Understanding Feminism

In the beginning, women were undoubtedly underprivileged. They were unable to vote, have their voices heard, or any of the basic and required rights of American humans. Now gradually they achieved their rights with protesting, from only white men with land being able to vote, to white men, to men, and eventually, women. The protests was a great thing in order for the women to get the rights that they so deserved like any other person.

If you've heard the common feminist, you know they always claim to believe in equality, however this was all done because women were underprivileged before, making feminism standing up for, and strengthening women's rights, which was fine. However, there is a reason why others, even women disagree with modern feminism nowadays, and it's all because it doesn't stand for equality anymore.

Women have their disadvantages, I'm aware. However, feminism now teaches that:

Women Are The Victims

Understanding Feminism

That women are still nearly as oppressed as the were before. Women now have all of the modern rights as others, and unless they're actually victims, they aren't. With the feminist movement still going strong and with the feminists opinions on this very point with them being oppressed, it quite the contrary.

Their voices are being heard by the media. The women's rights movement, with strong controversial opinions making them strong as well. Women are no longer politically inferior, and we do not generally live in a patriarchal society anymore. The victims of oppression, rape, sexual assault, societal bullying, etc are all individual, not in a large group comprised of a singe gender. It is diverse, and anyone can be a victim here, not just women.

There Are Simply No Differences Between Genders

There are. Yes, I would agree that the average man is stronger, statistically speaking. Yes, I would also agree that the average women makes less than the average man.

Is this something to protest about?

Are you really going to blame others about something you won't be able to fix? Men and women ARE different in so many ways, such as when it comes to casual thought process, ability to handle certain situations in different ways, but by promoting movements such as #FreeTheNipple, it can throw society further out of balance with female's breasts already being sexualized. Again, there are things men can do that women can't and vice versa. It will always be this way.


Understanding Feminism

Is feminism really the way to go for you to be able to enjoy boyish things? To be able to prevent rape from happening?

Feminism Addresses Personal Problems

The problem with modern day feminism, is that these problems either cannot be solved with great protest without other new problems arising, or are so insignificant that you are able to solve them on your own. There will be male rapists out there, physical abusers that will hit you if they're upset with what you do, and some people are just not accepting of your sexuality or personal preferences with things like clothing, pastimes such as video games, or jobs requiring higher physical labor, however unless you're willing to solve this personal problem yourself, it isn't going to change the problem for everyone else.

Understanding Feminism

If you want to dress sexy, you can. If you want to wear leggings, that's fine too. If you'd rather wear baggy clothing, that is also fine, but keep in mind, that like all people, the way you dress has an influence on the impression that you give to other people. You can wear whatever you want, similar to the vibes that you give to people if you dress really nicely, making you appear to be more responsible. For women, it is no different, and not every woman has problems with the way that they dress.

Yes, I would agree that women get unwanted male attention if they decide to wear leggings, and that is more of a general thing. People will be more likely to take a look if it's out there. However more personal things such as not being allowed to hang with the guys to be able to experiment with "boyish" things is your problem, not women's, because you aren't allowed something you personally want from those opposing your invitation for your company or etc. It's THEM discriminating against YOU, not PEOPLE discriminating against WOMEN.

It isn't about Equality Anymore

Have you met the familiar double standards where a woman having sex with multiple people within a short time makes them a slut, while men having sex with multiple women is looked up upon and men being unable to hit women, while women could have their way?

Understanding Feminism

These are debatable, but unfortunately feminism does nothing to help against standards like these, yet it's still going on so strong. If feminists want men and women to be equal, why is it that these problems haven't been addressed with more attention? They exist because the societal double standards are obviously unfair to both genders, however these issues are still here, and that is a problem.

On the flip side, I would definitely agree that there are good feminists who actually care about the general well being of both genders. Those that are may stand for women's equal rights such as their problem with the wage gap, some things that I'd even personally agree with, however, these issues are the main reasons why I'm no feminist. I don't agree that women are weak, I don't agree that women are victims, and I don't agree that it's about equality anymore. I agree that people have problems, both men and women. Men and women both face rape, men and women both face domestic abuse, and both men and women are victims of personal issues that even though they may be similar the way feminism addresses it, those issues are to be solved on your own. Sometimes, it's better to take responsibility of your own problems instead of blaming others on the problems you have.

