What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

What Feminism really means; Facts about feminism.

First off, I'm a feminist.

Second, I think way too many people have these misconceptions about feminists because they've been misinformed, or they've been scared off because of social media warriors. Whatever the case is, I'm here to (maybe) enlighten you.

Contrary to popular belief, feminism has nothing to do with belittling men; in fact feminism doesn't support sexism against either gender. Feminism works toward equality, not female superiority.

Feminists respect individual, informed choices and believe there shouldn't be a double standard in judging a person. Everyone has the right to sexual autonomy and the ability to make decisions about when, how and with whom to conduct their sexual life. Meaning: we don't believe in slut shaming.

What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

But it lets take a look into some actual facts:

-Women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes.

-Only 17% of the seats in Congress are held by women.

-although 48% of law school graduates and 45% of law firm associates are female, women make up to only 22% federal-level and 26% of state level judgeships.

-Even in the 10 top paying jobs for women, females earn less then men. Only one career, speech pathology, pays the same regardless of gender.

-Despite previous attempts to ratify a UN treaty guaranteeing the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the U.S. refuses to support an international bill of rights for women signed by nearly every other nation on the planet.

-According to a recent survey, just 20% of Americans consider themselves feminists, approximately 8% consider themselves as anti feminists, while 63% said they are neither. However most respondents (82%) believed that men and women should be equal, with just 9% saying that men and women should not be equal.

What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

-Globally, about 1 in 3 women will be beaten or raped in her lifetime.

-approximately 38% of all murders of women globally are committed by their intimate partners.

-according to the U.N., 99.3% of women and girls in Egypt have been subjected to sexual harassment.

-Over 130 million women around the world have undergone female genital mutilation. This is when girls have either part or all of the clitoris and inner and outer labia cut off, without anesthesia. Often they have part of their vagina sewed up as well.

-approximately 1.2 million children worldwide are victims of human trafficking, and over 80% are girls.

-In ten countries, women are legally bound to obey their husbands. Only 76 countries have legislation that directly targets domestic violence; just 57 of them include sexual abuse.

-worldwide, just 24% of senior management roles are held by women.

-just 1% of tilted land in the world is owned by women.

-in the 1990s, the pop group the Spice Girls introduced the phenomenon of "Girl power," which assumed that women could use society's expectations of female behavior to multiple patriarchy and achieve success through female bonding.

-Some feminists argue that men's liberation should be included in the aims of feminism becuase men have also been harmed by traditional gender roles.

-in 1950, women comprised less than 2% of the U.S. military. Currently, about 14% of active members in the U.S. armed forces are women.

What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

-women are more likely to get a high school diploma than men. In addition, over 60% of college degrees in the United States are rewarded to women.

-Women hold the highest IQ scores ever recorded.

-The first women to run and finish the Boston Marathon was Roberta Gibb in 1966. However, becuase women were not allowed to officially enter the race until 1972, she did not get credit for it.

-the U.S. Congress places in the bottom half of nations governments around the world in terms of women members.

-The fifty-two countries have had a female head of state over the past 50 years, including India, Bangladesh, Sri, Lanka, Pakistan, Liberia, and China. However, the United States is among those who never have.

-America women are twice as likely as men to retire in poverty.

-In Saudi Araba, women are not allowed to drive. However, Saudi women are currently challenging this law.

-in 1770, the British Parliament proposed a bill that women using makeup should be punished punished for witchcraft.

-in Ecuador, abortion is illegal unless you are "demented" or an "idiot." Additionally, the law is often used to criminalize miscarriages.

-About 14 million girls are married before they turn 18. In 2014, an estimated 14 million girls worldwide, some as young as 8 years old, were married.

-in Saudi Arabia and Morocco, rape victims can be charged with a crime such as engaging in illicit sex. Tragically, a sixteen year old in Morocco killed herself after a judge forced her to marry her rapist under a law that dismisses rape charges if the parties marry..

-women are not allowed to vote in Saudi Arabia and Vatician City.

