What does orgasms feel like for men, like how does it feel before orgasm?

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Superb Opinion

  • It is easiest to describe from a hand job or masturbation, because you can watch what happens.
    *The first ting that happens is getting hard. My penis grows in length and thickens.
    *A single glistening drop of precum forms at the slot at the tip due to arousal. As arousal grows that drop grows and begins to flow down the tip.
    *The next step is emotional. I reach a level in arousal when I am certain I will have an orgasm. "Ahh. I'm gonna cum!" It's a feeling of great excitement, like you just won money.
    *When orgasm arrives, I get a body spasm; a "fizzing" that begins below my knees and works its way to my face. My ears begin to ring.
    *Then I get a single penis contraction along with a body convulsion. It pushes out a dollop of precum. It's like my "gun" is clearing and chambering the first round.
    *There is a two or tree second time when arousal skyrockets. My body tenses and I feel a sense of near emergency urgency.
    *Then the ejaculation series starts. Each contraction feels like I am "pulling in", with urgent tension.
    *After the "pulling in", semen is expelled and I get a strong feeling of relief, even euphoria and the stream may feel hot on the way out.
    *I may get 4 to as many as 10 contractions. The first 3 are explosive and and may shoot a foot. Then they fade to moderate.
    *I get a feeling that I have been drained and I want to rest for a minute or so.

    That's pretty much it. That may be more than you wanted to hear. An orgasm is one of the best joys of living.

Most Helpful Guy

  • It feels like shivering, shaking and you lose control... kind of free fall from the sky and you land down... and when it comes out... it feels very hot oh inside.
    It's a feeling like you want to stop it from coming but you are moved by someone and you can't stop... your legs get stiff and you try to get the deepest you want to stop it but it ends. Plus before orgasm, you can feel every ring of a girl's vagina due to the very fast speed and friction also makes it feel like her vagina is getting longer and you can't go deeper. it's. its a mixed feeling... can't be explained so easily.

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1 14
  • Hard to explain but it's like a build up like in the middle between the testicle and the penis, and it spreads throughout all the genitalsarea and depending on the orgasm can spread farther around the body but I guess it all depends

  • Everything I've read says it feels the same for men and women including before.

  • My husband will have one and then go for a jog around the block. I have one and can't move for 20 minutes.

  • Are legs shake and are penis throbbing as we cum all of are muscles contract. Before the orgasm we can feel all the blood rushing to are penis and muscles getting tighter.

    • If I may ask, do your toes ever curl during your climax? Thank you very much, sir.

    • No not really usually the girls toes curl though.

    • Oh my goodness... I'll bet it's an awesome feeling to know that you're fucking her so well that her toes actually curl when you're climaxing inside her.

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  • It feels like a brief explosion of pleasure.