That being said, I used to agree with the feminist movement, but I don't anymore. It's as if the word's definition has changed itself.

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10 29
  • Feminism deals with too much in the US. Most of it seems like whining so I tune out and ignore it.

  • I never heard about feminism until I join GaG!

    • #GenderWars 👍

  • Dude you still believe in the gender pay gap?
    It has been debunked and maunstream feminists accepted it.
    They didn't tell it to their underlings apparently and therefore you have random feminist grunts still spewing that shit. I hope every feminist realizes that that was a stupid fabricated point they made to make them the victims again , at least by the time im 70.

    Jesus christ these idiots give me a headache. Cabt a single one of them take some damn responsibility and just outright make a statement :" my dear fellow feminazi warriors, the pay gap was a stupid plot device and is making us look bad infront of intelligent people. Its time to drop it. Stay tuned for the next bs we come up with"

    Also, there is the point of female oppression.
    Females at every point in the past were treated better than men and they are treated a shitton better than guys today. And yet, somehow they wanna be oppressed.
    Women already have more rights than men, why do you still wanna make the gap bigger?

    • The argument is NEVER the existence of the pay gap. There IS The argument is whether it's on the basis of sexism, which it isn't

    • @Kylesar if you are talking about a pay gap between men and women, there is not. Both sexes are paid equally for their work. It has to do with hours worked, work out put etc, and turns out on average men do more of that so they get paid more (due for their work). Feminists justs fabricated those facts and created a lie saying men are paid more than women , when in fact that is based on a lie.

    • If you look at the data, there is no denying that there is a wage gap The argument is and always has been whether or not the cause of this is sexism or different factors. I'm not disagreeing with your assessment of the cause. I'm disagreeing with you on that there IS a wage gap

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  • In the old days, women were extremely disrespected and could never attain power. They learned to manipulate and through that, they achieved all sorts of power and gained their rights and respect. Just something interesting about the history. But, I would also like to touch on the topic of a woman being a "slut" if she gets a ton of guys, whereas a guy getting a ton of girls is a "player": It is because, generally, it is harder for a guy to get a girl as opposed to a girl getting a guy. This is in terms of sex of course, not real relationships.

  • Tell that to women around the world. Man in Saudi Arabia, they hate women and women there have zero rights.

  • aren't they equal now? or they want to take over men?

  • "There are. Yes, I would agree that the average man is stronger, statistically speaking. Yes, I would also agree that the average women makes less than the average man.

    Is this something to protest about?"


    The fact that there is racism and sexism in pay scales is a problem.

    When you don't get made partner at a firm because you're not a white male even though you're better qualified that's not a "business choice" that's discrimination.

    And it happens a lot. Even in female dominated fields men "lead".

    • I'm self-employed and know other business owners. The wage gap is a myth. Ask yourself this, why aren't businesses firing Men and hiring women only? Afterall, women are supposedly making 77 cents on the dollar. Further, MORE women could be hired on the SAME amount of money they currently spend on their payroll.
      As for a career in Law, the Article below states that Men and Women leaving Law for much the same reason. Women have additional pressures. Starting families. Seeking a better work/life balance. Taking care of Family. Men do not face these pressures. Furtherr, they are more willing to work longer hours.


    • Women no longer make 77 cents to the dollar, it is 82 last I checked (meaning you didn't even bother), on average when corrected for equal time. Furthermore it's backwards where women are, in negotiable positions, offered less. With the stigma surrounding not discussing pay this makes it almost impossible to accurately detect on the frontend. Then you have elements such as social stigma stating that proficiency is held by men and men are better at X tasks therefore further limiting "percieved skill" which is why companies pay more for men as "hiring a woman" would reduce the quality of work or availability of the worker. To add to this managers naturally tend to surround themselves with people like themselves so this means that if white men are managers then not only will they prefer white male workers but also pay more to those alike to them. As a business owner you should understand not paying for shit workers. You answered your own question not realizing it was sexist.

