What Will it Take for Male Victims of Sexual Abuse to be Taken Seriously?

This is a controversial issue that is rarely or never addressed. A lot people assume that men can't be raped due to ignorance and or stupidity. They assume an erection means he enjoys it. When the rape is discussed in public, people instantly assume "male perpetrator and female victim." They forget about female perpetrator and male victim, or male perpetrator and male victim.

What Will it Take for Male Victims of Sexual Abuse to be Taken Seriously?

If a man is raped by a woman he will get laughed at. However people still deny that, even if they know it's true. Those people that laugh at men probably know that men can get raped but they don't value men's rights. They value women's rights more than men's rights.

What Will it Take for Male Victims of Sexual Abuse to be Taken Seriously?

If a guy does make a report that he was was raped by a woman, he will either get laughed at, get his sexual orientation questioned, or get in trouble. Worst case scenario, he will suffer all three.

What Will it Take for Male Victims of Sexual Abuse to be Taken Seriously?

We currently hear stories of men groping women but when women grope men there is no outrage, we're is the outrage?! By this pathetic logic, we are suppose to like being touched just because we are men.

What Will it Take for Male Victims of Sexual Abuse to be Taken Seriously?

The CDC(center for disease control) states that more men are raped than the statistics say but men are afraid to come forward due to the reasons I stated above.


What Will it Take for Male Victims of Sexual Abuse to be Taken Seriously?

"If you are erect, then you want to engage in sexual activity." Obviously people who say that just don't know how a man's body works. An erection can easily happen even from a gentle touch down there. Whenever a man goes to get his prostate checked by a doctor (digital rectal exam), he may experience a erection. Erections can be voluntary or involuntary.

What Will it Take for Male Victims of Sexual Abuse to be Taken Seriously?

"At least men don't get pregnant from rape." No, really? Of course men don't get pregnant but they do suffer mental trauma and can get a STD.To think one gender has it worse is just pathetic.

What Will it Take for Male Victims of Sexual Abuse to be Taken Seriously?

There are many ways women and men rape men. One is violence: a group of women and or men may restrain a man while one of those women or men performs sexual acts on him. Another one is drugging: a woman or man may drug a man's beverage and after he drinks it, he will be defenseless. Another one is psychological pressure: the woman or man may threaten to him by telling him "I'll tell everyone that you are gay." (No offense to gay people by the way) Another one is dominance: if the woman or man manages to overpower the man, this usually happens if the man is scared and doesn't know how to defend himself/doesn't have fighting skills.

What Will it Take for Male Victims of Sexual Abuse to be Taken Seriously?

I'm in appalled that so many people are oblivious to male sex abuse, or perhaps people don't care. Thankfully I've never suffered any kind of abuse but I still show sympathy to the men that have suffered any kind of abuse.

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29 39
  • So if a woman try to rape me and I beat her ass would I be punished for that? I guarantee you people will call me a coward for that... am I wrong?

    • Only the white knights and feminists would be triggered by it.

    • white Knights are a bunch of pussy, but you're right about that

    • And the judge would also think that, and you'll be punished for beating her. And she would cry in court, and nobody would believe that she was trying to rape you.

  • We should stop making jokes of men that experieced rape. No he was not a pussy or whimp or anything like that. Often if you get raped you freeze up. You can´t do anything

  • I think it's horrible~ We need to change the culture in our society~!

  • I take this issue very seriously but I don't know many others that do. It makes me furious when people think it's funny or not a big deal.

  • Man can and do get raped by women. However, law enforcement and
    the courts turn a blind eye.

  • It was a very insightful good take.

  • How do men even get raped by a women?

    • "There are many ways women and men rape men. One is violence: a group of women and or men may restrain a man while one of those women or men performs sexual acts on him. Another one is drugging: a woman or man may drug a man's beverage and after he drinks it, he will be defenseless. Another one is psychological pressure: the woman or man may threaten to him by telling him "I'll tell everyone that you are gay." (No offense to gay people by the way) Another one is dominance: if the woman or man manages to overpower the man, this usually happens if the man is scared and doesn't know how to defend himself/doesn't have fighting skills." that's part of my take.

    • Smh 😭

    • Imagine a grown Big woman dominating a younger man. Imagine that the woman is carrying a weapon (knife/gun), depending on the situation, there isn't much the man can do. Also, this is imagining a situation that you don't want to happen, because let's face it, you're not attracted to every girl out there that will physically dominate you. Of course this depends on the place it happens, but the guy may be trapped, or drugged/drunk. I think that as soon as violence is used, any man would no longer want it, especially cause they wouldn't treat you with care. They'd probably leave marks and bruises down there at that point. Also if you sort of fail to perform, there is the risk that they will attack you because of it. I know I pictured quite a rough situation, but it's not rare that you hear on the news that some woman chopped a penis off. And it's usually someone close to them.

