What is your definition of a woman?

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I know this is a controversial topic, and I usually stay away, however seeing as most people yelling here are Westerners, meaning people from Europe and those countries settled by Europeans, especially the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, this needs to be said.
As Westerners, we tend to assume that there are only two genders, woman and man, and two matching biological sexes, female and male. However, many Easterners have believed in five genders for thousands of years. Even Native Americans, the United States' and Canada's original ancestors, believed, and still believe, in the five genders.
I'll put the following in Indonesian terms. They acknowledge three sexes (female, male and hermaphrodite), four genders (women, men, calabai 'false woman', and calalai 'false man'), and a fifth meta-gender group, the bissu.
In case you are confused, view gender as a pyramid, with the bissu at the apex, and men, women, calalai, and calabai located at the four base corners.
To become a bissu, one must be born both female and male, or in other words, hermaphroditic, as in born with both male and female sexual organs. One who appears externally male is internally female, and vice versa.
This brings us to calalai and calabai. Strictly speaking, calalai means 'false man' and calabai 'false woman'. People are not harrassed for identifying as either of these gender categories. On the contrary, calalai and calabai are seen as essential to completing the gender system.
Calalai are anatomical females who take on many of the roles and functions expected of men. Calabai, conversely, are anatomical males who, in many respects, adhere to the expectations of women. However, calabai do not consider themselves women, are not considered women, nor do they wish to become women.
The bissu, calalai and calabai challenge the notion that individuals must conform to one of two genders, woman or man, and that one's anatomy must support one's gender.
Now, to answer the question, a woman is one of two different types of birthing individuals, and one of two primary caregivers who takes care of children growing up in a proper home.
An adult Born a female at birth… Has boobs and a vagina (no Penis)
Like the old days ☺️😌😌😌☺️☺️
Those are hard to find nowadays!😂
@Guardian45 🤣🤣
My question is why does it matter? Why can't we just let people be free?
Well we can't do that. We have to make sure everyone lives a perfectly fair and equal life.
Nobody believes in freedom, so this debate will rage on forever, as we debate the moral implications, the outcomes of not using force to force everyone to act morally and live a moral life.
Leftists need government force because according to them, GENDER is oppressive to women. The concept of man and concept of woman in today's society says women are weak and men are strong and that hurts women in real life.
Can't have freedom because to be free means for women to be abused by our concepts of gender.
The right wingers are anti freedom as well. For them people cannot live a good life unless they live how the Bible says that God says is the right way to be.
God said man is man and woman is woman. They wish to force everyone to live by God's law.
And freedom just takes hit after hit after hit after hit. I hope freedom rises again and fights against all these right wing communists and left wing communists.
you're ALL commies to me.
You are free, you are free to say or do what you want sure, but even that has consequences. The problem I have with this gender issues is firstly I was given the gift as a real female to give life. To grow the planet. With that comes pain, a lot of it, hormones that I have no control over, bleeding for 6 days a month where I can't sleep properly, my hair falls out, the cramps creep up the back of my legs right into my lower back, I have headaches and overall feel like my body hates me, and this is just a period, child birth is a whole new story. You carry the future generation inside of you for 9 months which comes with- brittle teeth, brain fogs, throwing up every hour for months, cravings that you can't control and that will make you hate yourself when your ass gets bigger, stretch marks that make you look like a damn zebra, back pain from the weight of carrying a human inside you and kicking you in the kidney, and bladder which only makes you pee your pants then when we finally push that baby out, 8/10 females tear down there and it hurts like a mother F*, then not being able to sit properly for weeks while you bleed again for 3 months straight and still get up every few hours to feed your new baby while crying non stop because your hormones hate you and just want you miserable... Then menopause... boy thats a whoooole different story. Thats why a man can't be a female. Its my birthright and I own it so when a man stands up and says he is a female he can kiss my @$$ because its my burden to carry and I do it with pride!
Right on, Singing_Hollow!
@Singing_hollow so we aren't allowed to be free because you're mad about Trans people. It's just like I said. The morality police need to ensure their feelings aren't hurt by the freedom of other people. But freedom is the only way. I don't give a shit how much you complain. Everyone has something to complain about. And everyone is an authoritarian who needs to force others to abide their your own personal beliefs. And that's why this country and the world is taking a turn for the worse. Not because Trans people are ruining the world. But because authoritarian like yourself wish to project your emotional irrationality onto other people.
A woman is an adult human female. Typically, women have reproductive anatomy that includes structures such as ovaries, fallopian tubes, a uterus, and breasts. From a biological perspective, women are capable of conceiving and bearing children.
However, it is important to note that gender is not solely determined by biological factors. Gender identity is a deeply personal and individual experience. Some individuals may be assigned female at birth but identify as a different gender, while others may identify strongly as women.
Gender identity is a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors. It is a deeply ingrained sense of being male, female, or another gender that is independent of one's physical characteristics or assigned sex at birth.
It is essential to respect and acknowledge individuals' self-identified gender and their right to define their own experiences and identities. Society's understanding and recognition of gender have evolved, and it is important to embrace and support the diverse range of gender identities and expressions that individuals may have.
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What's Your Opinion? Sign Up Now!personally, I would say there are 3 genders, male, female, and intersex, biologically speaking. But at the same time, why can't we let people live the lives they want? If someone would like to go by the pronouns "they/them" why can't we be respectful of that? Have your opinions but also be respectful of other peoples decisions because it has nothing to do with your life.
I don't give a shit. I'm not a sociologist. I just wish people would stop trying so hard to hurt & restrict women under the guise of "protecting" them.
2 X chromosomes
I think people should dress& act however they want. Stop attaching it to something you would have to call in Dr Frankenstein to change just be yourself.
A human with 2 "X" chromosomes.
She was born with a female body. No Y chromosomes. She has female bone structure, a uterus, ovaries and a vulva. She has natural female hormones and developes breasts and a female shape, and begins menstruating at puberty. She can get pregnant, bear children and nurse them unless she has a physical abnormality.
Superb Opinion