What masculine men are rejecting, modern women

The reasons why men are walking away from dating. Western women are multiple.

What masculine men are rejecting, modern women

1 western women have been Majorly corrupted by feminism and no I’m not talking the feminist of the 1910s who wanted the right to vote I’m talking about modern feminism. Modern feminism has believe that they can be as promiscuous as they want to be go online and show their ass in a thong or a recent trend that I’ve noticed is, they’re wearing see-through dresses without panties, showing their pussy to the world. Men don’t want women to do this and want women who are modest doesn’t mean you can’t go around wearing cute outfits or tight clothes, but it doesn’t mean we don’t want women who post provocative pictures online for other Radom guys to wank off to. We don’t want women who do this and this is a “modern” women guys want to be the only ones to see you naked or in a bikini. This is only 1 reason why men are avoiding the western women.

2. Women aren’t bringing anything to the table, both literally and figuratively. Men are the expendables sex. If we wanted to eat McDonald’s every night we would just go to McDonald’s every night after work. We want women to cook for us clean for us take care of the kids and household while we’re out making money so we can provide for you and our kids and not have to worry about you going off and sleeping with some other guy. Not all men make a 6 figure income, the majority of men are working construction or jobs. I will likely get us killed. Women complain about how’s there not enough women in science or business but you never seen them complaining about how on the oil rigs or working construction or working in factories or truck driving. It doesn’t mean that there’s no women in these fields but let’s face it they’re about 95% man but you never women complain about inequality in these fields. Yet most women want that 10% of men who have the cushy jobs like being a lawyer, or a doctor, or a businessman who’s making a 6-7 figure income.

3 the Metoo movement screwed dating. I’m not talking about the Harvey Weinstein’s or Jeffrey Epstein. Yes, those people needed to go to prison I’m talking about the ugly guy who’s said a woman was cute were beautiful and then you’re calling him out for a sexual harassment because you don’t like the way he looks. So if a guy who doesn’t look like Chris Hemsworth or some hot celebrity approaches you you immediately go to HR and accuse him of sexual harassment for trying to call you cute or try to flirt with you in anyway. Don’t want to lose their jobs. Need those jobs in order to survive we don’t need you. If you were not interested in a guy, let him know I don’t immediately go to HR like a lot of women are doing nowadays because you don’t like the ugly guy hitting on you. So pretty much a good amount of men have completely given up dating because of the me too movement. If you guys actually sexually harassing you like when you tell him to please stop hitting on me and he doesn’t stop that’s when you go to HR not a one time flirt.

4. Western Women, for the most part thing is that they are some sort of prize to be won. You’re not they are, you’re here and you’re convent you in our state at our work, you the girl working the checkout stand at the local supermarket, you not Margot, Robbie you’re not Heidi Klum you’re not Emma Watson or Natalie Portman you are the girl at the checkout stand and then when you complain that no guy wants you, you blame the patriarchy. But this is what modern feminism has taught you maybe if you acted like a woman in the 1950s. Men would actually give you the time of day, and actually don’t want to go out and party and fuck every single woman he meat at the club. You complain about men who do this without realizing yes these guys are fuck boys. These guys are the ones that want to fuck you and leave. I just want a traditional woman.

5. The west and western women have massively this incentivized man from getting married and staying with you providing for you helping you raise the kids. We know if we marry you there is a high likelihood That you will divorce us, and and we will get stuck paying you and lose our children. 100% of marriages are proposed by men 90% of divorces are proposed by women. And 50% of marriages end in divorce in the west. And with no fault divorce and you getting paid for marrying us there really is no reason to marry a woman in the west. Because there is a very high likelihood that you will divorces you will get paid from our paycheck. And if we do find another woman, and marry her, you still get our money, and if that woman divorces us, we have to pay both of you just for saying yes to our proposal for marriage in the first place. So tell me what is the incentive to marry a western woman? The reality is there is no incentive unless we want to be broke. Sure, the Nick Cannon’s of the world can do that your average guy making 60 grand a year cannot so there’s no point in marrying you there’s no point in dating you. And when I see you, I mean women in general in the west. The women that are actually getting man and settling down and having happy life. Are traditional conservative women. Feminism has lied to you. Feminism has made you unhappy women in the west need to reject feminism all together we aren’t you having the right to vote.

