What are your thoughts on the rise of sex work during this pandemic and unemployment crisis?
I enjoy it, no shame here. I’m not engaging in anything I’m uncomfortable with. I love having complete control, it fuels my spiritual practices, and the money is a bonus. Not necessary but a bonus. I got into it when my second business took a hit and although I’m perfectly safe (due to me never spending despite my large income), I desire a bigger security blanket.
I haven’t had to worry about money for a while and I need it to stay that way. I’ve done poverty once... never again 😂 not if I can help it.
I understand that most do it out of necessity so I never want to take advantage of all these platforms to promote myself since it’s not important enough for me to siphon attention off of everyone else.
It does break my heart to see families and singular people break past their own boundaries out of survival. My heart goes out to you all. And no I don’t just mean sex work, that applies to anyone who has had to do something they didn’t want to do just to put food on the table.
—also sex work comes in various forms so if you have a bias against a particular kind, please detail what and why
Superb Opinion