What Women Shouldn't Do 48 Hours After Sex With A Man

What Women Shouldn't Do 48 Hours After Sex With A Man

After the physical intimacy you shared, you can't help but feel further connected to your man of choice.

However, there's just one problem, It has been 48 hours since your passionate sex session and you still haven't heard from him.

Although 2 days isn't forever, it sure feels like it as you anxiously wait by your phone anticipating a text or phone call from him.

Before this point, you heard from him almost instantly. This leads you to believe that something is not right.

As time continues to progress, you become even more upset.

What Women Shouldn't Do 48 Hours After Sex With A Man

You begin to ask yourself a million questions, some of which are:

"Is he really as into me as I thought?"

"Did I do something wrong during the night?"

"Did he think the sex was bad?"

"Was I used for sex?"

You can no longer take it any more.

The coldness in the air is killing you.

You decide to reach out first and this is what you do:

What Women Shouldn't Do 48 Hours After Sex With A Man

1. Show entitlement

When you have intercourse with someone that is not your boyfriend or husband, you should not expect anything more from them than just a good time.

Sure, it'd be thoughtful of him to text you several hours after or even a day later, to let you know he's thinking of you or had a great time.

But the reality of the situation is, he doesn't want to do that because he doesn't want to give you a false impression. As of now, he sees you as a girl he can have fun with. If he has too strong of an approach, he will mislead you into thinking he wants more.

Texting this man 48 hours after sex and demanding to know why he hasn't texted you sooner, will further put that person off.

Since when did you two exchange vows?

What Women Shouldn't Do 48 Hours After Sex With A Man

2. Text him repeatedly

Since the sex you two shared, your feelings for this guy has evolved. The bad part here is that, you expect to be his top priority. You cannot see just a good time for what it was.

You get jealous when he makes plans with other people.

You get upset that you see he is active on social media and still hasn't messaged you.

You get upset because he is taking forever to return your phone calls.

You thought sex would somehow change those things but it didn't.

You see, you're still not in an official relationship with this guy.

He only wants to live in the moment.

The sooner you understand that, the easier this will all be for you.

Texting him repeatedly is only going to allow him to assume that you are needy, clingy and desperate.

If you can't handle being seen as just a booty call then this isn't the type of relationship for you.

Look elsewhere!

What Women Shouldn't Do 48 Hours After Sex With A Man

3. Say too much too soon

During sex the main hormone that is released is oxytocin (the love hormone). It is produced in higher levels in women than in men. When oxytocin is released it allows us to feel bonded to our love maker. This is why a significant amount of women may feel "connected" or "in love" after intercourse.

The main hormone that is released when men have an orgasm is dopamine (the pleasure hormone). The chemical differences between us is a significant factor in why men and women (in general) carry a different attitude towards sex.


It is not wise to send messages spilling your heart out and saying how much you love or care for him.

Please do not confuse your emotions with love, it is only lust.

If you didn't feel this intense before the sex, then understand what you feel now is something that will pass in due time.


The fact that you feel so strongly and you aren't in a official relationship with him is enough to scare him off.

All relationships have the ability to change with time, but right now see it for what it is, it is a causal sex relationship.

Take things cool and easy.

What Women Shouldn't Do 48 Hours After Sex With A Man

If a man is truly into you he will let it be known from the get go.

You'll never have to question anything because he will show it with all of his actions.

He will not come off distant and aloof.

You both will share an open road of communication.

He will want to spend time with you and things will not always be about sex.

He will show he cares for you in various ways such as: being there for you, listening, and showing empathy for situations you may face.

Even if you start the relationship off as casual sex partners, you will see that for the both of you it will eventually become unfulfilling because you want more out of each other.

When a man truly cares, he'll never keep you questioning.

Related articles: What Men Should Do 48 Hours After Sex With A Woman

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  • I've read this exact content in so many articles it's not even funny. All by mistake, I might add.

    People who engage in casual sex supposedly do not care about rules. Yet this article is about rules.
    If you're looking for a relationship, you shouldn't be engaging in casual sex, should you? It's as simple as that.
    Of course many people are mislead (or fool themselves) and think things are going great, only to find out the real intentions of the other person. Well, in that case, these rules also don't apply and you probably should seek an explanation.