6. without you rejecting, modern feminism men will literally look elsewhere in the world for women to marry south east. Asia is a great place to find traditional women who want to come to the United States, and are happy that western men are going to the countries and marrying them instead of the toxic women in the west. Have a great places are the Nordic countries believe it or not Swedish and Finish and Russia women are very attractive. We would rather have those women than western women we would rather have a woman from Venezuela or Colombia or Chile because again these women are more traditional women. South America is very Catholic, so maybe you should abandon the idea of modern feminism and go back to being the traditional 1950s housewives That men actually want instead of trying to be like Cardi B or Beyoncé or Britney Spears or Madonna or having a bad attitude of Emma Watson, Natalie, Portman, Dove Cameron. Try to be more like Jenna Ortega is actually more traditional than most women in Hollywood. And maybe you’ll get a man maybe you’ll get married maybe you’ll actually have a happy life and all you have to do is cook clean and raise kids. And yes, this doesn’t mean sacrificing your career for a life that you want with a guy. If you don’t want this life, move to L.A or New York City and be miserable. Hags your entire life. And give up on masculine men go for your little, soy boy, fuck wads and be the girl Boss that you want to be.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Ok I understand you are right, but you have to see the other point what made woman become like this, when they was at home cooking for you, being a good mother, cleaning the house doing everything to make you happy, y’all took us for slaves, oh yea because Im the one that goes out and provide for you, so yeah I deserve everything, ok at least you provide, let’s go to the other men that leaves good women behind with kids and everything without a house without money, just because they are bored of their women, because she is not pretty enough since she have kids. Of course still they are good men and women, they are still traditional woman who will work and still cook for you and make you happy but y’all dont like that type of women. Because that type of woman knows how to draw a line, she knows she will be your equal not your slave. I understand your point I know what are you saying but look the other way of the picture what made modern woman become like that, I dont think it is because of feminism. Thats my opinion

    • You’re some what right. A lot of this derivatives from the sexual revolution of the 1960 and 70s and the loss of the Christian structure that guided our society since its inception. I’m not religious myself but there is truth to the idea that the America was founded as a Christian country. Even John Adam said “our constitution system was build for a moral and religious people and it is inaccurate for any other” but it really started with the baby boom generation, and really haven’t gotten better. Even women in polling since the 1970s have said that women are getting more and more depressed. It’s not like women did have roles outside of the home (going back to the Adams family again) Abigail Adams used to d hood and deliver correspondence for the revolutionary army. Theodosia Burr. (Before she was married to Aaron Burr). Was married to a British Army officer and would hand Aaron Burr British tactical and positions to him which he would give to Washington. So it’s not like women were just subjugate and enslaved in the home. The women who went west with there husband during the 19th century were some of the bravest women on earth. But they had there roles that modern women reject today. And again, this all started with the sexual revolution, which was supposed to liberate women and the teaching of Simone de Beauvoir who taught women to reject there stay at home status and go out into the work force. She advocated for forcing all women to do this and not give then the option of raising children and being transitional house wives because if women were given a choice most women would want to be stay at home mom. She was of course a cultural Marxist

    • @mdavila If taking care of ones family is slavery then no man has ever been anything but a slave. Slavery is where you work to take care of someone else's family without compensation.

    • LMAO "Women had to cook, clean, and take care of the kids while their husbands worked. That's literally slavery!" This is the biggest problem with modern women. They expect to be pampered like queens and not have to lift a finger for anything because doing so is LITERAL SLAVERY. Modern women are a joke.

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  • It's feminism and hook up culture and the sex revolution that messed up relations between men and women. I'm conservative and hold traditional values. I love taking care of others and cleaning and cooking. But that doesn't mean I'm going to cook for some random man. I'll take care of my boyfriend and care for him but that's because he put the time for me too. I'm from Cali and it's rare to find conservative men here. I've only met liberals and progressives which is why I'm still single. I hate the democrats because their goal is to destroy the family and the youth. Look at their agenda. They want to teach kids about LGBTQ and drag queens and sex ed at a very young age.

    • Oh if a guy I don't find attractive calls me pretty all I say is "thank you". It's just a compliment and not a big deal.

    • Why not move to a more conservative state? Cali is a hellhole and I would never live there.