What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

-In the early 19th century, married women in Europe and the U.S. had no legal identity apart from their husbands, a status known as coverture. This means that women could not be party in a lawsuit, sit on a jury, own property if widowed, or write a will. Custody was also usually granted to the child's father.

-in some parts of India, roads safety laws do not apply to women. An exemption that kills or injures thousands of women each year.

-in Yemen, women are considered to be only "half a witness" this means that a single woman's testimony isn't taken seriously unless it's backed up by a mans word. Additionally, women cannot testify at all in cases of adultery, libel, theft, or sodomy.

-mothers of newborns are guaranteed paid leave in 188 countries, only 9 countries do not: Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Surinam, Tonga, and the United States.

-The introduction of the birth pill in 1965 helped women choose between a full time career and motherhood, or do both.

On top of all this, I feel like there is a situation where men aren't treated the same way as women. That is: male rape victims.

Another thing is that believing in gender equality also leads me to believe that under the circumstances that we go to war, women should be drafted! That's not beneficial to women but gender equality doesn't always equal positive things.

Hope this helped some of you and maybe the fear of calling yourself a feminist is gone 😂❤️





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Most Helpful Guy

  • "-Women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes."

    That's just bullshit that people like to claim, but they never have an actual source showing that women get paid less for the same jobs. That's because there is no source--you're comparing stay at home moms and part time workers and people with less education to men who are slaving away at jobs. You're comparing teachers and English majors to engineers and acting shocked when you get said results.

    • You are correct! This is bullshit because nowdays many women make as much money as the average man in America with a decent job

    • Also "-in 1950, women comprised less than 2% of the U. S. military. Currently, about 14% of active members in the U. S. armed forces are women." That's called female privilege.

    • This is a lie. When you look at the actual facts, the so called wage-gap disappears. But feminists aren't interested in the truth, are they? Here's the facts. Men spend 14% more time at work on average. Men are 9 times more likely to die there Young childless women outearn young childless men (age group 22-30) by 8 percent.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • a beautiful mytake

    I absolutely hate it when people are like "but women are equal to men" or "can you get a job? do you have the choice of who to marry? then shut the fuck up". there are still so much sexism, and the fact people are against feminism just shows how "far" humanity obviously came. I mean, who wants equality right?

    • Over 80 percent of Americans want equality, yet most don't consider themselves feminist, have you ever wondered why that is? I mean if feminism has a monopoly on wanting equality, like so many feminist claim, wouldn't you expect over 80 percent of Americans to identify as feminists?

    • egalitarian>feminist

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14 50
  • Overall, I did like this. You make a statement like you don't want to kill all men and throw them in dungeons to feed to your feminist female dragons who roast men alive, and you even say you see where guys aren't being treated fairly. And you say this in a very calm manner. And they say "All feminists want to do is see men fall" And you then just have to back away because that kind of stupid can't be reasoned with. It just can't. That kind of person hates the idea so much they will never listen to the living counterexample in front of them because they love hating something that much. And all they want to do is be right and throw their anger at something or someone. And as a feminist, all we can do is go back to our evil lairs and torture the inferior weak men we have kidnapped >: D

    • @bones90 people like you are the reason why I'm a feminist. Just saying. Bye.

    • yeah but you being a feminist won't change anything, you cannot change nature and biology, im just stating facts. Men are better than women.

    • @bones90 men are not better then women. Gender has nothing to do with being a good person or being better then someone. There are good women and bad women, and there also is bad men and good men. Your "men are better then women" is invalid.

