What age is a woman's sexual prime and most likely to find a husband?

Some guys here are claiming a girl is most attractive for marriage and sexiest between the ages of 15-29. Do men not want to marry girls who turn thirty im a bit worried as im single and 30 is eight years away?
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No girl answers well that sucks
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Sexual prime would be 22, also the age that males of all age ranges prefer, physically. Sexual prime range would prolly be 18-25 or so. You could probably widen it to include all of the 20s. Once you hit 30, you're no longer in sexual prime. Though many women compensate by becoming more sexually aggressive which can also be a plus. Most people get married at around 27-30. So, I would say that's the time you're most likely to get married.

    Most guys won't put a lot of thought into age ranges. Availability, attractiveness, and receptiveness are the three qualities necessary. And there's a lot of banging hot 30 year olds. Lot of banging hot 40 year olds, at that. Though, yes, physically, after 30, women, in general, start becoming less and less desireable, in general. Yes, sorry downvoters, biology is a bitch, ain't it?

    If you want to maximize your potential for finding the best quality guy, then I would say you've got until 35. Though, it really depends on how well you age. And, just because you get older doesn't mean you won't get a good guy. All it means is that physically, you will be less prefered than the 22 year olds. That still leaves mentally.

    So, in your time leading up to that physical attractiveness drop-off, absorb as much knowledge as you can about men, and you can level off the physical attractiveness dropoff with mental attractiveness. E. g. seductiveness and understanding the opposite sex, thus being more capable of providing other important aspects to them.

    Same thing with ability to absorb new information. Drops off a lot after 30 for everyone, as well as memory and pretty much every other intellectual category. But! overall knowledge goes up as we age. So that is where our strength lies.

    But, you've got some time. Don't sweat it too much. To actually answer your question, men will still marry 30 year old women.

  • Marriage is a market like anything else... and while girls and guys have been corrupting that market and marriage is the least attractive it's been in 200 years, it's still around.

    For a girl, I'd say about 17-24 is a girl's utter prime for dating. Why? Because if you are taking care of yourself, you will be at your utter prime physically, and you can date a huge range of men. If you're 18 and looking for a serious relationship you can basically date men 18-26 or so without looking too weird.

    Also keep in mind that the longer you wait, the more used to casual sex/ casual dating desirable men will become, and they will be less willing to take the legal risks of marriage.

    And 30... let's be real. Any 30, 31, 32 year old man who took care of himself (has a decent job, has his own townhouse/condo, works out, dresses well) can easily get a girl about 23, 25. So why would they date a 30 year old?

Most Helpful Girl

  • Sexual prime is definitely in the 30's.
    As for marriage that is a personal choice.

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1 9
  • It's un-PC but true that it's better to have children before the age of 30.

  • No girls answer because they don't get it - they're trying to figure it out for themselves.

    If you ride the cock carousel into your thirties no guy is going to want you. Well, maybe some schlub well under your SMV. And that really happens, and they marry them, and grow f'ing bored, and then bail.

    Make yourself a success, develop value to a relationship, create self worth, and then you'll meet a guy that is worth sharing your life with. You're not too old, but consider a guy a few years older, someone that is happy and successful and wants the same things in life as you do.

    It's called dating for a reason.

  • 17-20 is when girls are the most attractive (generally speaking, some peak later, others earlier). After that its a slow downward trend until 25-26 (quicker for some girls though), then it picks up steam a bit until 30, then a little faster until 35, then fast until 45, then the rails fall off.

  • Prime for men being sexually attracted to them is like 21, marriage i would say like 27.

  • 25-26 is right time for a pussy.