    • @SolitarySolace Not that simple

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Most Helpful Guys

  • I don't want a "traditional" woman, I just want some actual equality. You can find women in the west who believe in actual equality. The ones who believe in equal pay and also are okay with paying their half on a date. The ones who don't care if she makes more money than you or if you make more money than her. The ones who want to share household bills and household chores 50/50.

    The real problem is that these women are hard to find in the west. They're out there, but I'm not willing to go looking for a needle in a haystack. I'd rather be a passport bro, because those types of women are everywhere in Asia and Eastern Europe.

  • It's easy to complain about the dating game when you're not getting any action. If women have failed us then stop trying to date. What men need to understand is that you can't control your lust. You want to bang just as much as the girls you're bitter about. Porn and media has brainwashed us into pursuing sex through having game, its no surprise that girls get to pick and choose, cause we as men LET them.

    • You’re not wrong men have been complicit, but women are the gate keepers to sex and western women have prayed upon men’s lust full nature and then complain about how guys don’t take them seriously. I have stopped dating western women. And started dating eastern women. Russian women are way more traditional than western women.

    • I'd rather both have one super-hot and good, caring personality girlfriend/wife and bang her than have sex with double-digit number of partners. Sadly, that kind of girl experience I mentioned is very low in supply in modern days.

    • @KlinkyCoder true this is why I encourage people to try Southeast Asia or Russia

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14 24
  • The implication that women are inherently going to be miserable if they choose to have a career is laughable. Like, are you really that salty that a girl would rather go build rocket ships or run a charity than pop out babies and have you complain about her cooking skills? Ick.

    "Masculine" (and by masculine I assume you mean hyper-conservative, slightly misogynistic) men may be trying to reject modern women, but frankly, they aren't getting the chance. "Modern women" are rejecting them, prompting the desire for a reverse narrative. Dudes put up complaints like this less because they're true than because they feel uncomfortable with the fact that the women around them don't share their "vision" of a happy household. So chill, my guy. Maybe one day you'll find your uber traditional 1950s housewife and if you're lucky she won't realize that she actually wants to become a chemical engineer in the meantime 👍

  • You mean... A dance troupe on performance day vs a dance troupe at a music festival?

    Lmao, no wonder men have no chance today.

    • Or we could go to other countries get a traditional women and you can keep making your provocative tick-tock‘s and never find a man.

  • With a disturbing incel rant like that, I think you're doing every woman a favor by leaving them alone.

    • @SolitarySolace You must be fun at parties

    • Typical modern women can’t take criticism. Do you know how entitled you think you are? You’re 39 years old your way past your prime. Have fun being alone. The only man you will get at this point will be a criminal or a meth addict man or some dude in his 60s at 39 you’ll need to beg for a man to date you. Why because there’s always a younger and hotter and for fertile women than you. Have fun with your 30 cats

    • What masculine men are rejecting, modern women

      I MEAN , YOU TELL ME…. You want to complain about the modern woman having expectations, boundaries, and rules? So you tell me what’s so TRADITIONAL about you. Cause last time I checked that traditional man wasn’t sat on his ass pulling up his phone to consume pornography like some C-KOLD!
      What masculine men are rejecting, modern women
      Oh what’s that? 👂👂 you don’t want to respond to this? 🤡🤡

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  • Men need to deserve all these things they want first, and most simply don’t. You’re trying to get something for nothing.

    • Correct, A lot of men do deserve women like the ones I’m describing. Also the economy needs to help foster the ideas I’m talking about. Back when Elizabeth Warren was not a full blown leftist she wrote a book called the 2 income trap. Which basically states that it’s do to the 2 income economy we have we basically destroy the notion that men can go to work and come home to a stay at home wife. There’s definitely more problems then just the modern women. But again that was all brought in by feminism

    • When men move out of mom’s house, establish good credit, a car and home in his own name, take some therapy, get in shape, kick any all addictions (including porn and video games), earn a provider’s wage, learn how to listen and communicate with a woman, learn all other relationship skills, and lead with service, respect, humility, and empathy then maybe they can start to attract the women they seek.

    • @MzAsh. 🎯

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  • Just a word of warning about Europe. With your attitude, please do not go to any of the Nordic countries which are actually the most advanced in terms of feminism.

    If you want to be a traditional provider, parts of Russia could be fine or why not try Moldova?

    Thailand is a classic, but over there the lines netween dating and prostitution get blurred.

    It is possible that the most traditional women can still be found in rural America, maybe at a conservative convention or church gathering.