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  • I honestly couldn't get through the first couple of "points" you posted. First and foremost their is no wage gap, the only occupations that have a wage gap are porn which pays women about ten times the amount as a man, modeling which has the highets paid model making almost 450 million to the highest paid male models 1 million and stem fields where women earn higher starting pay because of gender descrimination ie female highering quotas. Women not being in the top of their fields and not being in politics is due to choice, unless you want to claim their is a law preventing women from getting into office which those 17% of women just some how avoided because "reasons". Its funny because a lot of your accusations are targeted towards the middle east which conviently ignores the fact that one that it has no impact on the west and two also blatently ignores the reasons why their society functions that way ie male oppression (if you want to throw around the term). You completey ignore that while women may not be encouraged to go to school or work its only because by law the man is entirely responsible for her so if she works he now has to pay the taxes on her income and isn't even allowed to have her pay for anything (in fact she can let her entire family starve if she wanted without any legal recourse because her families well being is her husbands responsibility not hers) in fact their have been several cases of men going to prison because they could not pay the taxes on their wifes income. this is also why they discourage women from going to school because that means one less boy which also means that a family is more likely to wind up poor or starving while if a woman goes she can go get a job but since her husband is obligated by law and social custom it will have no benefit to her. The burden and responsibilites lie on the men in that society which is why every time a village is attacked its the men who are butchered and the women left alive, because in that society the men are tools, work horses. It also ignored the growing amount of the bacha bazi male child prostitutes who are forced to whore themselves out in order to provide money for their family because its his responsibility because he has a penis even though his mother would be fully capable of working. THen of course the fact that women are more likely to retire in poverty has nothing to do with sexism, but rather personal choice. Though I suppose since you refused to mention that 80% of the

    • homeless population is male and that from what I can tell women still recieve almost 90% of the aid given to the homeless, its not suprising. The fact is almost everything listed is either a gross misrepresentation of the facts, completely ignores that the other half of the issue (like talking about female gentital mutilation yet ignoring the fact that right here in america 70% of the male population is by feminist definition mutilated against their will and that in countries other then the US that practice circumcision both males and females are circumcised yet no one seems to care about that fact). Everything you pointed out was wrong in some capacity or another, so much so that I can't even take the time to go point by point but needless to say ignoring males in the exact or in most cases worse situation is a very feminist thing to do and is why so many are now begining to move away from feminism.

  • this is good info. sadly i think most people's views on this matter are formed already. but i am a male feminist and appreciate those stats as a reminder that the battle for equality is a worthwhile one

    feminism in its truest is not about empowering women it's about equalizing the power in the world. it's not about giving women anything but allowing them the opportunity to earn (not just financially) similar to men.

    • You're an idiot if you believe that feminism gives a shit about you. You're just a tool to "legitimize" feminist propaganda. They know people don't listen [rightfully so] to feminists and they'll walk on any body or use any form of misdirection and social manipulation tactics to get whatever they want done. People that want equality do not use terms that specifically and directly state that the efforts will lead to benefits for an individual particular group. Fem: female Ism: Ideology or center around thoughts are derived.

    • @Gommers thanks you know me so well so you certainly are in a position to judge me. the great thing is that you pain feminism in a broad stroke. every feminist is a certain thing to you. with all movements there are various voices, positions, ideologies. there were black civil rights activists who preached peace, those who preached violence, those in support of segregation. There were Nazis who supported war, extermination, peaceful revolution, etc. but you pain everyone with a broad stroke because it makes it easier for you to decide what to like and hate. 100% of female feminists are part of the propaganda machine. of course they are and you'd know because you know 100% of female feminists. like you must know my wife, my mother, my aunt, etc.

    • Even nazis are better than feminists. At least Nazis knew what they stood for.

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  • Meh~~~~ i don't agree with the principle...
    In fact, Western feminism is sooooo unlike it should be ! The thing is there are some injustice towards women all over the world and okay we should defend it and so on but i think the fact of precisely get the attention towards women is irrevelant, we should be human after all not feminist or sexist or some shit, and yes Western feminist is irrevelant because complaining about video games and useless things like that is not a constructive thing such as this :

    ... nope you're just naked

    anyways what i just wanted to mean is that feminist should stop justfifying their actions in developped countries with poor women from India who, them, has REAL problems.

    • Bc there are no. poor women in the I United states. What world. do you live in. Is it cosy there? Do. you have WiFi?

