What are your thoughts on period sex?

We have always done it. No worries. 20 years. 🤷🏻‍♀️
2 11

Most Helpful Guys

  • "Period sex?" Is that some weird Jane Austen themed sex where you dress in Napoleonic themed clothes? 😉

    Bad joke, I know. 😊

    Seriously though my wife and I were fine with it. Like yourself, I'm a bit surprised by some responses here.

    This is primarily because I have seen on GAG some women claim that if a man doesn't like period sex, he clearly doesn't respect women and is worse than Hitler, Pol Pot, and Idi Amin all rolled into one. That's not much of an exaggeration. I have seen one female GAGer opine that a man who doesn't want to have period sex "hates women,"

    Of course this neglects to take into account that some people have a very adverse and visceral reaction to blood. Indeed some people are phobic of it and will respond VERY negatively.

    Fortunately I am not one of those people.

    by the way, on a funny note, my friend was talking with his then girlfriend about sex during her period. Her response was, "If you want to have sex with me on my period, I WILL HATE YOU! If you *don't* want to have sex with me on my period I WILL HATE YOU!"

    Yeah, she was kinda jaded and cynical.

  • Said it before, a dozen times!! If she is horny, and want's it, I have DARK-colored towels, and then showering after, together, like cuddling?
    Seems that SOOOOOOO many guy get freaked out about this simple thing, that is TOTALLY NORMAL, and happens to half of the population!!
    Are they just squeamish punks, and "EEEWW" like her period is like the "PLAGUE" to them!!
    A few that I have been with say it helps with the "cramps", just having sex! DUH! Like what guy wouldn't just take that as an invitation?

    • I don’t know why so many think it’s gross.

    • @loves2learn It's surprising how Squeamish, so many guys are, with period sex, in her vagina, the Natural, intended place, but SOOOOOO many are EAGER to stick theirs in her bottom!! Men don't usually get UTIs, but with unprotected anal sex, choose the infection you want!! LOL!! As a funny aside: If you co in, saying you think you have a Bladder infection, they almost always check the Prostrate!! Many clinics, and Urgent Care, require a "witness" so maybe two women, and one with a finger up is ass, and the other watching!! LOL!!!

Most Helpful Girls

  • Neither of us have any objections. I simply put an old towel under me before we begin.

    I've found lovemaking very useful in relieving period cramps, he's very accommodating that way.

    • I completely agree!

  • In a relationship no worries otherwise nah i'd be far to self conscious and no amount of vodka would change that lol

    • That is very understandable. I agree a trusted relationship is needed.

    • *pours you some* ;)

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28 73
  • I have been with only one person all my life and we never had period sex because I have been on birth control that stopped my periods. Goal was never to get pregnant. Nowadays, more and more women seem to go au natural.

    • I have also only been with one person. But my birth control did not stop my periods.

  • A dealbreaker. He can wait 7 damn days for it to go off. I dont need his dick looking like a murder weapon

    • It’s fun. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • For those into it.
      What are your thoughts on period sex?

  • I'll do it, but not my favorite. Limits what we can do, gets messy, and can smell not so great sometimes.

    Non period sex is way better lol.

  • Nope, I don't do sex while on my period, bc its messy, and cleaning the bedding is always a pain, even if we use sheets to toss its still messy.

  • I haven't really done it.
    And it's just not something I would be comfortable with.
    When I'm on my period I don't want anyone to go near my area.