This Is What A Normal, Healthy, Average Female Body Looks Like

This is what a normal, healthy, average female body looks like.

This is model Katie H. Willcox. She's 5'9" and 165lbs, which puts her BMI index at 24.4. According to that she is just barely within the normal weight range, but still within the normal range. She's not obese, she's not overweight, she's normal. And that doesn't even take into account her pretty nose to the grindstone work out regime, which, if you know anything about BMI, means that it's quite likely she is well within a healthy body fat percentage because of added muscle weight throwing the BMI out.

This Is What A Normal, Healthy, Average Female Body Looks Like

This is yet another model named Katie Green. She's 5'10" and a US size 10. Sure she's bigger than your average model, but she's not even plus size, and slightly smaller than your average woman. Factoring in her height and clothing size, her BMI is probably lower than Katie H. She is still well within what is scientifically considered a normal, healthy size.

This last woman, pictured here (sorry for the link guys the image wasn't the right size or something) is Heidi Ricketson at 5'4" and 150lbs, she does figure competitions. This is her "before" photo where she has bulked on the muscle but hasn't crash dieted the fat off yet. Based on BMI she is slightly in the overweight range but considering she is a body builder this is less applicable. I will consider her, as the other 2, just inside of the normal weight range.

I have chosen 3 very fit, healthy, active and diet concious women who represent the average size of a woman in the US, about a size 12. The models are taller, of course, and well models and the average woman is also not a body builder. But the average woman does sit on the line between being considered normal vs overweight. There really is no health risk associated with this size of a person, especially if the person is like any pictured above, where they keep in good shape, eat well, and have a lot of lean muscle mass.

The GaG Polling

So I asked if these women were skinny (link to GaG question), not expecting anyone to actually agree, but to see how our descriptions of size actually compare to relatively average, relatively healthy size.

It turns out, not terrible lol. Roughly 30% considered one or more of them to be skinny, and 7% considered them to all be fat. The majority of people (55%) considered them not skinny, but did not choose to label them all as fat although the option was there. (Poll percentages are so far as the question is still open).

In the comments while many people did describe them as normal, healthy, and average, some people described them as fat and out of shape.The impression I got from most of the comments was that all of these women were walking a fine invisible line between just right and totally fat and undesirable. The line between normal and overweight. While there were a handful that considered them already past that line only two bothered to comment to the effect that they actually were skinny.

My Two Cents

While I was pleasantly surprised by the actual results, which support that despite media images the preference is still for realistic looking women and most people have a decent sense of what that is, I am still a little disapointed. Not in anything I can really pinpoint, just disapointed. I guess it's better than nothing that our society, or at least our little GaG community, mostly has realistic expectations of womens bodies.

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30 58
  • no wonder why the birth rate is falling. women suffer from fork and mouth disease.

    • Which is kind of like the disease you suffer from.

    • lol will you marry me. i like your moxie

    • lol a million times further from the reaction I was expecting to that.

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  • Yeah i dont like Stick Figure girls. Usually when i see one i have to fight the urge to buy them a sandwich.

  • I don't know about others, but I'm almost 28 years old and I still have a very decent body shape. I take care of myself, I don't have addictions other than coffee, I exercise regularly and I sort of watch for my diet (mainly avoid sugars, at least). I prefer to date girls who are in good/decent shape.

    Does it mean I expect girls to be Hawaian Tropic models? Lol no, of course not. But I wouldn't date a girl that doesn't take care of her figure/health.

    Average is fine by me, but these women aren't average, they are very chunky/chubby, and I just can't be attracted to that. Then again, that's my preference and you shouldn't expect all guys to have the same exact perception as you.

    • See I'm not really feeling you here because when I said average, I meant like average based on statistical data which supports that it actually is the average... I don't really know how there can be differing opinions on what that is. Also, all of these women are in good shape by the standard that they exercise and eat well... If you mean do I think everyone should just like this body type? No, everyone will have their own personal preference, but it doesn't hurt anyones brain to know that this is healthy (medically considered healthy) too right?