    • @AriadneSky Pff u seem to have a problem with words... i said : "feminist should stop justfifying their actions in developped countries with poor women from India" what i meant is why talk about India when you're from the US? huh? Plus i am just saying that most of the shit feminist "fight for" nowadays are irrevelant, i never said girls are all fine in the US i am saying those who pretend to fight for their rights just like to strip in the streets with shit messages on their boobs

  • Thank you for this. <3

  • As a girl, I just have to say, a lot of the things that are stated on this Take has to do with how women want to live their lives, not necessarily the oppression by the opposite sex. Like if you can go to high school and college and graduate at not only a faster rate, but a higher rate than men, how in the world are you retiring in poverty more than men?

    And speech pathology is not the only career that pays the same as men.. Teachers make the same amount based on the contract they signed with their district. My own district has a pay scale that is based on years of experience, not gender (even though we've been on a pay freeze since I started working there, BUT that's not the point).

    • The point about despite graduating and still retiring in poverty. Im sure with can make the link if you tried.

    • @AriadneSky I can't even understand what you just said.

  • Am I the only female that disagrees with this. It's the same bullshit, tired ass arguements that every feminist has said.

  • ''But it lets take a look into some ACTUAL FACTS:
    -Women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes.''

    Wow... You told a blatant lie with your very first point... nice... Surely you're not fucking retarded enough to not grasp why the 78Cents>Dollar stat exists right? That shit has been busted so many fucking times... even by many females...

    And..''-in 1770, the British Parliament proposed a bill that women using makeup should be punished punished for witchcraft.''

    Yes. Because stupid religious laws from the 18th Century are such massive social issues today... Fucks sake.. Haha.

  • How can women own less than 1% of land when land is considered jointly owned in marriage? That seems like an outrageous overstatement.

    I'm not een going to comment on the 78 cents bullshit. There are plenty of resources available for legitimate research, and after about 5 minutes of reading you'll join us over here in reality.

  • Stopped reading after the first fact... the fact that you believe women earn 77-78 cents less than men shows how poorly informed you are. You're just like every other feminist who believes what they want to believe. You can be shown 300 different sources that says there's no wage gap, and you'd still believe that one source that says there is wage gap.
    Ridiculous. You're just giving feminism a bad name, it's already been destroyed by today's feminists, and you're just contributing to that.

    I just read a few other "fact" and it's more bullshit. Seriously, who's the idiot that believes in all this? Damn the education in the West is dropping soooo fast... or we have too many ugly fat chicks XD
    Stop being bitter and hating men and do some real research.

    • Feminism is about hating men.

  • I think you have been misinformed. The wage gap PLEAAAAASE You really believe that shit? Maybe you should take another look online and dig a litte deeper than comparing all wages men make to all wages women make. How do you say equal pay for equal work but then just compare the pay and not take into account the work at all? Anyway the second thing our mistaken about is that people who are against feminism are against womens rights in muslime countries or other places. That's not the case AT ALL. Anti feminists are against the feminism in North america and Europe that is complaining about things like: Boobs in videogames, Female characters in videogames, dreadlocks on a white guy, trying to take away freedom of speech from anyone that disagrees with them etc. You are trying to make western feminism look relevant by bringing up issues from 3rd world countries and the 19th century. Maybe you should move to one of the countries you mention and actually change something. Also I looked up the highest IQ scores recorded and you're totally lying so gj on that one.

    • lmao yeah people like to bring facts from all over the world to justify shit they do while it has nothing to do with

  • Waste of a mytake.

  • While I appreciate your opinion I would disagree with your post. While you cam state that "blank" is the definition of feminism the term is subjective. Anyone is allowed to call themself a feminist and there is skngle person who can decide whether or not they are. Saying a group of feminist you disagree with "aren't really feminists" is a no true scotsman fallacy. To be honest we should stop focusing so much on labels and instead focus on belief. Who cares if someone who believes in equality doesn't call themself a feminist.

