What not to say when finding out someone is a virgin

I and other virgins have come together to compile this list of things that we are tired of hearing upon people find out we’re virgins. Some people are cool about it but others like to interject these standard statements that can leave us baffled and not sure what to think. Here are a list of our things we think are not particularly the best to say when you find out someone is a virgin.

1. "You’re a virgin? Wow, that’s so rare!"

What not to say when finding out someone is a virgin.

Also sometimes followed by “you’re like the only one.” Yes thank you for making me feel like some kind of unicorn. And I have had some literally call me a unicorn.

2. "You should NEVER do it!"

What not to say when finding out someone is a virgin

Why? No, really, I’m actually concerned. Why shouldn’t I?

3. "Make sure you save it for the right one."

What not to say when finding out someone is a virgin

Actually, this isn’t that bad but it’s one of those unsolicited advice things. Frankly, it’s in my hands to do with what I wish.

4. "Don’t get pregnant."

What not to say when finding out someone is a virgin

Thank you?

5. "You must be a good girl/boy."

What not to say when finding out someone is a virgin

This one annoys me. This implies that people who have sex are “bad” and those who do not are “good” when in fact sex is just a natural part of life and doing or not doing it is neither good nor bad. This also implies I live life in a bubble.

6. "Let me guess, you’re saving it for marriage?"

What not to say when finding out someone is a virgin

Maybe, maybe not. Does it matter either way? Is it somehow bad if I was?

7. "You should just hurry up and get it over with."

What not to say when finding out someone is a virgin

Woah, why, what’s the rush? Virginity means different things to different people, for some it’s too special to just “get it over with”.

8. "Stay that way, trust me."

What not to say when finding out someone is a virgin

Trust you on my personal decision, hmm…Nope, nope. And I’m not entirely sure why I should stay this way, either.

9. "Don’t worry, you’ll find the right one."

What not to say when finding out someone is a virgin

This is just a big assumption. I could already be with someone or just not at that stage in my life where I want to find someone.

10. "You’re really pure."

What not to say when finding out someone is a virgin

Just like #5, this implies having sex is impure when it is simply natural.

So that was the list of what not to say to a virgin. But hey, everyone is different. Whilst some may have a problem with hearing the above, others may not.

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What Girls & Guys Said

28 28
  • i would love to marry a virgin.
    but i would also like to become a billionaire and i think i would have an easier time becoming a billionaire then ever finding a western girl that is a virgin.

    • let me ask you this. Are you a virgin? if not then I don't think you can say that you want your partner to be.

    • nope, but that doesn't mean i can't want a virgin. that and i am a man, i have to go out and get vagina. ladies can just open their legs and receive dick. so no it's not the same thing. and i ain't no man whore. i've only had sex with one girl.

    • wtf man? girls have to seek out guys just as much as guys have to seek out girls (also this is really heteronormative. some girls like girls and some boys like boys so?). Like a lot of guys have never asked anyone to have sex with them and it just happens. And some girls (such as myself) would really have to search far and wide to find someone who is attractive (as in that they personally think is attractive) and also willing

    • Show All
  • I'm a virgin also

  • "1 universe 8 planets"

    • Wow how did I miss that :/

    • Seeing that made my jaw drop. What the actual flock.

    • Well mister smartypants, how many planets are there? :-P They probably meant in the solar system, which is true.

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  • I wish I wasn't a 19 year old virgin. All my friends have had sex before and I've never had a boyfriend. I must be the ugliest woman on earth because I knew a girl who was considered fat and ugly and she had sex with her boyfriend at 18.

    • Don't think like that, it has nothing to do with that. I'm 21 and still a virgin, it's perfectly ok. For some reason society likes to think there is some kind of timeframe for romantic experiences (first kiss, getting a boyfriend/girlfriend, having sex, etc.). There is no timeframe, experiences happen at any time. You are only 19, it could happen next year for all you know!

