When are you old enough to have sex?

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When are you old enough to have sex?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • 18 y old guy has not idea what to do with a girl basically even if he says he knows everything he is lying :)
    its same with girls

    18 y old girl has no idea how to make her boyfriend horny
    my prevoius girlfriend when i was 21 she was 18 , she had no idea how to make my dick hard eventho she was sucking it for 40 minutes xD
    it was laughable for real

    the girl im now in a relationship maaaan she doesn't even have to try hard sometimes it takes her 30 seconds to make me rock hard sometimes like 3 minutes or 5 but its less then 10 always

    its the same with guys if the guy is 18 he won't be able to make the girl so wet that she is almost dripping out

    • "18 y old guy has not idea what to do with a girl basically even if he says he knows everything he is lying its same with girls " ... That's not true at all.

  • The real question is, when are you able to accept the responsibilities and consequences that comes with having sex. Technically, 13 or 14 is enough, depending on the person and how their bodies are maturing, but just because you can make a baby at 13 doesn't mean you should.

Most Helpful Girls

  • legally you are an adult at the age of 18, age of consent is 16, but some people never get to be an adult with their thinking, in may things I was considered an adult long before I was 16, my body was ready for sex before I was 16, I don't think anyone can really say when another person reaches certain age groups, things kick in when they are ready to kick in

  • When you’re mature enough for the responsibility of what could happen.

    • This is the correct answer. That has nothing to do with physical age, as it varies from person to person.

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What Girls & Guys Said

18 22
  • 18, obv. who the hell would think above 16 is a good idea? hell nah. 12? you're kidding right? a baby is going to have a baby. brilliant.

  • Whenever your body is ready. There’s no age limit. I was 16 when I discovered orgasms, before then I had no sexual feelings at all, I never touched myself after puberty started.

  • I became sexually active at 15. I would your high school is a good start point (but not necessary).

  • "Old enough" is a matter of being educated, responsible, and mature. It does not happen at one age for everyone.

  • I highly recommend it as a 15th birthday present...