What is your sexual orientation?

a. straight
b. mostly straight
c. bi
d. lesbian
e. ace
f. pan
g. confused
h. I don't label
i. other
0 2

Superb Opinion

  • I am Heterosexual and not confused in the least. I am strongly Pro-Hetero and not Anti anything but I recommend you give it a try, life just seems easier when you don't have to put your Hetero'ness off on other people just to feel better about yourself.

Most Helpful Guy

  • H and I, I don't tend to use labels but when I have to choose one, I identify best with hetroflexible, in other words I'm not entirely straight, but I am not bi either.

Most Helpful Girl

  • I am bisexual, but could you define "Mostly Straight" for me? I'm thinking that one should be combined with g... lol

    • I'm usually confused, except when it comes to you, MsL!😏

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What Girls & Guys Said

28 56
  • B or heteroflexible

  • Straight and secure, but heteroflexible by some people's standards.

  • Straight.

  • A) Straight.

  • shouldn't that be a poll?