We have a 5 year-old child but I'm not in love with him (never was), should I still continue this lie?
My parents successfully (they did everything to get us separated) broke us up when I was a college freshman (but we remained as friends over the years and still talk sometimes) and set me up with an engineer; Kevin. I do admit, he was/still is a decent man but I would still think about Jeff even when we were having sex. I would fake an orgasm. 2 years later, my parents and everyone else were excited about us tying the knot, everyone but me. I wanted to say no when he popped the question but couldn't. I figure that maybe in time I'll come to loving him and that I can't wait too long to have a child. I proceeded and went along with the religious ceremony, miserable within in, lying to the priest and everyone else; keeping the lie to myself.
I'm still not in love with Kevin. I guess that's worse than cheating. I've already cheated him years of his life. I don't deserve him. He doesn't deserve me. He'll be devastated. Or should I continue my married life and give it more time, hopefully to eventually love him like I did with my boyfriend. I still think and dream about Jeff when we're having sex. Jeff respects my marriage but if he were to knock on my door right now, I would think about escaping with him, agreed with shared custody with my child and leaving Kevin.
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