Thoughts on Ladies Under Stating Their Dozens of Sexual Partners

Thoughts on Ladies Under Stating Their Dozens of Sexual Partners

First, I am not slut shaming. As long as you are safe I see nothing wrong with having fun. I do however, think that men are objectified by women in their younger years. I do think that we as men are used sexually and it isn't even talked about in society. The sexual objectification of men doesn't even reach a national conversation. It isn't just women being left confused and lonely after sex...there is an untold story of men who's feeling are hurt because they really liked the girl.

A woman on dating apps between the ages of 18 to 25 is not looking for her next husband.

She is looking for her next boyfriend. A woman by nature is just a sexually polygamous as men are. We are created to be fruitful and multiply. To have sex and mate with as many people as possible for fertility.

A woman in her 20s is in her wild years of sex where she cycles through a number of boyfriends and gets to experience a variety of dick.

By the time she reaches 28 or 30 years old a woman likely has been plowed and rammed through by dozens of partners.

Then when she is finally seriously dating and is dating for marriage she will say, "I've only had 3 relationships. They were long term."

But if she is 32 years old and she has one relationship that was 1 year, and another that was 4 years, and another that was 2 years...that means she has had sex with 3 people over the span of 7 years...but wait..she is 32 years old.

Say she lost her virginity at the average age of 15. So there are an extra TEN YEARS of potential sex partners for her that are not accounted for. Either she was celibate or she had sex with a couple different guys per year. a couple times 10 is 20 guys. Maybe she had a break up and had a crazy week of three different guys. thats 23. You see what has happened to men now days?

We as men are just a cog in a while. Just another bedpost mechanic a few nights per month tickling her fancy because she is bored or lonely.

Me? I am not bitter. I am dating. I love women. But I feel I need to speak up on behalf of the guys who are too afraid to stick their phallus's out and start this discussion.

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What Girls & Guys Said

34 45
  • People can do whatever in fucks name they want as long as they're safe about. However, i personally wouldn't date someone whos been with like 200 other guys, that dosnt give me confidence itll end well

  • I couldn't care less, matter of fact I like them to be more "broken in" than most dudes would 😜

  • This annoys me endlessly because I really have only been with 7 people in total!

    • Solid.

    • Thanks

    • Yeah, but all of them were in the same week.

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  • To assume someone numbers based on their age might be assuming wrong. It's probably more personality than age when it comes to the number of partners. On average, extroverts male and female tend to have more partners than introverts.

  • This is only the second myTake of yours I've come across and your view of women is so warped. You can't speak for most women, especially when you admitted you lost your virginity when you were nearing your thirties. Not virgin shaming here, but you basically admitted you were friend zoned by women all the time and now you have a sudden knowledge of all women and a newfound, misplaced confidence since you got laid, but it's all so wrong and full of baseless generalisations.

    "looking for her NEXT husband?" wth?

    "By the time she reaches 28 or 30 years old a woman likely has been plowed and rammed through by dozens of partners." This is just disgusting. How are you even an editor?

    "So there are an extra TEN YEARS of potential sex partners for her that are not accounted for." Women aren't having sex with every man they meet and they can go without sex for many years. And why do they have to be 'accounted for'? You sound kinda controlling tbh.

    "Me? I am not bitter. I am dating. I love women." The fact you had to state this tells me the complete opposite, but I could've guessed that just by reading your myTakes and how you write about women.

    If you're going to write another myTake, I suggest you state clearly it's your own personal opinion, don't state it as fact.

    • 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  • Women do NOT fuck around after a break up.

    • There are women who do thinking it will help them heal from a breakup faster.

    • @MysteriousDarkness Hahahah! You’re describing the thinking of a dude! I’ll say it again for you: women do NOT fuck around to heal.

    • clearly you've never came across an ENFP

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  • im a guy and I could have had sex with a ton of women
    i have literally only had sex with 3

    in my opinion 3 is to high

    • Why are you on a pink account then?

    • @Gisellehappy why not, I'm a woman

    • @David_Kek Weirdo

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  • I just take whatever number they give me and multiply by 5. 😂

  • Eh, gross.

    If you have to lie about it then it's obviously way too much and you know it.

  • 🤷 dating has always only been for marriage for me. Abstinence abstinence abstinence. Though pretty sure I'm asexual so it isn't so hard to be honest.

  • Lol wtf? Actually, you are slut shaming. Men have tons of partners by the time they are 32 and you're shaming women jb they might have had more than 3 by the time they are 32?

    Guess men don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot, do they?

    • Not really. On average men and women have the same amount, the issue is of course is that for men the reason why they have the same average as women is that while women have more partners, their are a few men who have siginificantly more that pushes the average higher then what the mean average would be. So that is inaccurate. Women only think men have so many partners because getting sex is easy for them and they go after those top tier guys who are already having many partners (who are more then willing to lower their standards for sex so they get more of it and also make the woman think she is more attractive then she is (as women raise their standards for casual sex and seem to think men do the same when in fact they do the opposite)). So again, that's actually not true.

    • @hellionthesagereborn where are you getting this bullshit from? You don't need to be a top tier guy to get a lot of partners... but seriously, where are you getting your "facts?"

    • Wrong. I've had 2 partners during my entire life and that wouldn't have happened had the first one not been a man hater and had been faithful. A good majority of the men I see in MGTOW have never had a partner at all. Your assumptions about men are a feminist myth, a lie that's been perpetrated on men in order to make women feel better about riding the cock carousel.

