What do you think of men with high body counts?

I hear people often argue that those men are talented and charismatic, they worked hard for that!

in reality I think they have low self esteem, poor impulse control; and most likely manipulated unsuspecting women into sleeping with them (players) so they’re little more then pathetic scam artists.

I was raped and slept with probably 9 other random men over the course of a year to try and cope with that. I’m not proud of it, and it doesn’t make me feel good. I fucked up. My fiancé is a man I can trust who has a house, a car, he’s tall, and a virgin waiting until marriage! He has everything to get any woman he wants but he has self control and isn’t insecure. I’m not saying all men with high body counts are shitty people but it’s definitely not something to brag about.

1 1

Most Helpful Guys

  • You hit the nail on the head

    • Thanks for the mho

  • I agree with you.

    • Thanks for the MHO.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 6
  • It is impressive if a guy can get many women to sleep with him, and I could envy him a bit to have such easy access to women.

    On the other hand, he does not stick with them, and I cannot understand that. So in the end I do not really envy such men, as even a quick succession of many women cannot give you what one woman can when you spend a long time with her.

    • I think most men who have high body counts are just using women.

  • Gross and untouchable as far as marriage and father material.

  • First of all what's a high body count because it may vary from person to person? To a certain extent that guy has to be pretty good with women to have sex a lot but he also could be a fuck boi. I don't think their is anything wrong with a guy with a high body count necessarily but I could see how some women will see it as an issue because it could be a sign of poor discipline and impulse control. People go through stages in life and maybe he went through a hoe phase and decided it wasn't fulfilling. Who knows though.

    • Yeah no I have no problem with people with a high count. My thing is more the cope with it. Lots of people make stupid choices… yet I see 40yos still rationalizing those choices as having been good when they weren’t

  • I look at what I did in my teens and am disgusted with myself. I stopped, but it still damaged my ability to connect long term. I suspect I will die alone, perhaps deservedly so.

    • I definitely don’t have anything against men or women with high body counts. Really it’s just the ones who are proud of it or the men who encourage it… it’s something everyone is better without yet I still see “oh it’s different for men” horrible.

  • Nothing... I don't care how many people other guys slept with.. I only care how many people women slept with.

    • Why?

    • Because it gross when girls haa a high body count. .. most guys don't want a well used pussy..

    • why wouldn’t you hold the same standard?

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