Guys, What is the difference between getting choked vs strangled?

Guys, What is the difference between getting choked vs strangled?
Guys, What is the difference between getting choked vs strangled?
Guys, What is the difference between getting choked vs strangled?
Guys, What is the difference between getting choked vs strangled?
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Superb Opinion

  • Technically it's always strangulation. Choking is purely an internal event from a medical standpoint. Something lodged where it ought not be. You aren't asking your boyfriend to choke you, you're asking him to strangle you, but in common usage "choke" has taken over. Much like nauseated and nauseas.

    • depends if the boyfriend is using his bare hands, a rope or his cock?

    • ha! good point! hands and rope are strangulation, cock WOULD be choking. I stand corrected. Very well played @neilsmart

Most Helpful Guy

  • I think, technically, the difference is: chocked means you do it with your hands and it's just to restrain someone. Strangled is when you use your hands or anything else wrapped around a neck and squeezed tightly with intent to severely harm or even kill someone.

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What Guys Said

  • wouldn't say their is 1

  • Strangled is to death, choked is the action you do to strangle someone I think

  • The rope makes the difference?

    • what do you mean exactly?

    • Choking does not necessarily intend to 'kill', where a strangulation means to cause harm?

  • Usually when you are strangled you endvupbdead.

  • Strangulation is basically what people think of as choking, it's when your airway is being compressed (usually by hands).

    Choking is when an object is obstructing airflow like food.

    But "strangle me, daddy!" doesn't have the same ring to it.