What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

What Feminism really means; Facts about feminism.

First off, I'm a feminist.

Second, I think way too many people have these misconceptions about feminists because they've been misinformed, or they've been scared off because of social media warriors. Whatever the case is, I'm here to (maybe) enlighten you.

Contrary to popular belief, feminism has nothing to do with belittling men; in fact feminism doesn't support sexism against either gender. Feminism works toward equality, not female superiority.

Feminists respect individual, informed choices and believe there shouldn't be a double standard in judging a person. Everyone has the right to sexual autonomy and the ability to make decisions about when, how and with whom to conduct their sexual life. Meaning: we don't believe in slut shaming.

What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

But it lets take a look into some actual facts:

-Women earn 78 cents for every dollar a man makes.

-Only 17% of the seats in Congress are held by women.

-although 48% of law school graduates and 45% of law firm associates are female, women make up to only 22% federal-level and 26% of state level judgeships.

-Even in the 10 top paying jobs for women, females earn less then men. Only one career, speech pathology, pays the same regardless of gender.

-Despite previous attempts to ratify a UN treaty guaranteeing the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, the U.S. refuses to support an international bill of rights for women signed by nearly every other nation on the planet.

-According to a recent survey, just 20% of Americans consider themselves feminists, approximately 8% consider themselves as anti feminists, while 63% said they are neither. However most respondents (82%) believed that men and women should be equal, with just 9% saying that men and women should not be equal.

What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

-Globally, about 1 in 3 women will be beaten or raped in her lifetime.

-approximately 38% of all murders of women globally are committed by their intimate partners.

-according to the U.N., 99.3% of women and girls in Egypt have been subjected to sexual harassment.

-Over 130 million women around the world have undergone female genital mutilation. This is when girls have either part or all of the clitoris and inner and outer labia cut off, without anesthesia. Often they have part of their vagina sewed up as well.

-approximately 1.2 million children worldwide are victims of human trafficking, and over 80% are girls.

-In ten countries, women are legally bound to obey their husbands. Only 76 countries have legislation that directly targets domestic violence; just 57 of them include sexual abuse.

-worldwide, just 24% of senior management roles are held by women.

-just 1% of tilted land in the world is owned by women.

-in the 1990s, the pop group the Spice Girls introduced the phenomenon of "Girl power," which assumed that women could use society's expectations of female behavior to multiple patriarchy and achieve success through female bonding.

-Some feminists argue that men's liberation should be included in the aims of feminism becuase men have also been harmed by traditional gender roles.

-in 1950, women comprised less than 2% of the U.S. military. Currently, about 14% of active members in the U.S. armed forces are women.

What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

-women are more likely to get a high school diploma than men. In addition, over 60% of college degrees in the United States are rewarded to women.

-Women hold the highest IQ scores ever recorded.

-The first women to run and finish the Boston Marathon was Roberta Gibb in 1966. However, becuase women were not allowed to officially enter the race until 1972, she did not get credit for it.

-the U.S. Congress places in the bottom half of nations governments around the world in terms of women members.

-The fifty-two countries have had a female head of state over the past 50 years, including India, Bangladesh, Sri, Lanka, Pakistan, Liberia, and China. However, the United States is among those who never have.

-America women are twice as likely as men to retire in poverty.

-In Saudi Araba, women are not allowed to drive. However, Saudi women are currently challenging this law.

-in 1770, the British Parliament proposed a bill that women using makeup should be punished punished for witchcraft.

-in Ecuador, abortion is illegal unless you are "demented" or an "idiot." Additionally, the law is often used to criminalize miscarriages.

-About 14 million girls are married before they turn 18. In 2014, an estimated 14 million girls worldwide, some as young as 8 years old, were married.

-in Saudi Arabia and Morocco, rape victims can be charged with a crime such as engaging in illicit sex. Tragically, a sixteen year old in Morocco killed herself after a judge forced her to marry her rapist under a law that dismisses rape charges if the parties marry..

-women are not allowed to vote in Saudi Arabia and Vatician City.

What Feminism Really Means: A Slew of Eye-Opening Facts

-In the early 19th century, married women in Europe and the U.S. had no legal identity apart from their husbands, a status known as coverture. This means that women could not be party in a lawsuit, sit on a jury, own property if widowed, or write a will. Custody was also usually granted to the child's father.

-in some parts of India, roads safety laws do not apply to women. An exemption that kills or injures thousands of women each year.

-in Yemen, women are considered to be only "half a witness" this means that a single woman's testimony isn't taken seriously unless it's backed up by a mans word. Additionally, women cannot testify at all in cases of adultery, libel, theft, or sodomy.

-mothers of newborns are guaranteed paid leave in 188 countries, only 9 countries do not: Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Surinam, Tonga, and the United States.

-The introduction of the birth pill in 1965 helped women choose between a full time career and motherhood, or do both.

On top of all this, I feel like there is a situation where men aren't treated the same way as women. That is: male rape victims.

Another thing is that believing in gender equality also leads me to believe that under the circumstances that we go to war, women should be drafted! That's not beneficial to women but gender equality doesn't always equal positive things.

Hope this helped some of you and maybe the fear of calling yourself a feminist is gone 😂❤️





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15 51
  • Very good Mytake, I support the feminist movement.

    • Have you chopped your balls off in the name of feminism and equal rights for women yet?

    • @advice_guy20 Nope, even feminist girls like balls ;)

    • I doubt you're getting any feminist women let alone the non-feminist ones. You're probably constant mistaken for a member of the LGBT community, 'nom sayin?

    • Show All
  • False data

  • 70% of consumer spending is done by women in the us. This is a huge issue that our society faces. Men are so marginalised by the fact that their wives/girlfriends spend all of their money.


  • Almost every point you make is an outright lie, a willful misrepresentation of the truth, or a non-sequitor. If it wasn't for the heaping piles of shit I would be inundated with if I took the time to to a MyTake to refute your points, by ignorant tools who would rather believe talking points than neutral sources, I would be tempted to tear this bullshit wall down.

    Instead I will retort in one way and one way only: While I do not in any way doubt the need for changing for the benefit of women in third world nations, particularly Islamist hellholes, here, in America, Europe, or anywhere else considered "first world," what is one example of a legal right that men have, that women do not have?

    By the way? Reverse that question, and I can provide an answer: women have the legal right, at any time, to choose to not be a mother. Even if forced to carry a baby to term, she can often put it up for adoption without the father's permission, or simply abandon the baby (at a church, police station, or hospital), and simply walk away, unchalleneged, facing no penalties for choosing to not be a mother.
    A father has no such right. If a child is born, he must provide for it. Failure to do so puts him in prison. He can not, legally, in any way, abandon his duty as a father. Even if he IS NOT THE FATHER. A woman can place any name she likes on the birth certificate as the father. He has something like 21 days to refute this. If he does not refute it in time, he can not be removed. It is also incumbent upon him to find out that he has been named father. There is no legal requirement to ensure a man has been notified and has ample time to refute parenthood. Even in cases where DNA testing has proven the man to not be the father, he has been required, under penalty of law, to continue to support a child that IS NOT HIS. Failure to willingly do so results in garnishing of his wages, and if he moves to avoid that, jail time.

    Your turn. What is a woman legally barred from doing that men may enjoy the right of, under law?