    • No, this article is not about rules. This article is about how to respond to someone who most likely doesn't want to give you the time a day. Don't jump to any conclusions, demand answers, and act crazed. That isn't rules that's just simple etiquette as a human-being. "Of course many people are mislead (or fool themselves) and think things are going great, only to find out the real intentions of the other person." I am speaking about one particular situation. Whether someone is being misled is a whole different topic that can be covered in another article.

    • As for reading the exact same content, I highly doubt it. Did you read similar articles? Yes. The same happens to me when I google a particular subject and read a lot about it, things start to sound repetitive after a moment because the main point is generally the same.

    • Not rules, you classify it as etiquette for when for when engaging in casual sex. Better call it advice because, as logic would say, no etiquette applies. Casual sex = animalistic instinct You can doubt it, but it's still spread all over, including GaG.

    • Show All
  • Literally all you said was to not get attached in 3 different? ways. This was so repetitive.

    • So sorry if you need hooked up phonics but each example was very different and pretty much emphasized to either A) Look elsewhere if this relationship isn't ideal or B) Stop wanting more than what a relationship can give you. Poor dear! Too difficult for you to understand the article was more than what you claim it to be. I look forward to reading your writings some day... that is if you're capable of stringing words that make sense together!

  • So I been hooking up with this guy for a year and a half, and I texted him that I missed him. Was I wrong?

    • A year is a lengthy time to have a casual sex relationship, compared to others. I think what you did was sweet. However , boundaries within those types of relationships are important. If he still is only looking at you as a casual sex partner and nothing more. I'd be very careful. I wouldn't want to make things odd by letting him know my feelings are stronger for him than his is for me. I'd try to show I am on the same page because the moment you show you're looking at things differently than he is , the more this relationship can become rather difficult and awkward. If I were to say that I'd miss him I'd elaborate by saying mostly sexual things about him.

  • Exactly! I gave you the dick and that's all I promised to do. Now if you ever want it again, don't be annoying.

    • lol i would laugh if someone said this, honesty is good!

  • I thought this was going to be about the consequences of sex biologically. After sex, the woman should urinate. Urination is part of the body's first line of defense against germs.

    • You concluded that from the title alone? If I ever choose to go in depth about biologically and our body's defenses, I doubt I'll do it on this site because most people seem to be concerned with things concerning dating (hence all of the questions). But that's definitely an interesting topic more people should read about.

    • I took 3 college courses in microbiology. It has turned me into a misophobe.

  • blonde on the right has such nice tits.
    and yeah good points in the take. a girl shouldn't be clingy. I don't date a girl just for sex, but some men do. And girls seem to get clingy after bed a lot more than normal. I personally met a girl that I normally talk, and on the 3rd day we met she asked " what are we? ". It is like "Whaaat? "

  • Wow, way to set women back 400 years


    • "Your man" that's the problem right there. This isn't your man, he is a casual sex partner who has no obligation to you what so ever. If you're looking for someone to be "yours" then get into a official relationship, not a casual sex one and expect relationship treatment from it. You're setting yourself up for a huge disappointment in that sense. Judging by your response , I am positive you read nothing and only the title and you assumed we are speaking about boyfriend/girlfriends. Read a take before commenting. Thanks!

    • It doesn't matter if it's your boyfriend or someone you just met, if they don't have the respect to respond to you and feel suffocated by you then they're a shit person, and this is why at 30 years old, you still have "casual sex partners". Think before writing a take. Thanks!

    • No one said anything about them not responding to you. This take is speaking about a woman who is anxiously awaiting to hear from her man of choice but decides to reach out first, and comes off as controlling, needy or desperate because she is expecting too much from a casual sex relationship. I'm not going to resort to low blows in which you just did because I am an adult. It is evident you are a child, not only by your age, but your immaturity and toddler tantrum. You lack the inability to have a conversation without screaming out like a banshee. I am an editor whose job is to directs her takes to a wide variety of age groups. Most people on this site are single and into casual sex relationships. This is why this is written. This has nothing to do with my personal life, and even if I wanted to enjoy that particular lifestyle until I'm 60, what business of it of yours? Move on. Grow up!

  • Agreed and this applies to guys too. Heck some of these rules can still apply even if you don't have sex but just make out for a couple hours and have a first/second date that lasts longer than usual.

    No matter how connected you feel to the person on the first/second date, you need to realize that it's just the first/second date and if you get too serious too soon, then you'll scare that person off and fuck up your chances.

    I had to learn that the hard way when I dated a girl I thought was amazing and last month I had a girl I was seeing who acted super clingy that it scared me off.