Guys, thinner thighs or bigger thighs on girls?

It's an easy question, do you think girls look more attractive with thin (skinny with muscler) legs or bigger ones (some fat and muscle)
smaller thighs
Vote A
Bigger thighs
Vote B
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Girl Guy
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Also if you could post a picture of what you consider big, it would be great
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What Guys Said

  • I love bigger legs on girls. The girl in my avi is a good example you can't see them as good.

    Here is about as big as I like them. I think they look nice.

    • Her face needs some help

    • Aren't those too much? They legit look like cottage cheese

    • @Asker I actually think they look nice. @damionrain100 Yeah her face isn't that good.

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  • Narrow waist, wide hip, a decently bigger bum and bigger toned yet bit fleshy thighs are the main attributes that make a woman look damn hot. Some guys find skinny women also hot. But to me without the above mentioned assets I don't consider a woman sexually attractive at all. A woman must have curves. She must neither be obese nor fully toned ( muscular) like men. I hope I have answered you well about what makes a woman look irresistible.

  • In girls, I like forms, so thights with forms.

  • Bigger , thicker legs are sexy on a girl

  • I go for skinny, but not too thin. Yes to thigh gap.