What makes a guy refuse free sex?

I Live with a guy who helped me through many bad things and he’s letting me stay with him without paying rent, in return he asked me to do chores and cook while he’s at work. I didn’t buy it! So I offered him sex but he refused and told me to not say these things for guys because they’ll try to use me & hurt me. I told him i’ve been there and I’m used to it, yet he said that I value more than what I think & he’ll help me see it. He said I’m pretty & sexy but he’s not gonna use me sexually because I live with him. It’s been 1 month and I still don’t understand.

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What Girls & Guys Said

7 68
  • Cause he's a good guy

    • He is

  • He’s a good man. It’s as simple as that

  • Well there is nothing wrong in being pure

  • Why you are not staying with your family?

    • I can’t anymore..

    • Why is that?

    • They’re gone and my life went to shit since then.

    • Show All
  • He wants you to learn to respect yourself

  • Undercover

  • Id refuse free sex if it was a guy offering it.

  • Take that as a huge compliment and not many guys out there like that these days.

  • It's important to recognize that everyone has their own values and beliefs when it comes to sex and relationships. Just because someone refuses free sex doesn't necessarily mean that they don't find the other person attractive or desirable. In this situation, it seems like the guy is trying to be respectful and protective of you by not taking advantage of your situation or using you for his own pleasure. He may also have personal values or beliefs that prioritize emotional connections and mutual respect in sexual relationships. It's important to respect his decision and boundaries, and to have open and honest communication about what you both want and expect in your living arrangement.

  • Some guys have standards

  • He’s just apparently one of the good guys. A lot of guys would take advantage of the situation and use you for sex. He seems to genuinely want to help you and his advice is correct. Never have sex because you think you owe it. Have it because you want to and the situation is appropriate. Don’t undervalue yourself. I would repay him in the short term by helping with the chores and cooking like he asked (reasonable requests) and then work to better your situation, so that you no longer need his help. Let the help bear fruit. Make it a hand up and not a handout, if that makes sense.

  • I had to cringe about the free sex part.

  • Same as a woman. There's no connection.