What a Slut Really Is, and The Importance of Self-Worth

What a Slut Really Is, and The Importance of Self-Worth

Simply put, a "slut" is a woman who sleeps around. There's no point in sugar-coating anything or acting like we don't all know what a slut is, or getting offended by what a slut is. That's what it is: A woman who sleeps around.

Now that that is established, what's so bad about being a "slut"? All a slut is, is the female version of a man who sleeps around. That too is correct. Men can also sleep around. But I'm not a man and I'm not going to speak on behalf of men nor will I try to persuade any men to think anything other than whatever they already think. I'm just not going to do that, I don't have the kind of expertise it takes to talk to men. No, I'm just going to take a minute to talk to the ladies. Guys, you can stay, you can go...whatever. It's on you. But girls, this message is for you because YOU'RE the ones who are going to have to live with this kind of message for the rest of your life.

First, let me say that there is a DIFFERENCE between slut-shaming and sharing an important lesson in life. If you hate me after this then oh well, but somebody is going to have to tell you this and I guess it's going to be me.

So anyway, what anybody does behind closed doors is their business. I've done my dirt. I'm not a slut but I'm not a saint either. Just because I haven't done certain things doesn't make me "holier than thou" because what I haven't done, I have probably thought about doing. The shit I see other women doing, I sometimes feel like I COULD do. After all, we all have a body and free will. And of course we have fantasies, urges, and needs.

What a Slut Really Is, and The Importance of Self-Worth

Some of us have thought about the idea of using a man for his money. Maybe we want to experience the power or being important enough to "buy" per se, or maybe we just need the cash. Some of us have really liked a cheating man or just a man with a girlfriend; I won't act like the thought of being a side chick crossing my mind is simply impossible. Being a mistress couldn't be all bad, right? Some of us haven't done much, but we WANT to. And of course, we have that oh so amazing free will and that means that we can do whatever we want to do.

I haven't done much, in the eyes of today's men I could be the epitome of purity even, but I will not act like I'm anything special. I'm just another woman with a VJ. VJ is everywhere, I could even go so far as to say every woman on the planet has one. So hiding this lump of flesh shouldn't be anything right? I mean, its just another one in the bunch. And no matter how tight, how hairless, how wet or how unused it is there is and always will be more. That much is simple.

Like I said, I haven't done much but I'm only human and I'm not perfect so I can't judge another woman for doing shit that I just don't have the heart to do.

But that's just it. I don't have the heart to do the shit other women do because I'm not cut from the same cloth. My standards are too high to be enticed by the idea of using sex to my advantage. The action alone of just having sex is nothing new, people have been doing that for millions of years and will continue to do it. But there is a DEFINATE correlation between the decision to have sex and one's self worth.

What a Slut Really Is, and The Importance of Self-Worth

Take for example a person whom you hold in high esteem. I'm going to go with my future daughter. (You could think of your mother, father, brother, sister or even cat for that matter). I have this idea in my head that I want my daughter to be the best woman she could be and I want her to have a mind to know. I want her to know she deserves to be a great woman and I intend to raise her as such.

There's not a doubt in my head that outside forces will influence my future daughter. A sweet-talking player with a lot if money and a bad reputation could swoop by and make her question her morals. But as her future mother, I care so much about her that I would still hope that she could see the wrong in doing something she knows she should not do. There are plenty of forces on this earth that could persuade someone to do wrong, but when you see the value in them and have faith in them, you hope with all your might that they can pull through and still be the best they can be.

So why can't you see the same value in yourself?

What a Slut Really Is, and The Importance of Self-Worth

If you could hope that someone else that you love with all your heart knows their worth enough to be a good person, why can't you think that way about your OWN self worth? If sleeping around with people who you aren't in love with does nothing else, doesn't leave you pregnant, doesn't leave you with an STD, doesn't leave you catching feelings....nothing else, then it AT THE VERY LEAST makes you lower your own self worth. If you do something that you wouldn't want the most important person in your life to look down on you for, then you are consciously being what you KNOW is a slut and that's what makes it so bad.

The conscious knowledge of your actions with no intention to change to be BETTER than that. You have to consciously try to be the kind of woman your own self could be proud of. That's all being a "good" woman really is. Its just making the effort to be the kind of woman you would want to be because you feel like you're good enough and deserve it enough to be. And it's up to you to be the judge of that. Not a man, not me, not your doctor (well maybe, that depends). Its up to you to decide how important you think you are.

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  • There is a saying: Men are the gatekeepers of relationships and women are the gatekeepers of sex.

    A woman who sleeps around essentially has her gates open freely and loosely for many men and this causes her to be looked down as low value due to the fact that she has very little discrimination on who gets sex with her and freely let's MANY men sample her without a thought in the world. In same sense women look down and ridicule NICE GUYS because they are "too easy", they don't make them work for the commitment and because of this women often don't go for them for relationships.

    In both cases look at each other as low quality if we are poor gatekeepers of our respective reward. Again something that is high value is often difficult to obtain and people appreciate more. Something that is low value is easy to obtain and anyone can get it.

    In addition, women who are promiscuous are a liability. Men as a whole are able to detach sex and emotion. Women on the on other hand rarely can so, and when we look at women who sleep around a lot not only do they suffer from depression (1 in 4 are on medication) but they have a reduced ability to pair bond with future mates and this is one of the reason for 75% divorce stats initiated by women. Women are conflicted at this point, they want to settle down but find that they are not capable of loving their husband and feel unhappy in the relationship, divorce rape and go back to their old ways.

    Lastly, women will always know who their child is, but men cannot be sure a child conceived by a woman is going to be his own. A woman who sleeps around could very well have had 2 men cum inside her at relatively close time period and just opt to pick the guy who she deems more "husband/father" material to be the father (even if the kid is not his).

  • Still strange to me how people think sexuality is inherently degrading.

    What I don't respect is a woman who's too good for sex. THAT is the kind of person that isn't worth it.

    VJ isn't everywhere. You're pointing out that you don't like "sleeping around" and that you're an average woman. Yet you just expect every other woman out there to be giving it away? I think you're heavily overestimating how much VJ guys get.

    You didn't even explain why it's bad. Seems like just "we all know it's bad right?" Like everyone is supposed to just get it.
    Remind me of these guys:

    • It has many negative consequences both on the woman (higher rate of depression and disatisfaction in relationships) and for future long term partners (disatisfaction and increased rate of divorce). Men in general who are looking for a long term relationship do not wish to have a promiscuis woman because she is statistically more likely to cheat and more likely to divorce as well as the possibility that she is using him to raise another mans child which of course is not particularly to the advantage of the man dedicating his resources to such a woman and her child.

    • @hellionthesagereborn Already knew the stats thank you very much. I didn't mean the stats, I mean what people *feel* makes it bad, how do we tie it to worth?