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  • Go hell, rapers and molesters all of them..

  • This happened to me when I was younger the female now has a kid it was a journey to get my self confidence back... Im not innocent I used to play hous e with family members in my teens.

    Women can get away with it ALL the time MEN CANNOT. Chris Brown "had sex" with an older chick at 8 (rape) but NO ONE BATTED A FUCKING EYE!!! Its the world we live in.

  • Even women victim of sexual abuse are not taking seriously so... Everyone think she lied until she prove it

    • Quite the opposite. Communities would stop to no end to hunt and hang a male merely accused of rape before he even gets a fair trial.

    • @Words_and_Wisdom Not in my country. They assume that the girl lied and is a whore.

  • As a victim of this myself, who was laughed at by police when I tried to report it, I'm glad to see this take, even if it brings forth some hard memories.

    I was disgusted to read about Amy Pigface Schumer admitting to raping a guy, and it was laughed off.

    It's a serious issue, and needs to be addressed.

    • If Amy Pigface had sex with a guy and he had a erection, and came, then it's not rape then.

    • @Winrey700 An erection is an involuntary response. The man in question was intoxicated and could not give consent, thus it was rape.

    • @Winrey700 It's pathetic how people refuse to believe men can be raped by women.

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  • I just don't get it. Mostly, I would want it. If not, I am strong enough to ward her off.

    • True most men can ward of women but there are other problems."There are many ways women and men rape men. One is violence: a group of women and or men may restrain a man while one of those women or men performs sexual acts on him. Another one is drugging: a woman or man may drug a man's beverage and after he drinks it, he will be defenseless. Another one is psychological pressure: the woman or man may threaten to him by telling him "I'll tell everyone that you are gay." (No offense to gay people by the way) Another one is dominance: if the woman or man manages to overpower the man, this usually happens if the man is scared and doesn't know how to defend himself/doesn't have fighting skills." That's part of my take.

    • Imagine a grown Big woman dominating a younger man. Imagine that the woman is carrying a weapon (knife/gun), depending on the situation, there isn't much the man can do. Also, this is imagining a situation that you don't want to happen, because let's face it, you're not attracted to every girl out there that will physically dominate you. Of course this depends on the place it happens, but the guy may be trapped, or drugged/drunk. I think that as soon as violence is used, any man would no longer want it, especially cause they wouldn't treat you with care. They'd probably leave marks and bruises down there at that point. Also if you sort of fail to perform, there is the risk that they will attack you because of it. I know I pictured quite a rough situation, but it's not rare that you hear on the news that some woman chopped a penis off. And it's usually someone close to them.

  • if u haven't been living on earth let me tell you that no one takes rape survivors seriously males females kids whatever it is eveyone always thinks it is some sort of joke

  • I agree 100% the definition of rape in the US according to the FBI definition is very sexist. If a female forces herself on a male and forced him to penetrate her, according to the FBI's definition, it isn't rape.

  • When rape of women gets taken seriously...

    So it's never going to happen.

    • Considering that it's constantly compared to murder and the very accusation will ruin a guy's life whether or not he gets convicted, I'd say it gets taken very seriously

    • @Kylesar not without her being called a liar and slut first, humiliated to the point that she backs down from having to relive her torment over and over.

    • @Kylesar Overblown, dramatic Bullshit. Most cases never go to court, never get news attention, never get spread around the community, the workplace, or anywhere. And the vast majority of the time a woman speaks out, she's ignored, belittled, told she's a liar, harassed... And to avoid this, a lot of women never being abused or raped. People SAY they take sexual violence against women seriously. But they don't. Their actions prove otherwise. Men are just in hysterics because someone dare suggests they be held accountable for their actions.

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  • I agree 100%! Men and boys victimized by sexual abuse far more often than it's acknowledged. Sadly, I grew up in a family with a cycle of abuse issues for both the boys and girls. It damages people and is hard to just "bounce back" from.

    As a side note, I always see memes of the Mad Men character Don Draper used inappropriately to represent some idiotic "alpha male" ideal.

    I actually applaud Matthew Weiner, the shows creator for making Don Draper an iconic representation of male rape victims.

