Guys, what do you think of waking up with?

a girl giving you a blow job?
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Superb Opinion

  • When you begin performing a sex act on someone without their consent, there's a chance they'll welcome it as a pleasant surprise, and a chance they'll feel upset about it. The relative likelihood of each of these outcomes varies based on circumstances. In many circumstances, there's basically 0% chance of a happy reception and 100% chance of anger; for some circumstances, those percentages are reversed.

    If you know your boyfriend likes getting blowjobs from you, it's highly likely he'll wake up and think, “Fuck yeah! Best alarm clock ever!” He will essentially retroactively consent to the things you did without consent. But if he woke up and said, “Whoa, who said you could do that?” then yeah, you sexually assaulted him.

    If it makes it clearer for you, imagine that instead of blowing him, you put on a strap-on and started fucking him in the ass. Now, some guys love this! But in my experience, most men do not; and while they might be up to try it, they don't want to wake up to a dildo in their ass with no prior discussion. You would be highly unlikely to receive cheerful retroactive consent, and more likely to be accused of sexual assault

Most Helpful Guy

  • I think it's rapey if you hadn't discussed it first. No, correction it is rape (or at least sexual assault) if you don't discuss it first. Some guys are good with it, but some guys aren't. Often you wake up needing to pee, and all that does is make it so you can't, hurts like... So talk first.

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What Guys Said

  • no problems at all... the only problem is that I've never found a girl that could wake up before I do...

  • Sounds like the best way possible to start a day

  • I have actually had that happen! It was fun. That was years ago and I still think of it...

  • It's wonderful. I had one girl who did this once. I tried everything i could think of to hint at her about doing that every day. Never happened again, though..

  • Why not?

    • That's all you have to say? Lol

    • Tell me a time a guy has refused a blow job?

    • It happened to me when I woke him up giving him a bj. I was told by my exes that I'm good at it

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