As someone who's 20, wrapping my head around this took awhile, as unfortunately I grew up around porn (the average age someone is exposed to porn is now 12-13.) and I thought it was normal and thats what sex was, I learnt what sex was from porn, which was really harmful in hindsight and not an accurate representation of sex.
Me and my partner have a great intimate life, and I couldn't be happier, there is no dead-bedroom, or even close, it may actually be too much.
5. Not caring about mine or his family
If my partners parents were abusive etc, of course this does not matter at all and is discarded, but what I mean is not introducing me as his partner to his parents and vice versa, I always think its great to get to know your partners family. (Again this is irrelevant if their family has issues.
6. Emotional immaturity
This is things like holding grudges, not being able to learn from mistakes, and not being able to empathise with other people in general and see things from their perspective, these two things cause a huge lack in communication.
As soon as an argument becomes about who is right or wrong, the sense of love seems to fade and anger takes over, which is what causes a lot of arguing and splits, whereas me and my partner, we talk about it from both our perspectives, he can tell me why he thought it isn't hurtful, and I can tell him why it did hurt me, and then we come to a neutral ground, or I agree with him or he agrees with me and we always make sure to tell eachother we love eachother to re-assure, I just can't deal with childish he/she started it!!! im right!!! ur wrong!! bullshit, we are 20+ not 15.
7. Extreme political views
We can sit here all day and all night arguing about feminism, inceldom, trump, biden, rishi sunak, boris johnson etc, and whatever end of the compass you land on, I've just realised as I've gotten older, it doesn't really matter, and if you spend your time hating a certain group or people, with such deep hatred and argumentativeness inside you, it just turns me off, I just wan't to live my life peacefully and not bother what others do as long as it doesn't affect me.
I once asked my very traditional breadwinner father what he thought about gay people etc, he just grunted and said, I don't really think about it or care, and I realised why should I either, if two men want to fuck ok, if two women want to fuck, ok.
Again this point is not about who is right or wrong, it's more about the fact if you let your hatred consume you to the point everyday you're rambling and raving, I just don't want it.
I probably forgot some other stuff, but this is just my general few things! Remember we are all different people, if you disagree thats okay but lets respect eachothers opinions, Thank you for reading my MyTake!
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