Virgin By Choice

Virgin By Choice

We've gone from a time when it was completely shocking for someone to say they weren't a virgin before marriage, to a time when sex has become this thing people trade with one another like text messages. I'd like to offer just a bit of support to those that are choosing to wait to have sex for whatever reason as I don't think they get to hear it that often.

I would venture to say these days that it is pretty rare to hear someone say out loud at least, that they are a virgin by choice either because they are purposefully waiting for marriage or just choosing to abstain until they find someone they really love and care about to have sex with. In a world where STD's are passed to and from person to person and unplanned teen pregnancies are celebrated on MTV, and so many regret rushing into having sex or feel pressured by their bf/gf to have sex, why do so many ostracize those people who choose to abstain from sex?

Having sex does not make you an adult or any more "normal," than the rest of the population. You cannot see someone walking around and tell if they are a virgin or not. They've actually studied elderly virgins, and there are no health risks associated with not having had sex in ones life. Your virginity is not everything that you are in life and doesn't determine the whole outcome of your life. It's actually very strange that so many people seem to care about whether you lose your virginity or not seeing as how one cannot choose to lose someone's virginity for them or have the experience for them.

Virgin By Choice

The thing about it is, if you truly want to abstain for whatever reason, you have autonomy over your body. You can decide what you do and don't want to do with it, and just like with any belief you have, people are going to challenge it and you constantly. It is up to you to remain strong in your beliefs and to defend against those that are trying to lead you from your path for their own personal gain.

Don't believe the hype either that everyone is having sex but you. So many people lie because they are ashamed of their virginity or have been made to feel that way. Your life isn't a scripted teen movie where everyone loses their virginity at prom or even by the end of college. Life just isn't like that.

Sex is an experience like every other in life and when you are ready for it and can handle it or are within the bonds of marriage, then you will find the right time and person to go through with the milestone.

13 9

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14 21
  • I'm a Virgin by choice... not my choice

    • Yeah his choice

  • I am a virgin by choice. Not my choice, though

  • Something so important why write an anonymous take you should not hid in the shadows for something you feel so strongly about. This is a great take sex has been deprecated over the years, but that's each individual choice you choose to have sex whenever. You in yourself shouldn't feel guilty about your actions. Then and only then it won't matter to you what others think of you.

  • random sex makes it loses its glow

  • Well good take I am saving sex for marriage myself

  • Great take , i think you're trying to justify that its good to be virgin and thats fine. But being not-so-virgin isn't bad either. It's personal preference.☺

    • No it didn't 😛 You did ahha

  • It's about time someone made this myTake. Thanks.

  • I think sexuality must be placed in the wider context of love, just as it is crucial that everything in life be drawn towards love and be conditioned and transfigured by love.
    Relationships must be leavened by love lest they devolve into occasions for self-interested manipulation.
    play as well lest it devolve into simple self-indulgence.
    sexuality is no exception
    When sexual pleasure is drawn out of itself by the attraction of love, it is rescued from self-preoccupation.

    • Sex, Love, and God: The Catholic Answer to Puritanism and Nietzcheanism... I see

  • Ay, I'm a virgin, and I'm not ashamed at all.

    In fact, I believe that will just increase my marriageability. :D

    • That's good to hear, especially because it is very true that there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of about being a virgin.

    • Yeah sure. Because guys don't care about who you are, all they want to know is if you are virgin or not. Someone who loves you won't care if you are a virgin or not. Would you really want to marry someone who wouldn't marry you just because you would not be a virgin? Someone who cares that much about your virginity doesn't have his priorities straight.

  • Good for you, I'm a virgin too, but not by choice.

  • Lol you know that's the Virginia Mobley logo right?

    • who is virginia mobley?

    • *Mobile

    • Virgin Mobile.

    • Show All
  • This was a phenomenal take. You are absolutely right. You should absolutely wait until you find someone you love or someone you truly trust. No matter what age. It took me until age 25 to find someone I care for enough and trust enough to allow myself to be so vulnerable with and even then, it was only because I was absolutely ready.

    But, no one can make the choice but, you. You have to find the right person and be able to live with your decision.

    • I'm happy that someone around these parts waited for the right person. Why that seems to be seen as a crime for some, I have no idea. I mean literally it is your body and you who has to live with your decisions which even with the right person, can have some consequences mental and/or physical. Kudos to you for waiting :)

    • I did and it may not be a situation or a person that all of my friends and family thinks is amazing but, he was understanding and patient and willing to work with me. And, that's all that it takes... :)