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  • Though, the ones with the most sexual partner are men... Oddly lol.
    How many times I've heard some saying :"I don't know but more than 10" when they weren't even 25.
    Most men are very slutty lol.

    • Nope. Most men are not, a few men are and then women for some strange reason presume this is all men. Statistically most men have very few partners and a very small few will have an insanely high number which pushes the average number for all men up. Meanwhile women on average will have about nine partners and that is pretty consistent across the board.

    • @hellionthesagereborn It's not true. It's 7.7 for women and 11.7 for men.

    • Nope. When women were given a polygraph, women changed their count and it matched mens.
      Also some studies have come out that show women have more sexual partners then men do:

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  • They get around, but pussies can take lots of dicks and still be in pretty good condition.
    They're still doable.

    • it depends on the swamp you are plunging into

  • And that is the reason my preferred partner is 18 to 22. My current is 19. We are doing well.

  • "By the time she reaches 28 or 30 years old a woman likely has been plowed and rammed through by dozens of partners."

    This ^ is not true for most women. If it were, very few men would be willing to get married.

    • Ohoho, but it is. Statistically-speaking, the average woman has sex with more people than the average man. You know what that means, right? The alphas get laid left and right and the betas don't get shit and try to lock a woman in with their lack of sex appeal. 60% of women are open to cheating with an attractive enough man, also keep that in mind. Vagina wants, and vagina gets!

    • @totakyes Nothing you just wrote there supports the false claim that the average 30 year old woman has had sex with dozens of men, because they haven't. The VAST MAJORITY of women that age have had fewer than 5 partners.

      Thoughts on Ladies Under Stating Their Dozens of Sexual Partners

    • Come on mate, get real. Do you really think over 20% of modern women only had one sexual partner after the age of 25? Maybe it's a generational difference, but I don't even know any girls like that, even among the classy ones.

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  • Just saying... if you're a straight guy and expect to have relationships, flings and one night stands with the female population then don't be surprised that women you meet who you want to date or settle down with in the future might have had a past lol... I mean if the whole time you were young you did stuff with women and then later want to settle down there's not like a secret island or something where you get to have a fresh new lady like buying a toy at a store that has never been touched or done anything with anyone... yk. it's the same women in your society and the country you grew up in. Everyones human... people may have different values that stop them from doing certain things when they are younger but at the end of the day it's all the same. And sometimes society trys to put a double standard on wk en making them look bad or calling them sluts for having a high sexual number I mean like who were all these men fucking with then 😂 blow up dolls... obviously the men in that society and their values and roles played a role in helping those women get those numbers... I'm not saying this to attack the original post lol I'm just trying to give out my personal thoughts on the issue after seeing how sometimes men talk about more sexually experienced women. And yeah I read the post it is talking about men being used as sexual tools... I mean if they wanted to be used lol I guess it was okay

    • I completely agree. but here is the deeper point. a lot of women have had a past. sex is not anything special or new to them... which means that when they are 30 years old or whatever and are dating you long term... they are dating you for reasons other than sex. hypergamy. wealth. status. money. because sex at this point is so easily available that it is an after thought for a woman. Her main interest is a man's resources. This is why guys are upset.

    • Honestly I don't know which women you're talking about but sex isn't that easily available. Women still have to out in work to get sex and maybe it'll be a bit easier than it is for men but it's not that easy. Like most women aren't just going to hook up with any guy who wanted to have sex. They still have some standards they'd want even if they were just hooking up with someone... so it's not like a random guy just falls out of the sky the moment they want to have sex. The world doesn't work like that. And saying that many more guys will have sex with random women than men I mean yeah I guess but that doesn't mean the women would want any of those guys to just jump on her whenever... not to be rude but there are a lot of creepy or really perverted people in the world so women aren't just keeping their legs open letting anyone smash... like wtf. And Most women wouldn't do that. If they had a sexual past before 30 it was probably with ex boyfriends or maybe freinds with benefits that they had in real life guys in their or social circle and more rarely complete random hookups... so yeah even of women want sex it's not that easy especially because most wouldn't just smash any random horny man that wanted it... nope it still takes some effort to find the guys they like or at least are attracted to in one night stands...

    • anyways by the time a woman is 30 her sexual peak is about to start... according to many studies women's sexual peak is usually in their 30s so that means this is the time where most women really want to have a stable partner who they can have mind blowing sex with as well as other stuff... being 30 is not the same as being 100 years old and losing your desire for sex. Like what the fuck lol... Lots and lots of women are very much still interested in sex when they are 30 and above and it's an important part of relationships for them... and who are you to say that it's no longer a special experience for them LoL... just because a women might have had sex in the past that doesn't take away from having special sexual experiences in the future. Especially if your new partner when you are 30 or above has a deeper connection with you and the sex is way better. It's really not about having sexual experiences in the past... and yes they still definitely care actually women care more about good sex in their 30s then before because they'd want something more fulfilling on their life that they could settle down to... and I can't believe you have all these made up notions about women in your mind... like where are you getting these ideas from?

  • I think it is none of someone's business. I dont understand why it botheres you (- i dont mean you) so much that a woman has sex with multiple people in her bed and I also dont understand why men get virgin shamed. Society is stupid. Thank you that you dont slut shamed anybody. So your mytake is not bad at all

    • Because most people consider that 1 - current actions of men and women affect other men and women in the present 2 - decisions taken now have consequences in the future and that they doesn't stem from nowhere and that applies to bodycount too.

    • It is none os someone business. Now fuck off

    • Of**

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