    • I do not live in the US currently, so I don't know how things currently are there. But I can assure you that, where I live currently, and other countries I have been, that is certainly not the average. You should visit Argentina, Italy, Spain, Costa Rica, or Venezuela to realize girls are much, much healthier and slim in said countries. Again, I'm not saying you are wrong, since the statistics for average may defer on the US. That average however, I guarantee doesn't apply everywhere and it's something I wouldn't find attractive at all.

    • Just noticed you're from Canada... but still, my opinion stands.

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  • I have a big booty that I love so I guess I'm gonna be fat forever lol. Wait, 'scuse me, PHAT. Lol. I have a matching chubby tummy to match but it doesn't bother me. Phat!

  • Yeah... um I work my arse off at the gym. She needs to be the same or else shit ain't gonna work.

    • That's totally up to you, if you want someone who shares the same lifestyle that just makes sense.

  • Why does it matter if they are seen as fat?
    Also, being on the edge of overweight doesn't necessarily make you totally normal. BMI 21-22 would be normal.

    • No being in the normal range makes you normal, it just isn't considered ideal BMI. And BMI doesn't take into account musculature and frame, it's just a rule of thumb for professionals to go by. I think because of the size and muscle these women have they are probably roughly ideal but I am stretching to say that in particular as I am not a health care professional. But neither are you.

    • But why would it matter? What's your point?

    • My point is that a lot of people have a very poor understanding of what sizes are healthy or not, mainly when it comes to women and fat. These women are a healthy size, and if you don't see it as a healthy size, you need to re-evaluate what you are considering to be healthy. I'm not saying people who are smaller are not healthy as well, its just that we overlook this size especially when we are considering the range of healthy sizes.

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  • People on G@G are weird. They think perfectly healthy people are fat, which is just outrageous. I did one of these experiments too and people called the women fat. It just makes me hate myself more because I am like a US size 12, but I am striving to be around a 10, but then I will still be fat to them which is dumb.

  • TL;DR I'm too lazy to take the little effort of taking a better care of myself so here I'm attempting to twist established definitions to better fit my insecurities.

    • I'm 5'5", 140lbs, I eat almost exclusively whole foods, I walk about 2km daily and do yoga. I'm usually doing physical labor typer jobs. I can deadlift 200lbs, if it means anything to you. I am reaching a little bit with this post admittedly, but I think I make solid points and twist one established definition one time. Mainly to make the point that those using the established definitions are already doing that all time, ei: obesity, anyone BMI 30+ is often lumped into the same group to support that obesity comes with a high risk of health problems, well realistically is someone with a BMI of 50 going to have the same problems as someone with a BMI of 30, and I think that the answer is a resounding no. Nvm that a lot of studies support that the overweight category might actually be the healthiest overall and should be considered the normal, and then we have the infinite stupid that is assuming that every race age and sex is going to be healthiest at the same size.

  • i'll never get this. Guys continue to get chastised by women for being more attracted to skinnier women, but women are allowed to continue to have all of their own standards when it comes to what men look like, his height being a fine example. Seriously though, why are you disappointed? I mean, if i came up to a woman who said she preferred tall men (which seem to be most women) and said i was disappointed in her choice, she'd tell me to fuck off. It's not really up to women to determine what men should find attractive anymore than it is up to men to decide what women should find attractive

    • Mm you're kinda putting all kinds of words in my mouth here, but I'll bite. I wasn't chastising anyone. If anything I'm agravated at how healthy is being constantly misrepresented as a singular smaller than most people can even healthily be size. People are going to be attracted to whatever they're attracted to. That's life.

    • i don't believe health is the main driver of why the media pushes a particular body frame. That may be used as a window dressing excuse every now and then, but its by and large done because skinny = attractive. Guys voting on your poll were likely voting for which women's body they found overall most attractive. If health was a factor at all, it was likely a secondary one.

