What can I do to lessen the likelihood of getting pregnant for first time sex?

I’m 23 years old and I haven’t have sex. My boyfriend has been patient with me till I am ready. I feel like I am ready now but I’m scared of getting pregnant. Should I take birth control pills first before I have sex with my boyfriend? He said I don’t have to worry much since he’ll be using condoms but I also want to do something on my part. Thanks!
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Superb Opinion

  • Generally you need to be on bc pills for 10 to 14 days before sex for them to be effective. A lot of girls are going for an IUD or implant now... just a thought. I'm glad your boyfriend is using a condom for some extra protection because sometimes (not often) they can break. Is your boyfriend a virgin also?

    Just have him go real slow, consider using some lube and when he is filly inside you have him just chill for a few minutes so you can get use to him inside. Don't let him just start jackhammering right away.

Most Helpful Guy

  • Planned use of condoms seems a good start. They are pretty reliable as long as it's in date and it's straight forward sex. Only had one fail (it slipped off) but it was a unusual situation.

    If your wanting to take action to protect yourself then the pill is a good start as long as you are going to be diligent at taking it.

    Not wanting to mess yourself up with all them hormones you could go for a cap thought less mentioned these days. Finally a long term option is a copper coil which has to be fitted, they tell you how to check it's there but can be used for up to 10 years and no hormones to mess with your body.

    My girlfriend has a copper coil we have used that as our only form of birth control for nearly 2 years with no worries or scares. I'm also completely unaware of it's presence.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Bc pills can give you a lot of unpleasant side effects, I had really bad side effects with the first two, 3rd was awesome (still some weird side effects) but when I stopped I had a crazy backlash with acne crazy mood swings etc (never had acne in my life) I don’t think I would ever take bc pill in my life now there much more natural options women are completely unaware of their reproductive system you can only be pregnant 4-5 days per cycle the rest of the time there is no egg ie NO possibility of getting pregnant

  • Birth control pills are your best option, and if you are not sure when to start, here is a guide. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/birth-control-pill/how-effective-is-the-birth-control-pill

    If you’re still not sure about their effectiveness, or if you’re concerned about STD’s, use condoms too.

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What Girls & Guys Said

5 11
  • The pills your best bet but it might be worth a chat with your gp to explore your options

  • How long do you need to be taking oral contraceptves before they are effective at preventing pregnancy?

    • Combination pills need to taken for at least 7 days to reach their full effectiveness. Progesterone pills (mini pill) can start to work in a couple of days. www.plannedparenthood.org/.../how-effective-is-the-birth-control-pill

    • @musicbrain5 Actually, I know the answer. Having attended law school, I tend to teach by asking questions: the Socratic method.

  • Birth control can take a couple days to a month (depending on type) to be as reliable as it will be. And that isn’t 100% proof. I’ve even known the shot to fail up to 12 days early in several people.

    • Talk to your doctor to ease your mind.

  • Make sure you both use protections such as condom or pills. it will help you to enjoy and feel the raw sex! And will also lessened the chances of getting pregnant!
    Its a good feeling to be fucked without condom! Make sure you use the best use of it! 🔥

  • Two factor birth control is best. I. e. use two methods, barrier and pills. That way both have to fail.