    Secondly, I would look firther into your statistics, there are many reasons besides sexism for why we don't have a 50/50 split. For example, men are much much more likely to run for office, more men runnig will result in more men actually holding positions. The 78 cents per dollar a man makes comes from the measurement of average yearly income for men and women. It is not for the same job. Since men and women work different hours, choose different careers, and place different values in things it is not appropriate to assume sexism is behind the difference. I'm mot entirely sure where your IQ question is trying to get at. The results are not very accurate abd cary greatly at the upper end. That's wven assuming IQ tests are a good indicator of intelligence.

  • You know that the wage gap is bullshit right? Oh, and 1. if feminists were about equality, they wouldn't be calling them feminists, they would be calling them selves egalitarians. 2. If feminists were about equality, they would also be fighting to solve issues where men are disadvantaged, and there are plenty of those. But feminists only seem to care about issues where women are perceived to be disadvantaged. It's as if their interests are only in the welfare of women, hence the name, feminist. You can't say you're about equality if you have a bias and only care about women's problems.

  • Very good mytake, go feminism ;)

  • www.aauw.org/.../

    For the folks saying the wage gap has no proof.

    • I'll also say that although the wage gap exists, we often go about solving it in irrational ways. You can not legislate it. Feminists can however, urge cultural change, and certainly already have.

    • That's proof that the wage gap is bullshit, because you're comparing all women to all men. You're literally comparing married moms who work part time to men working 60 hours a week. You're comparing teaching and English majors to engineering majors. It's a completely irrational argument, one that only works if you have no common sense. Go to a college, for instance, and you'll see that men and women freely choose very different majors, which leads to different pay grades.

    • @RationalMale you obviously haven't done your research, or even looked at the link I posted. Women get paid fairly equally amounts to men at entry level. Beyond entry level, they get paid much less, on average 79 cents on the dollar. I've talked about this before, but this is not because people are overtly sexist, and we can not force change through legislation. Why the wage gap exists, is because women, who are by nature less relatable to their mostly white male managers, have a more difficult time of getting promoted or getting raises. This isn't rocket science. It wasn't all that long ago that women were basically not allowed to work in office environments, outside of administration. So what we have is the people who have worked up to their positions of power being mostly white males. The problem of course, is that if you are a white male manager, just due to human nature, you are more likely to get along with your white male employees, and they are therefore more likely...

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  • There actually is a high-paying industry where women make more money than men: porn.

  • I can honestly say I learned a few things, and I appreciate your myTake. Thanks for posting!

    • You need serious help if you think you learnt anything thing.

    • @bobbyxx Given how many of the facts were historical, I learned quite a bit.

  • I can honestly say, through my studies of writing, that this was written very poorly. What does slut shaming have to do with this article? I think honestly lots of girls are just butthurt. If you sleep with a different person every couple weeks, yes you a hoe. Same goes for guys. Sorry not sorry. Not to mention the fact that stds are a lot harder to avoid if you live that type of lifestyle. Dont say itll never happen. Never say never.

    • Was your post supposed to be example of good writing because all. I saw was character Assisnation. Easy refuge for the faint of thought.

    • Haha very funny. I graduated as one of the top in my class so dont even go there.

    • @grungeoreos wow good for you🙄

  • "Second, I think way too many people have these misconceptions about feminists because they've been misinformed, or they've been scared off because of social media warriors. Whatever the case is, I'm here to (maybe) enlighten you."
    "Women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes."

    My impression from the example I gave, and many others, is that you are the very thing you claim those who oppose your view to be.

    I would really like to respond to this properly but it's just all over the place, maybe you should pick 1 point at a time so it's possible to have a conversation about it.

    • Ah you didn't even read the whole mytake... Anyways women do earn 78 cents every dollar a man makes. It was a American Community Survey which included about 3.8 million American households. It's a very true survey. And you didn't even read the whole mytake psh bye.

    • .. le sigh.. yes I read your take and no the "78 cents every dollar a man makes" is not a discrimination issue that is evidence of us needing Feminism. It is a half truth pushed by Feminists to recruit useful idiots to help push their agenda, just like pretty much everything Feminism does. Don't confuse Wages with Earnings, this is a critical and often overlooked distinction. The cause for he gap is due to choices not discrimination.

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