  • Cool take 👍

  • Funny pictures you have chosen

  • Virgin, too☝🏻️☝🏻

  • How about the one: Are you relligious?

  • I also find myself with the constat questioning about that. Some believe how com I haven't had sx at all if it is because I dont like me or im saving or what it is because in this age being a virgin is rare. SOme guys even do not lke virgins you know becae they wantsomeone with experience as them, because they dont like to teach things to the lady. An even more rare is to find in this age 40 something virgins I dont get why is so wrong to being a virgin and why some men donot like virgins. Ther is this guy I met 5 mos ago we were starting to get to know each other we even went out on the first dae, we even made out but I believe he wanted somehing more but he never said it directly to my face, so I ssume he was not looking for that even if he did want it. I do believe that the more dates we have priobably adn eventually we will end up having sex, or at least sleeping but not intercourse, but that will come as more we get to know each other he has had sex before not me. But recently he told me things between me and him is not going to work, he never told me directly why or gave me a reason for his statement. I assume it was because he thought I was too innocent or too naive or not tat woman bold in my 40´s which I heard women in theri 40s in these times have to be bold. What do u think?

    • I have a feeling it may have indeed been because he thought he wouldn't get from you what he wanted. I read somewhere that some guys feel taking away a girl's virginity is "too much responsibility." (guys, let me know what you think about this). There's also the rumour that virgins will become clingy afterwards or that they don't want to "corrupt" or "taint" us. It really is all awful stereotypes.

    • @take owner. i never told the guy i was a virgin iI had to lie to him and told him back then that I had 2 previous relationhiops with someone, if i did tha was becaus he will never ever believe thta a pretty girl like me in my 40´s is still a virgin and if I told him so he will back off when I really wantet to keep getting to know him because I like the guy and I felt for s hints he felt attracted to me, but he is a guy of course..

    • I say his loss, he missed out on someone awesome.

  • 1 universe, 8 planets... who the hell wrote that...

    Not mocking your take, that just annoyed me.

    • I have no clue, I couldn't find a different picture so I just used that one

  • Just don't point out how much of a loser I am, and we'll be good.

  • "Maybe, maybe not. Does it matter either way? Is it somehow bad if I was?"

    Yes, sex before marriage is bad, it's just become so naturally in this corrupted world to become like animals. Follow your animalistic instincts they say, right and that is why we have 40 million abortions annually, STD's infection in the hundred of million annual, people are living alone as single most of their most fruitful years and live the life being unhappy despite total animalistic freedom.

    Well good luck following your instincts without any moral guidance.

    PS: Nothing personal, is minder for all who thinks sex outside marriage does it matter.

    • Sex before marriage is not bad but not practising safe sex is. People just need to use the proper protection to avoid pregnancy and spreading STDs.

    • I disagree sex before marriage is bad, safe sex does however as you say provide protection to avoid pregnancy and STDs, but not the emotion issues you are all frighting. Constant stress over dating, new partner, then break up new partner, then break new partner etc. etc. do you become happier, I think not. So yes I think it is bad, even if God doesn't exist, that kind of lifestyle is bad for the human psyche and society at large.

    • What kind of emotional issues? The one the Bible forced on you? Unless you're some religious prude, sex between lovers feel no different than sex with a spouse. And as long as everyone give consent and feel good, I fail to see the emotional issues. Break-ups I agree but that's a whole different topic and thus irrelevant. Even fuck buddies are only screwed if they go beyond what they agreed on in first place.

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  • Actually, most of the comments I get are rude. Like 'you're such a prude' like wtf? How am I a prude? Or 'you're missing out' etc. These comments usually come from girls...

    • I've had "You're missing out" from a friend before and my other friend chimed in and said "No, you're not. Dick will always be there" XD

    • Haha nice :)

  • Im a virgin and i literally dont mind a single one of those

    some of them are actually nice

    • Everyone is different of course, I find #3 is the one that doesn't really bother me as much.

    • THUMBS UP :D

    • thank you xD