We live in a loop. That's just a fact of most life. It achieves a sense of normalcy and safety. However, the reality is that a completely certain life is responsible for most of the world's evils and heartache. I'll narrow it to site and the lives of the majority of people on this site.
We have a lot of people who are obviously very open and enthusiastic about giving others advice. This can be solicited in the form of answering questions and can also be unsolicited when someone writes a take or a comment that another user doesn't agree with. I've grown from my old belief that people generally got off on "correcting" people rudely. Rudeness is a natural habit of a having no formality. The important thing is that people spend their precious time to say something which may benefit someone else whether they want to hear it or not and doesn't really benefit them.
Which is why it's so funny to me that a lot of us seem to lack self awareness. I don't mean anything about self identity. I mean on a basic thought by thought level a feeling by feeling level we hardly question them. We want others to humble themselves and be open to what we have to share with them and yet we feel something is wrong or unnecessary about examine ourselves in this light.
Here are five idealogies that I've seen a lot on this site:
slut shaming
men feeling women "aren't like they used to be"
defending white people from race based guilt
consideration of men as bad
preference for men with "personalities over looks"
For all of these, I often wonder if the people supporting them consider why they feel this way. For the first, does the person ever ask themselves why they hate/dislike slutty people? Why is it threatening? Why does someone else's behavior bother you? Why am I telling this person that they're wrong? By answering these questions it forces the person to accept that either its based off of certain people in their past, their own behavior, or, in the rare case, it's actually a genuine desire to see someone leave an empty lifestyle. in any case, through having a feeling about a feeling, a person can grow without any need for a self improvement book. they are very smart already if they just question more...
similarly men here often have had women that certainly were not good women or good to them and now have demonized a gender not on purpose but because those bad experiences colored their reality. they are telling the truth...their truth...but that's not an excuse when you're an adult capable of self awareness
people aren't racist for preferring their own gender but do they ever ask themselves why this is or are they content to just say that's just the way i am and i'm happy with it. if they did ask themselves they might admit its because thats the standard of beauty they've seen all their lives and even though they can't change that or who they're attracted to they can acknowledge that being white is a pretty big boost to ones dating life like being tall etc.
there is a point to the male movement in my opinion. but it's not necessary to "go your own way" there is a sentiment in culture where underlying message is that men get raped a lot less than women and that changes everything including sensitivity people must show towards women that they don't need to show towards men. it changes little in some ways and a lot in others. its evident in the way women talk to women not only on here but everywhere. its evident in high profile legal battles where the public takes sides. its evident in a girl asking for advice on what she should do in a situation with her verbally abusive boyfriend and a boy asking advice on what he should do in the exact same situation with his verbally abusive girlfriend. The premise is not false--men are not raped anywhere near as much as women but the conclusion you may or may not agree with--that women need more sensitivity than men. i personally feel weirder talking to a certain way even though its perfectly acceptable for her to talk to me that way and indeed people on this site demonize me for it when i choose to do it anyway. And i'm not even saying you should disagree with the conclusion that men need less sensitivity but at least think about it and question how you feel so that if you still agree its with a more aligned spirit.
sigh, and to conclude a take that ended up being way longer than i meant for it to be, a lot of good looking guys are popular and a lot of popular guys are aholes. so are a lot of ugly guys and unpopular guys but the general idea is that good looking guys are jerks. i'd wager to say a lot of women who say personality and they don't care at all about looks have been screwed over too many times by a man they were very physically attracted to and now blame all men that they are very physically attracted to...whether or not this is the reason...it may be prudent for these girls to ask themselves why they feel like a good looking man who takes care of his body and grooms himself right is to be avoided and a guy who looks like he would never leave you means about you.
so yeah, all this to say think about why you feel the way you do and whether that sits right with you that you feel that way...
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