Guys, What is your penis girth?

Guys, What is your penis girth?

Below 4 inches
Vote A
4-4.4 inches
Vote B
4.5-4.9 inches
Vote C
5-5.4 inches
Vote D
5.5-5.9 inches
Vote E
6.0-6.4 inches
Vote F
6.5 or over
Vote G
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Girl Guy
0 0

Most Helpful Guy

  • 5.25 inches I actually measured once, anything a lot more is probably lies or they will never get it in

    • Well I am 5.7 and I am definitely not lying 🤥

    • Well that's Within reason so I don't think you're lying, it's the ones that are way more than that I mean

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What Guys Said

  • 5.7"

    • Is this a good size?

  • 1km😝