    • As far as media is concerned I think it's kind of reverse cause and effect there but I see what you're saying. I wasn't concerning myself with media here though so much as society's outlook BECAUSE of media. Even I take the argument that thinner is more attractive at face value, if this is the actual average, and not the average you see on screen, then as a woman the market you think you have to compete with and the one that really exists are completely different because most people aren't nearly that small, it might be nice to know that once in a while. Obviously when people voted on the poll what they were attracted to and not would affect how they viewed the women to a degree, but a person can still have a preference for one size and an understanding that a certain other size is normal or healthy, no? My poll was about perception of this size, not the attractiveness of any given size or what size was most attractive.

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  • These types of takes are only rants and lectures to guys/girls about how we should be less judgmental of a woman's body.
    Just because she's the "normal healthy average woman" doesn't mean women should strive to be like her. The average woman is still unhealthy and slightly overweight.

    • More that we should strive to be healthy and not a particular size at all but I did want a shock and awe value to the Take.

    • Shock and awe? No, I've seen women like here on the "How do I look section" before.

  • Healthy and hot.

  • they look just right

  • YOU are being a bit judgmental; there are a lot of women who are naturally much thinner than this.

    • Wow I had no idea.

  • And she's attractive as she is to me, I'll take slightly overweight as well, just not obesity.

  • If that is "normal" where you live I feel sad for you, but then again America has an overweight problem.

    The girls in the pictures are fat, there is no denying that fact. There is no absolute measuring method of who is fat, because you can't tell someone that weighs 99 kg that they are "normal" and then tell a 100 kg person they are fat, just because their BMI is 0.1 points higher. If their body fat % is as high as in these pictures, they are fat, fact. Doesn't matter what an outdated method like bmi says.

    • Body fat percentage is relevant as well, I'm going to play devils advocate and say that these women all have a healthy body fat percentage around 10%-12%. I think that their relatively high BMI is irrelevant for the opposite reason, that they have large frames and a lot of musculature, meaning they are closer to ideal sizes for their frames than BMI would indicate.

    • Hahahahahahahaha 10-12%? There is no way even the bikini model competitors would get that low, and they are only muscles and bones... Healthy women are around 17-25%, but the standard today is probably close to 30% Those women you are referring to however are already far over 30% , which is neither good looking or healthy...

    • Yeah im not sure what kind of cracked out site I got that number from, but anyways, my point still stands that they're within an average or fit percentage about 25%.

  • Read the first few sentences and gave up at "According to that she is just barely within the normal weight range" so the title of this post got me thinking and i thought id fix it for you
    "This Is What A Barely Normal , Barely Healthy , Barely Average Female Body Looks Like"

    • Normal, as within normal BMI range but probably more or less normal because she's large framed and quite muscular. She is healthy because she excercises regularly and eats well, she is average because most women are granted not as tall, but are her dress size. You are however what a barely tolerable opinion poster looks like, so thanks for the suggestion but I feel I chose a more than appropriate title.

    • can't say your not wrong but i was just being abit of a asshole cos its the internet y not but ill be serious after some googling i found out that katie green lives in the uk and I don't know how accurate but in 2014 62% of the adults in the uk were overweight soill take your word with her being barely not overweight and tell you she's not normal because she's not overweight strange times we live in eh?

  • I love the normal, average, healthy body on a woman. Looks so much better than slim/skinny figures.

  • I think guys are way too fucking superficial and picky. You guys make me sick. "She's ugly", "she's not attractive", "she's fat"... Go make sure you're PERFECT before you demand to be with a perfect woman. Smdh!!😡

    • Here, here. Well said. :)

    • @Shorty1991 lol shawwwwwtyyyyy

    • How's it gawin lanky Yankee?

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  • Where i live she would be considered overweight, nothing to be ashamed of obviously, yet i dont find her physically attractive

  • That is definitely not average in san francisco

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