What does it mean if my friends with benefits calls me sweetie?

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Sorry didn't really proof read the question I only have one friend
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Most Helpful Guys

  • It means he likes you. friends with benefits is NOT a booty call or "NSA". It is a relationship with a different set of rules. We are pals who have sex and avoid "dating protocols". Our non-commitment deal is a form of commitment. There's no accounting for off-time. There's no snooping in cell phones or computers. There's no worrying about stubble. It's all voluntary and I will understand when you want to move on.

  • Are you really asking this question?

    Do you REALLY have a friend's with benefits at 17, you fucking child?

Most Helpful Girls

  • 17 and u already have not just one, but more than one friends with benefits ... wow, chica, are u seriously that unhappy with your life? If so, going about it this way isn't the answer, I'm telling you.

  • My fab calls me sweetie, darling etc. I guess it's just a way to show that he appreciates me as a friend and a friends with benefits .

  • It's a common term. Even guys Im not dating at all refer to me as, "sweetheart" casually. "Here u go sweetheart."

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 1
  • An implicit meaning that says da sex was good

  • may be you taste like sweets...