    If this image doesn't make you hurt in empathy, you're a heartless person and need to seriously rethink your views on gender and sexuality:


    Boys and men have sexual rights!

  • I think people still support men who are assaulted by another man, but never support men who are assaulted by a woman. Even if that happens to be a young boy and grown woman. I have even seen on TV that an 8 year old didn't really get support when his own mother was sexually abusing him... had that been his father, all hell would have broken loose.

    But, realistically, victims of abuse... even female, the aftercare is not what it should be. Ok i know society as a whole will sympathise more with a woman than a man in that situation, or at least won't say she enjoyed it, but realistically most females know there's no point reporting it and no point expecting support from people around, I know media makes it seem like they're supported but look up statistics and they aren't or ask any female who's been through it and most will say they aren't. And tbh, if even females get that little support and after care, I can't even get my head around what must be happening to men. I mean, at least with females the worst we'll get is "you asked for it, what were you wearing?" with men, they'll actually hear "ohh lucky you!" or "ah you're so lucky, I wish that was me" and stuff if the perpetrator is female, and if the perpetrator is male then it's like this taboo thing nobody is meant to speak about.

    Well, honestly, female abuse was never taken seriously and it only took one generation to change it. I believe our generation can change it for men. All it takes is open discussion about it, and slowly things change. And things like this Mytake are one of the things that help it change.

    • Feminists believe that men can't be raped but still claim to be egalitarian, feminism is the main reason why men's rights aren't taken seriously.

    • Opinion owner. You have said it like it is , and I see these same things sometimes too. You're optimism seems good in terms of what should be more or less expected from the next generation or so.

  • This topic pops up once in a while here but honestly, before anything else and before having people standing up for you, you actually have to prove it exists. I'm not saying it doesn't, but since the concept of rape is associated with females, you've got define what male rape is.

    So now you're just gonna call me ignorant and all that, but actually realize that if historically - in hundreds and thousands of years - that concept isn't even thought of, then there must be a very strong reason for it.
    What defines male rape? Penetration?
    Who are mainly the culprits? Ninfomaniacs? Other men? Spouses? Family?
    Where does this happen? In prisons, in broad daylight? What's the percentage of the male population affected by it? Are the victims adults?

    I'm sorry, but these are very pertinent questions in my opinion. It's not like even women don't undergo medical exams and whatnot to prove thay they were really raped, and prove they tried to fight back and prevent it from happening.

    • Typically, female-on-male rape cases I've come across tend to circulate around a woman doing things to a man's penis that he doesn't enjoy or want. You COULD also define penetration along the same lines, i. e., using objects, though how often that happens is completely beyond me, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say: Quite rare, purely because most men would have punched her out by that point. If you're saying it doesn't... Happen, it does in fact happen, you can probably do a five second Google search and discover that. In fact I've even viewed one particular video of a dude who's basically drunk to the point where he can't stand, and some rather obese woman pulled down his trousers and basically tried to ride him. The guy didn't verbally consent because he was too drunk to, and he didn't exactly seem aroused or "wanting it." Define that however you will, it wasn't exactly a pleasant video, by any means. Incidentally, male-on-male rape is VERY real, you can find many cases of that.

    • @RexCatholicissimus In case you haven't noticed, I never said I don't believe it happens nor am I being sexist. That's typical, huh? Trying to belittle what I'm saying because I'm a woman. Boohoo. As for that video, it wouldn't probably legally classify as rape because the person didn't say no. Male or female.

    • Feminists are skeptical that men aren't raped. The proof is everywhere that there are men that have been raped yet you refuse to believe it.

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  • 3 of the main things my mother always preached to me was that both genders are equal, that rape is the worst thing a human can do to another, and that she will always support me no matter what. Naturally, when I told her about how my girlfriend had emotionally blackmailed me into sex, she was anything but supportive. She told me to get over it, and in the same breath she told me that I would be dead to her if I ever did something like that to a woman. I still love my mother, but I hate what our American society brainwashed her into just because she was born female.

  • Men themselves need to take them seriously. Let's start there.

    • We are but nobody cares. Besides a lot of men are starting to stabd up against the misandrists.

    • Whenever some adult woman has sex with an underage boy, looooots of me congratulate him and complain when some people qualify it as rape. Because "he's a normal teenage boy" and all teenage boys are horny. Hell, even the fathers of some of my male classmates took them with prostitutes at age 15. So I stand by my opinion.

    • It's only the white knights/male feminists that have that attitude. Why do you think there are the men's rights activism and MGTOW movements? It's to combat misandry like feminism.

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