    • Unfortunately, I've had to post the link too many times in the past. It's been dispelled by Feminists. My apologies for not doing so the first time.


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  • I think this 50 years experiment has proven that women should not have been given the right to vote or drive. No joke, I actually mean this. Things have gotten worse for everyone because of it, esp women.

    I heart them all bitching about having to go to work every day. Most of their mothers and grandmothers were able to stay home. With advancements in technology, a married couple should be able to have a much higher standard of living than previous generations on one income, now there are so many workers available, wages have not kept up with the productivity increases

    • While that is one way of looking at it, your chain of reasoning does not work properly. The original intent behind letting women drive and have jobs was to make them economically independent of men. This has been achieved, and now you're complaining about going to work daily and how wages haven't kept up with productivity increases. What you fail to realize is that they never HAD to, so it's not exactly anyone's fault that they didn't. Fixing the wage problem is an economic issue, not a gender issue.

    • I second that emotion...

    • "Most of their mothers and grandmothers were able to stay home" -- that's just not true. My grandmother was able to stay at home because she had children in the 60s when there unprecedented big and strong middle class. My mother, having children in the 90s could not afford to stay at home. And neither could most women throghout history. Women have always worked even in the good old days, the 50s and 60s working class women worked. Housewives were always a privilege for the rich and I don't expect that to change long term. And while women did work just as men did, they were still dependent on men because they couldn't own property for example, conduct business or even legally exist without their husband or father

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  • While i am an egalitarian, i support feminism so long as it stays true to it's original definition, i wouldn't be one if i didn't support both sides of the argument.

  • Perfect, thanks for it

  • Equality is a false good.
    Prepare the revolution of the classes funded by Rockefeller.

    Useful idiots

    Understanding Feminism
    • " Prepare the revolution of the classes funded by Rockefeller. " , Yes correct , the Rockefeller have been part of ( by intermarriage & alliances ) the even more powerful House of Rothschild , so I refer to these as the Rothschild Cartel. The Rothschild's initially funded the Rockefeller oil empire , which also gave them control.

  • egalitarianism is the solution here

    • Agrred

  • "Yes, I would also agree that the average women makes less than the average man." This is silly. Women earn more money than men. And they also play the victim. And they also drain men's money by doing findom fetish. They use hypnose and brain wash tactics. This is not fair. Anyone who support feminism is a disgusting animal.

  • Women are shitbags

  • So you must think it's kind of like the BLM then? Blacks won their equal rights along time ago yet they are still screaming about racism. Wome n still are degraded today. They still make less than men and are still not taken as seriously as men. Just like black people are still in this day and age discriminated against. Now put those two things together and imagine being a black woman. Look at the reputation we have.

    • omg are you one of those that spew up the whole 70 cents to the dollar thing with researching as to why first? It's all about who's the biggest victim with this narrative. It's like the bigger your victim status is the better... and if you happen to not get to be a part of the victim group, it's virtue signaling time...

    • I actually don't agree with BLM, and I'm mixed. Black women however, that's something I'll have to study a lot more.

    • AHAH You embody victimization culture to a T i can tell you that

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  • It's really funny to hear a male anti-feminist tell me what feminism is about. You've no idea what you're talking about. You're hilarious.

    • I sure don't!

    • Also, tell me.. what made you become Anonymous?

    • Charge of Fanaticism (Code Brown) – The Brown Shirts Charge Discussion: The target is accused of subscribing to an intolerant, extremist ideology or of being devoted to an ignorant viewpoint. Examples: “You’re one of those right-wing wackos.” “You’re an extremist” “You sound like the KKK.” “… more anti-feminist zaniness” Response: One should remember that the truth is not decided by the number of people subscribing to it. Whether or not certain ideas are “out of the mainstream” is besides the point. A correct conclusion is also not necessarily reached by embracing some middle ground between two opposing viewpoints (i. e., the logical fallacy of “False Compromise”).

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  • Excellent take. I agree with it. I used to support feminism but don't anymore, for the reasons your mentioned and the fact that feminism itself seems to be a primary source of sexism today, which is clearly not acceptable from a movement that purports to fight against sexism. It would seem feminists find misogyny far more distasteful than misandry.

    • Thank you