He probably had the stuck ball syndrome. When your ball sack will stick to your thigh. It's very uncomfortable. Normally, we do the sidestep dance while looking left and right to make sure nobody saw. Maybe he didn't see you and was looking at his reflection when he did that. Is that possible?
1 0 0 0your right lol
Hahaha Thanks !
Could have a couple meanings. He may just have needed to adjust and either didn't know or care anyone was watching. It's also possible that he saw you or someone else and started to get aroused so he adjusted so it didn't become visible.
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2 7My guess would be crabs O_O
0 0 0 0He may have gotten an erection and had to adjust it.
0 0 0 0He has an itch?
0 0 0 0@BillieJean1070 is that pic really you? Nice smile your cute
maybe it started throbbing, and grabbed it so no one else would notice it throbbing/twitching
0 0 0 0It means that his balls were sticking to the inside of his thighs.
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